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Facts Fever ™

If your house was on fire while you were asleep, you wouldn't wake up. Sense of smell is off when you're sleeping.


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Facts Fever ™

✅❤️No matter what happens, ✨be yourself✨

🪴Whatever happens, whatever people you meet and no matter how much they hurt you, never become worse than you really are.

🪴Find new reasons to move forward

🪴Find a desire to live and smile😄

🪴Communicate with people, don't be afraid to meet new people, try the unusual, the interesting

🪴Appreciate those who support you

🪴Move, be inspired, laugh

🪴Keep a light in your eyes 🤩

🪴Be lively

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Facts Fever ™

The only continent where you can sometimes see the sun green rather than yellow at sunset is Antarctica.


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Facts Fever ™

5 new things that don't already exist that humans couldn't live without.

1. Fluffernutter: a device that instantly removes all stress and worry from a person's mind.

2. Snuzzleglop: a substance that tastes delicious and provides all the necessary nutrients for a healthy diet.

3. Happitize: a process that instantly transforms a negative situation into a positive one.

4. Cuddlepuddle: a warm, cozy place where people can go to feel safe and loved.

5. Gleeblenut: a small, magical object that brings joy and happiness to those who possess it.


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Facts Fever ™


Take a few minutes to make your to-do list and set your intention for the next day.

2. CREATE A MORNING ROUTINE Try getting up earlier to create more time in your day!

Take a few minutes of quiet time for prayer or meditation before the day begins.

Try writing in a gratitude journal or creating other daily gratitude rituals.

Commit to reading (or listening) to a few pages each day to improve your life!

Daily exercise helps with physical health plus mental focus and clarity!

Prioritize to complete the most important item on your to-do list first thing each day!


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Facts Fever ™

According to psychologists, people who watch horror movies for fun and sleep well afterwards are potential psycholopaths. They are more rational and calm when it comes to violent or griefs like death or accident, thinking and acting with the so- called "cold blood".


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Facts Fever ™

The hardest thing on earth is choosing what matters.
― Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees

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Looking at pictures and videos of cats on the Internet reduces annoyance, sadness and guilt more than looking at pictures of dogs and other animals.


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Facts Fever ™

It took the first man to walk around the world four years, three months and 16 days to complete his journey.


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Facts Fever ™

5 Tips that can change your Life:

1) Take 100% Responsibility.
End the excuses & complaints.

2) Spend time in Solitude, Read, Write & Visualise.

3) End ALL Toxic Relationships.

4) Make Peace with your Past.

5) Set Clear Goals, Commit to them & WORK on them Consistently.


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Facts Fever ™

Some snakes survive for up to two years without a meal.


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Dogs wag their tails to the right when they're happy and to the left when they're frightened. Interestingly, there is a scientific reason for this. The left side of the brain controls movement on the right side of the body and vice versa.


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Facts Fever ™

An Ant has 2 stomachs, one to store food for itself, the other to store food to share with other ants.


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Tired  —>  Nap
Sad  —>  Music
Stressed  —>  Walk
Angry  —>  Exercise
Burnt out  —>  Read
Feeling lost  —>  Pray
Overthinking  —>  Write
Anxious   —>  Meditate
Uninspired  —>  Cut screen time


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Facts Fever ™

In Malaysia, there is a restaurant with a discount system based on how thin you are.


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Facts Fever ™

The most searched for tutorial video on Youtube is ‘how to kiss’. 


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Facts Fever ™

The gentleman on the right is Adam Rainer, the only human being in recorded history to have been both a dwarf and a giant. Rainer was born in Austria in 1899 and by the time he was 19 years old, he was 4 ft 8 in (142 cm) tall.

He tried to enlist in the military to fight in World War 1, but was told that he was too short. Then due to a pituitary tumor-which led to an overproduction of growth hormones-he hit a remarkable growth spurt that allowed him to reach a height of 7 ft 2 in (218 cm) by the age of 33.

His US shoe size was size 20 (EUR 53) and his hands measured 9.4 inches (23.9 cm). By the time of his death at age 51, he was 7 ft 8 in (234 cm) tall.


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Facts Fever ™

Treatment for Headaches in 1890s

who would like to take this treatment?


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Facts Fever ™

Six important guidelines in life :

1. When you are alone, mind your thoughts.
2. When you are with friends , mind your tongue .
3. When you are angry, mind your temper.
4. When you are with a group, mind your behavior .
5. When you are in trouble, mind your emotions .
6. When God starts blessing you, mind your ego.


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Facts Fever ™

Every day, your heart creates enough energy to drive a truck for 20 miles (32 km). Over an average lifespan, it creates enough energy to drive a truck to the moon and back.


