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Language Log
Bizarre English-Japanese language confusion
"Australian man claiming language mix-up jailed over Tokyo break-in", By Himari Semans, The Japan Times (10/18/24)
The behavior of the defendant was so peculiar that, even if he was not intending to rob or injure the old man into whose house he broke, he deserves the 240 days detention plus 490 days for a total of two years jail time to which he was sentenced today.
The report repeatedly mentioned that the defendant smelled "gasoline". I wonder if what he was really trying to say was that he smelled "gas".
"gasu ガス" ("gas")
"gasorin ガソリン" ("gasoline")
Daniel Matthew Otto, the defendant, is not denying that he broke into the victim's home by a suspicious route:
The incident occurred at around 11:30 p.m. on June 23, 2023.
Mathew broke into the victim’s two-story house via the roof and balcony, and hurt the elderly man's head while they wrestled. Mathew subsequently fled the scene.
The trial focused on the words used by the defendant because they would determine whether he had intended to rob the victim or help him.
Mathew’s defense team argued that he smelled gasoline when he was passing by the victim's home and had told the 70-year-old man in English to “Go to a door!” and “Can you walk?”
The victim, meanwhile, claimed that defendant shouted “gōtō da” and “kane wa doko da?” (Where is the money?) in Japanese.
On Friday, presiding Judge Jun Shimato ruled that Mathew’s argument was untrustworthy, considering that he tried to unlock a window of the house using a small gardening shovel he found on the balcony and grabbed the victim's wrists when he made his way inside.
If Mathew had wanted to warn the victim, he could have done so through an intercom at the door, the judge said. The defendant also did not call the police when he left the scene, the judge added.
Shimato, in his ruling, said that there was also a likelihood that the victim might have misheard Mathew, since he assumed the defendant was a robber when he entered his home through the window on the second floor.
The victim’s wife and a police officer who went to the scene testified that upon close inspection of the balcony, there was no smell of gasoline, which made Mathew’s account doubtful, effectively making his statements unreliable, according to the ruling.
Prosecutors sought six years' imprisonment for the defendant.
In the end, Shimato handed down a prison sentence for breaking into the home and injuring the man, but not for robbery.
Mathew’s defense lawyer Rie Nishida said she plans to appeal the ruling, describing it as “a very unreasonable decision.”
Mathew himself expressed relief that he was not convicted of robbery.
Nishida expressed disappointment that the court dismissed her client’s claim of having smelled gasoline, which she said was corroborated by police remarks. She says she has recordings of the remarks.
In my estimation, Matthew Otto should indeed consider himself fortunate that he was not convicted of robbery.
Selected readings
* "Law as applied linguistics" (7/25/09)
* "Robberies in Kanto region may be linked to 'dark' part-time jobs" (10/17/24) — the vitims were nearly all in their 70s
[Thanks to Don Keyser]
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Language Log
Frazz on lexical drift
For the past week or so, Jef Mallett's Frazz has been exploring etymology and semantic drift.
The current sequence starts on 10/10 (or maybe earlier):
And then continues onward (so far):
The OED's etymologies for economy and for economic take us back to the Greek οἰκονομία (management of a household or family, husbandry, thrift), οἰκονόμος (one who manages a household; generally, manager, administrator), and οἰκονομικός (practised in the management of a household or family, hence, thrifty, frugal, economical).
And if you follow those links to the entries in the Liddell/Scott/Jones Greek-English Lexicon, you'll see that the "management" in question starts out as the domain of women and slaves, though Frazz and Caulfield haven't yet made that connection.
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Phrasal Verb of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
make out (2)
to hug, kiss and touch in a sexual way
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Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) Smallness of number; fewness.
Synonyms: dearth.
Usage: Despite the paucity of natural resources, the country was able to develop its industry.
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Slang of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
meat market
a place like a bar or nightclub in which people looking for sexual partners can meet
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pen without my understanding it, since the salvation of my eternal soul was at stake.
“God knows that I cannot resist much longer, and He does not help me, although I am on the point of having to commit the unforgivable sin. In His omnipotence He could easily lift this compulsion from me, but evidently He is not going to. Can it be that He wishes to test my obedience by imposing on me the unusual task of doing something against my own moral judgment and against the teachings of my religion, and even against His own commandment, something I am resisting with all my strength because I fear eternal damnation? Is it possible that God wishes to see whether I am capable of obeying His will even though my faith and my reason raise before me the specters of death and hell? That might really be the answer! But these are merely my own thoughts. I may be mistaken. I dare not trust my own reasoning as far as that. I must think it all through once more.”
