🏛️Huobi Global
📊Current price: 6.8045
📊Netchg: 0.93%
📈24h high: 6.8097
📉24h low: 6.7279
💎Volume: 19,811,520
🏛️Huobi Global
📊Current price: 0.00074
📊Netchg: 0.00%
📈24h high: 0.00074
📉24h low: 0.00074
💎Volume: 117
🏛️Huobi Global
📊Current price: 0.331838
📊Netchg: -0.22%
📈24h high: 0.333388
📉24h low: 0.33001
💎Volume: 17,132,181
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