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Facts Fever ™

If you eat polar bear liver, you will die. Humans can't handle that much vitamin A.


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Facts Fever ™

Spiders are the only web developers in the world that enjoys finding bugs.


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Facts Fever ™

⭕️ 6 Best Questions to Ask  someone You Like :

✅What's something you thought you'd grow out of but haven't?

✅What age do you feel right now and why? ...

✅As the only human left on Earth, what would you do? ...

✅How different was your life one year ago?

✅What is your best childhood memory?

✅What's something you've always wanted to try

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Facts Fever ™

🧐An interesting riddle that is put to everyone who is going to get into the FBI. The task is for people with an IQ above 120. Who is the killer? Pay attention to the details.


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Facts Fever ™

🧠 12 Psychological Advice's ;

🪴 Your 9-5 is someone's passive income. Find new ways to make money and create yours.

🪴 Porn and masturbation is the greatest killer of success.
It stunt and destroy your brain.

🪴 You shouldn't take advice from people who're not where you want to be in life.

🪴 No one is coming to save your problems. Your life's 100% your responsibility.

🪴 You don't need 100 self-help books, all you need is action and self discipline.

🪴 College is a waste of time for 99% of people. You can learn 10x faster from the internet if you use it right.

🪴 No one care about you. So stop being shy, go out and create your chances.

🪴 If you find someone smarter than you, work with them, don't compete.

🪴 Weed has 0 benefit in your life. Blunt will only slow your thinking and lower your focus.

🪴 Comfort is the worst addiction and cheap ticket to depression.

🪴 Don't tell people more than they need to know, respect your privacy.

🪴 Avoid alcohol at all cost. Nothing worse than losing your senses and acting a fool.


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Facts Fever ™

Join for amazing science facts!!💥

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Facts Fever ™

Top 10 Lessons from "How to own your own mind" by Napoleon Hill

1. Creative Vision

Focus your mind intently on one or a few problems and your subconscious mind will reward you with solutions.

It also trains you to recognize the solution when you see it or come across it. Persistence and obsessiveness are essential.

2. Purpose

You must have a definite purpose, an obsessive mission, plans to follow, make use of the mastermind principle (learning from other greats), using the power of applied faith.

3. Traits of a mastermind

• Recognizes favorable opportunities
• Plans every move he makes
• Removes limitations from his own mind.
• Adopts and follows the habit of going the extra mile
• Assumes full responsibility for his own deeds

4. Negotiation skills

The ability to negotiate with others with the least amount of friction in order to achieve the greatest amount of friendly cooperation is the most important skill required.

In other words, human relations that benefit both parties.

5. Effort

Those who have a creative vision make their work appear effortless.

They get what they want with the least amount of effort.

6. Organized Thought

Make an effort to provide your mind with as many accurate and foundational facts as possible.

Habit, social heredity, and mimicry all play a significant role. Be aware of their individual effects on your life and thinking.

7. Emotions

You must train your mind and willpower to be the masters of your emotions.

An emotional mind can´t think like a rational mind.

8. Controlled attention

Controlled attention magnetizes the brain with the nature of one's dominant thoughts, aims, and purposes, causing one to be constantly on the lookout for everything necessary that is related to one's dominant thoughts.

9. Procrastination

You need to stop procrastinating by using the principles of self-discipline, perseverance and definitiveness of purpose.

Remove bad habits from your daily routine and replace them with productive ones.

10. Subconscious

Keep your subconscious mind stimulated.

The mind comes to believe any idea which is repeatedly presented. Make sure you feed your mind with as accurate and foundational facts as possible.


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The cornea of the eye is the only part of the human body with no blood supply. It gets nutrients and oxygen from the air and Tear Fluids.


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Best Psychology Advice's For You👇

📢 Your 9-5 is someone's passive income. Find new ways to make money and create yours.

📢 Porn and masturbation is the greatest killer of success.
It stunt and destroy your brain.

📢 You shouldn't take advice from people who're not where you want to be in life.

📢  No one is coming to save your problems. Your life's 100% your responsibility.

📢 You don't need 100 self-help books, all you need is action and self discipline.

📢 College is a waste of time for 99% of people. You can learn 10x faster from the internet if you use it right.

📢  No one care about you. So stop being shy, go out and create your chances.

📢  If you find someone smarter than you, work with them, don't compete.

📢  Weed has 0 benefit in your life. Blunt will only slow your thinking and lower your focus

📢 Comfort is the worst addiction and cheap ticket to depression.

📢  Don't tell people more than they need to know, respect your privacy.

📢 Avoid alcohol at all cost. Nothing worse than losing your senses and acting a fool.


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Facts Fever ™

Too much fear can kill you.

Humans can die from fear, because the body releases a big amount of Adrenaline which can be toxic in amounts.


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