I thought it over again and arrived at the same conclusion. “Obviously God also desires me to show courage,” I thought. “If that is so and I go through with it, then He will give me His grace and illumination.”
I gathered all my courage, as though I were about to leap forthwith into hell-fire, and let the thought come. I saw before me the cathedral, the blue sky. God sits on His golden throne, high above the world—and from under the throne an enormous turd falls upon the sparkling new roof, shatters it, and breaks the walls of the cathedral asunder.
So that was it! I felt an enormous, an indescribable relief. Instead of the expected damnation, grace had come upon me, and with it an unutterable bliss such as I had never known. I wept for happiness and gratitude. The wisdom and goodness of God had been revealed to me now that I had yielded to His inexorable command. It was as though I had experienced an illumination. A great many things I had not previously understood became clear to me. That was what my father had not understood, I thought; he had failed to experience the will of God, had opposed it for the best reasons and out of the deepest faith. And that was why he had never experienced the miracle of grace which heals all and makes all comprehensible. He had taken the Bible’s commandments as his guide; he believed in God as the Bible prescribed and as his forefathers had taught him. But he did not know the immediate living God who stands, omnipotent and free, above His Bible and His Church, who calls upon man to partake of His freedom, and can force him to renounce his own views and convictions in order to fulfill without reserve the command of God. In His trial of human courage God refuses to abide by traditions, no matter how sacred. In His omnipotence He will see to it that nothing really evil comes of such tests of courage. If one fulfills the will of God one can be sure of going the right way.
(If you read all that, you'll be forgiven for considering it a reason to be satisfied with the "simplification of a simplification of a summary" — though in my opinion the whole thing is worth the effort…)
The comic's mouseover title ("The best part of the book is his descriptions of Freud fainting because Jung didn't believe sex was the cause of everything") is also incomplete and misleading. Here's the relevant passage from the book:
In Bremen the much-discussed incident of Freud’s fainting fit occurred. It was provoked—indirectly—by my interest in the “peat-bog corpses.” I knew that in certain districts of Northern Germany these so-called bog corpses were to be found. They are the bodies of prehistoric men who either drowned in the marshes or were buried there. The bog water in which the bodies lie contains humic acid, which consumes the bones and simultaneously tans the skin, so that it and the hair are perfectly preserved. In essence this is a process of natural mummification, in the course of which the bodies are pressed flat by the weight of the peat. Such remains are occasionally turned up by peat diggers in Hol[...]
Language Log
An unusual view of divine revelation
The middle two panels of a recent SMBC: http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/myl/SMBC_JungScience0.png This might be an (unfair) attack on Blinkist, but it isn't.
It's partly an attack on Carl Jung, and simultaneously a joke about the attacker. Here's the whole of the comic: http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/myl/SMBC_JungScience.png Mouseover title: "The best part of the book is his descriptions of Freud fainting because Jung didn't believe sex was the cause of everything."
And the AfterComic is the relevant quote from Jung's memoir:
Ironically, the comic's treatment of God's bowel movement is incomplete and misleading. Here's more of the context, from Jung's memoir Memories, Dreams, Reflections (translation by Clara and Richard Winston of Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken):
One fine summer day that same year [1886, when he was 11 years old] I came out of school at noon and went to the cathedral square. The sky was gloriously blue, the day one of radiant sunshine. The roof of the cathedral glittered, the sun sparkling from the new, brightly glazed tiles. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the sight, and thought: “The world is beautiful and the church is beautiful, and God made all this and sits above it far away in the blue sky on a golden throne and …” Here came a great hole in my thoughts, and a choking sensation. I felt numbed, and knew only: “Don’t go on thinking now! Something terrible is coming, something I do not want to think, something I dare not even approach. Why not? Because I would be committing the most frightful of sins. What is the most terrible sin? Murder? No, it can’t be that. The most terrible sin is the sin against the Holy Ghost, which cannot be forgiven. Anyone who commits that sin is damned to hell for all eternity. That would be very sad for my parents, if their only son, to whom they are so attached, should be doomed to eternal damnation. I cannot do that to my parents. All I need do is not go on thinking.”
That was easier said than done. On my long walk home I tried to think all sorts of other things, but I found my thoughts returning again and again to the beautiful cathedral which I loved so much, and to God sitting on the throne—and then my thoughts would fly off again as if they had received a powerful electric shock. I kept repeating to myself: “Don’t think of it, just don’t think of it!” I reached home in a pretty worked-up state. My mother noticed that something was wrong, and asked, “What is the matter with you? Has something happened at school?” I was able to assure her, without lying, that nothing had happened at school. I did have the thought that it might help me if I could confess to my mother the real reason for my turmoil. But to do so I would have to do the very thing that seemed impossible: think my thought right to the end. The poor dear was utterly unsuspecting and could not possibly know that I was in terrible danger of committing the unforgivable sin and plunging myself into hell. I rejected the idea of confessing and tried to efface myself as much as possible.
