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1. Без обид Movie description
No Hard Feelings (USA, 2023)
2. Свадебная вечеринка Movie description
The Wedding Party (USA, 1969)
3. Уикенд с батей Movie description
About My Father (USA, 2023)
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🔴Чтобы выглядеть уверенно в обществе, нужно развивать свою харизму. Такая возможность есть у тех, кто подписан на –Тихо, я читаю🤫📚
1. The Little Ghost Who Was a Quilt
by Riel Nason
2. Better Each Day
by Jessica Cassity
3. The Next Supercontinent: Solving the Puzzle of a Future Pangea
by Ross Mitchell
4. When You Were Everything
by Ashley Woodfolk
5. Beautiful Hearts Series
by Emma Scott
6. Mein Kampf
by Adolf Hitler Summary
7. Things You Can't Ask Yer Mom
by Lindsey Holland, Lizzy Hadfield
8. Revolution
by Russell Brand
9. Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions
by Russell Brand
1. Ten Drugs: How Plants, Powders, and Pills Have Shaped the History of Medicine
by Thomas Hager
2. The Four Agreements
by Miguel Ruiz
3. The Princess Diaries Series (12 books + 2)
by Meg Cabot
4. How to Get the Women You Desire into Bed
by Ross Jeffries
5. Secrets of Speed Seduction Mastery
by Ross Jeffries
6. Subtle Words That Sell: How to Get Your Prospects to Convince Themselves to Buy Without Pushing, Pressuring Or Pitching
by Ross Jeffries
7. Remember Me?
by Sophie Kinsella
8. I've Got Your Number
by Sophie Kinsella
9. Love Your Life
by Sophie Kinsella
1. The Cousins
by Karen M. McManus
2. You'll Be the Death of Me
by Karen M. McManus
3. The Lexical Approach: The State of ELT and a Way Forward
by Michael Lewis
4. The Horse's Mouth
by Joyce Cary
5. Amsterdam
by Ian McEwan
6. Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behavior
by Kate Fox
7. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life
by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia
8. The Overthinking Cure: How to Stay in the Present, Shake Negativity, and Stop Your Stress and Anxiety
by Nick Trenton
9. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High (3rd edition)
by Kerry Patterson
🔥Топ 100 фразовых глаголов, которые должен знать каждый
Фразовые глаголы, которые точно используют носители в реальной жизни. Учите "живой" английский, а не из пыльных учебников 🇺🇸🇬🇧
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Топ 100 фразовых глаголов
Топ 100 фразовых глаголов
Топ 100 фразовых глаголов
1. This is How You Lose the Time War
by Amal El-Mohtar
2. Sea of Tranquility
by Emily St. John Mandel
3. In Ascension
by Martin MacInnes
4. Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon: How to Be Your Own Best Coach
by Brad Hudson, Matt Fitzgerald
5. The Hunger Games: Four Book Set
by Suzanne Collins
6. Bird Box
by Josh Malerman
7. The Readers' Room
by Antoine Laurain
8. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder Series (4 books)
by Holly Jackson
9. Django for Beginners 4.2 Update
by William S. Vincent
1. Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race
by Reni Eddo-Lodge
2. The Sun and the Void
by Gabriela Romero Lacruz
3. When Pleasing You Is Killing Me
by Les Carter
4. Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series (10 books)
by Rick Riordan
5. Rich Russians: From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie
by Elisabeth Schimpfössl
6. The Dance of Fear: Rising Above Anxiety, Fear, and Shame to Be Your Best and Bravest Self
by Harriet Lerner
7. Marriage Rules: A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up
by Harriet Lerner
8. How the Mind Works
by Steven Pinker
9. Your Fault (Culpable, #2, not official translation)
by Mercedes Ron
1. Леди Баг и Супер-Кот: Пробуждение силы Movie description
Ladybug & Cat Noir: Awakening (USA, France, 2023)
2. Болельщицы со стажем Movie description
Poms (UK, USA, 2019)
3. Джеки Movie description
Jackie (USA, 2016)
Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!
