Всем привет!
Сегодня хотим поделиться с вами главной идеей эффективного чтения на английском языке - задавайте 5 вопросов к любому рассказу, роману и т.д. Читайте, обсуждайте, пересказывайте))
5 W's of any story - WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY
➡️ Just ask the 5 five questions to learn more
About the most important details for sure💡
✅ WHO is the character? WHO is the narrator?
🔴 WHAT is going on? WHAT happened? WHAT is the plot? WHAT is the acion?
✔️ WHEN did it happen? WHEN did it begin? Was it in the past or the future?
❓WHERE is this? WHERE on the map are the characters? WHERE is this happening in fact?
🔜 WHY did it happen? WHY is there action?