1. Wool Omnibus
by Hugh Howey
2. My Dark Vanessa
by Kate Elizabeth Russell
3. Romancing the shadow
by Connie Zweig
4. The Dream of Scipio
by Iain Pears
5. The Silver Trilogy
by Kerstin Gier
6. Cured: The Power of Our Immune System and the Mind-Body Connection
by Jeff Rediger
7. Kings of Sin (2 books)
by Ana Huang
8. The Night She Disappeared
by Lisa Jewell
9. Aristotle and an Aardvark Go To Washington: Understanding Political Doublespeak Through Philosophy and Jokes
by Thomas Cathcart, Daniel Klein
1. Everything I Know About Love
by Dolly Alderton
2. My Year of Rest and Relaxation
by Ottessa Moshfegh
3. Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982
by Cho Nam-Joo
4. Better Than the Movies
by Lynn Painter
5. The World Atlas of Coffee
by James Hoffmann
6. How to Make the Best Coffee at Home
by James Hoffmann
7. This Much is True
by Miriam Margolyes
8. The Blonde Identity
by Ally Carter
9. The Nature of Trauma in American Novels
by Michelle Balaev
1. Элементарно Movie description
Elemental (USA, 2023)
2. Призрачная шестёрка Movie description
6 Underground (USA, 2019)
3. Лукас Movie description
Lucas (USA, 1986)
Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!
1. Don't Let Her Stay
by Nicola Sanders
2. Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning
by Peter C. Brown
3. The Book of Rumi: 105 Stories and Fables that Illumine, Delight, and Inform
by Rumi
4. A Thousand Splendid Suns
by Khaled Hosseini
5. Rethinking Narcissism: The Secret to Recognizing and Coping with Narcissists
by Craig Malkin
6. The Power of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World
by Tim Marshall
7. Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us
by Rachel Aviv
8. The Spanish Love Deception
by Elena Armas
9. Soldier Sailor
by Claire Kilroy
1. Charlotte's Web
by E.B. White
2. Matilda
by Roald Dahl
3. The Giver Quartet
by Lois Lowry
4. Holes
by Louis Sachar
5. The Phantom Tollbooth
by Norton Juster
6. The Secret Garden
by Frances Hodgson Burnett
7. The Chronicles of Narnia Series
by C.S. Lewis
8. Anne of Green Gables Stories: 12 Books & 142 Short Stories
by Lucy Maud Montgomery
9. The Lord of the Rings Series and The Hobbit
by J.R.R. Tolkien
1. Churchill: Walking with Destiny
by Andrew Roberts
2. The Grandmothers
by Doris Lessing
3. The Off Limits Rule
by Sarah Adams
4. Practice Makes Perfect
by Sarah Adams
5. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
by Simon Sinek
6. Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life: A Former CIA Officer Reveals Safety and Survival Techniques to Keep You and Your Family Protected
by Jason Hanson
7. The Complete Riverside Omnibus
by Ellen Kushner
8. You've Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted World
by Paul Hellman
9. Love on the Brain
by Ali Hazelwood
1. The American Roommate Experiment
by Elena Armas
2. The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches
by Sangu Mandanna
3. Single and Ready to Jingle
by Piper Rayne
4. Right Man, Right Time
by Meghan Quinn
5. Mr. Wrong Number
by Lynn Painter
6. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
by Brené Brown
7. To Love Jason Thorn
by Ella Maise
8. Less Than Zero
by Bret Easton Ellis
9. It's Our Research: Getting Stakeholder Buy-In for User Experience Research Projects
by Tomer Sharon
1. Прошлые жизни Movie description
Past Lives (USA, 2023)
2. Красный, белый и королевский синий Movie description
Red, White & Royal Blue (USA, 2023)
3. Проклятый дом Movie description
The Witch in the Window (USA, 2018)
Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!
Книга Michael Swan "Practical English Usage" - это блестящий справочник, в котором есть ответы практически на все вопросы.
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🇬🇧 If you know English enough to read this text, then you are at least at a pre-intermediate level, and you are ready to start learning some really interesting words and phrases to expand your vocabulary.
You will find plenty of those on the channel Daily English.
Join and start making some use of your time on Telegram.
Cya* there.
🇷🇺 Если вы знаете английский достаточно, чтобы прочитать этот текст, то вы уже как минимум не новичок в английском и вы готовы начать учить действительно интересные слова и фразы, чтобы расширять свой словарный запас.
Вы найдете множество таких на канале Daily English.
Присоединяйтесь и начните извлекать пользу от времени в Телеграме.
Увидимся там.
*Cya - письменное неформальное сокращение от See you.
1. Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions
by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
2. Cracking the Tech Career: Insider Advice on Landing a Job at Google, Microsoft, Apple, or any Top Tech Company
by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
3. The Google Resume: How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple, Microsoft, Google, or Any Top Tech Company
by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
4. Think Like an Artist: How to Live a Happier, Smarter, More Creative Life
by Will Gompertz
5. The Big Book of Words That Sell
by Robert W Bly
6. Everyday Monet: A Giverny-Inspired Gardening and Lifestyle Guide to Living Your Best Impressionist Life
by Aileen Bordman
7. The Secret Book of Flora Lea
by Patti Callahan Henry
8. Oh William!: A Novel
by Elizabeth Strout
9. Economics: The User's Guide
by Ha-Joon Chang
1. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
by Eric Jorgenson
2. 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do
by Amy Morin
3. The Book Of Women
by Osho
4. The Compound Effect
by Darren Hardy
5. The Courage To Be Disliked
by Fumitake Koga and Ichiro Kishimi
6. Think Again
by Adam Grant
7. The Laws of Human Nature
by Robert Greene
8. The Making of Hero: Four Brothers, Two Wheels and a Revolution that Shaped India
by Sunil Kant Munjal
9. Broken Stars
by Ken Liu
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— почему ваш английский не понимают;
— нужна ли грамматика, чтобы заговорить;
— как понимать беглую речь на слух.
Cтарт в Понедельник, 18:00 (по Мск)
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Для регистрации перейдите на сайт и зарегистрируйтесь:
1. The Maze Runner series (5 books)
by James Dashner
2. The Mistborn Saga (10 books)
by Brandon Sanderson
3. Warbreaker
by Brandon Sanderson
4. Six of Crows Duology
by Leigh Bardugo
5. Bring Me Back
by B.A. Paris
6. City of Girls
by Elizabeth Gilbert
7. Four Seasons: The Story of a Business Philosophy
by Isadore Sharp
8. The Practice of Not Thinking: A Guide to Mindful Living
by Ryunosuke Koike
9. The Queen's Gambit
by Walter Tevis
1. 10 Blind Dates
by Ashley Elston
2. Apples Never Fall
by Liane Moriarty
3. Twice Shy
by Sarah Hogle
4. All the Dangerous Things
by Stacy Willingham
5. What Lies in the Woods
by Kate Alice Marshall
6. The Writing Retreat
by Julia Bartz
7. I Followed the Rules
by Joanna Bolouri
8. New World Coming
by Nathan Miller
9. Chai Time at Cinnamon Gardens
by Shankari Chandran
1. Hedonic Eating: How the Pleasure of Food Affects Our Brains and Behavior
by Dr Nicole Avena
2. Food Politics
by Marion Nestle
3. Problem solving 101: A simple book for smart people
by Ken Watanabe
4. The Ambuja Story: How a Group of Ordinary Men Created an Extraordinary Company
by Narotam Sekhsaria
5. Tiger! Tiger!
by Alfred Bester
6. Peripheral Vision: Detecting the Weak Signals That Will Make or Break Your Company
by George S Day
7. Two Can Keep a Secret
by Karen M. McManus
8. How to Be Well: A handbook for women
by Karen Coates
9. Meditations
by Marcus Aurelius
1. The Wind in the Willows
by Kenneth Grahame
2. Humankind: A Hopeful History
by Rutger Bregman
3. Anthro-Vision: A New Way to See in Business and Life
by Gillian Tett
4. Good Girl, Bad Blood
by Holly Jackson
5. Moby-Dick or, the Whale
by Herman Melville
6. Pachinko
by Min Jin Lee
7. A Killer's Mind
by Mike Omer
8. Knockemout Series
by Lucy Score
9. Do-over
by Lynn Painter
Канал для учителей ⭐️
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1. Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything
by BJ Fogg
2. He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys
by Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo
3. Cross-Border Investment Withholding Tax: A Practical Guide for Investors and Intermediaries
by Ross K. McGill
4. The Best We Could Do
by Thi Bui
5. The Minds of Billy Milligan
by Daniel Keyes
6. Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar
by Jessie Inchauspé
7. The Sweet Magnolias Series
by Sherryl Woods
8. Caraval Series (1-3)
by Stephanie Garber
9. The Folk of the Air Series (5 books)
by Holly Black