That night I slept badly; again and again the forbidden thought, which I did not yet know, tried to break out, and I struggled desperately to fend it off. The next two days were sheer torture, and my mother was convinced that I was ill. But I resisted the temptation to confess, aided by the thought that it would cause my parents intense sorrow.
On the third night, however, the torment became so unbearable that I no longer knew what to do. I awoke from a restless sleep just in time to catch myself thinking again about the cathedral and God. I had almost continued the thought! I felt my resistance weakening. Sweating with fear, I sat up in bed to shake off sleep. “Now it is coming, now it’s s[...]
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Jon Gabrus: Internet, good or bad? (Inside The FOD Vault Episode 3)
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Phrasal Verb of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
look up (2)
If a situation is looking up, it seems to be getting better.
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Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) A branch that flows into the main stream.
Synonyms: confluent, tributary, affluent.
Usage: This stream in which he stood was a feeder to the Coppermine River, which in turn flowed north and emptied into Coronation Gulf and the Arctic Ocean.
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Language Log
PRC cyberspace authorities fight against bad memes and distorted pronunciation
Judging from these alarming top level official government proclamations, one might think that the Chinese language is going to hell in a handbasket, and it's all because of the deleterious effects of the internet, strict policing of which is absolutely necessary.
Rénmín wǎng: Rénmín rè píng: Jǐnfáng hēi huà làn gěng de yǐnxìng qīnshí
Lín Fēng 2024 nián 10 yuè 13 rì 10:31 | Láiyuán: Rénmín wǎng-guāndiǎn píndào xiǎo zìhao jìnrì, zhōngyāng wǎng xìn bàn, jiàoyù bù yìnfā tōngzhī, bùshǔ kāizhǎn “qīnglǎng·guīfàn wǎngluò yǔyán wénzì shǐyòng” zhuānxiàng xíngdòng. Zhuānxiàng xíngdòng jùjiāo bùfèn wǎngzhàn píngtái zài rè sōu bǎng dān, shǒuyè shǒu píng, fāxiàn jīngxuǎn děng zhòngdiǎn huánjié chéngxiàn de yǔyán wénzì bù guīfàn, bù wénmíng xiànxiàng, zhòngdiǎn zhěngzhì wāi qǔ yīn, xíng, yì, biānzào wǎngluò hēi huà làn gěng, lànyòng yǐnhuì biǎodá děng túchū wèntí.
人民網 :人民熱評:謹防黑話爛梗的隱性侵蝕
林 風
2024年10月13日10:31 | 來源:人民網-觀點頻道
People's Daily Online: People's Hot Comments: Beware of the Hidden Erosion of Slang and Bad Memes Lin Feng October 13, 2024 10:31 | Source: People's Daily Online – Viewpoint Channel Small font Recently, the Central Cyberspace Affairs Office and the Ministry of Education issued a notice to deploy a special action of "Clear and Standardized Network Language and Text Usage". The special action focuses on the irregular and uncivilized language and text presented in some websites and platforms in key links such as hot search lists, homepages, and discovery selections, focusing on rectifying prominent problems such as distortion of pronunciation, form, and meaning, fabrication of internet slang and bad memes, and abuse of implicit expressions.
A similar denunciation of the malign impact of the internet appeared in a sister publication of the central government:
Zhōngyāng wǎng xìn bàn bùshǔ kāizhǎn “qīnglǎng·guīfàn wǎngluò yǔyán wénzì shǐyòng” zhuānxiàng xíngdòng 2024 nián 10 yuè 11 rì 16:00 Láiyuán: Zhōngguó wǎng xìn wǎng [dǎyìn][jiū cuò] ànzhào 2024 nián “qīnglǎng” xìliè zhuānxiàng xíngdòng jìhuà ānpái, wèi zhěngzhì wǎngshàng guójiā tōngyòngyǔyán wénzì bù guīfàn shǐyòng luàn xiàng, sùzào yǒu lìyú wèi chéngnián rén jiànkāng chéngzhǎng de wǎngluò huánjìng hé yù rén shēngtài, jìnrì, zhōngyāng wǎng xìn bàn, jiàoyù bù yìnfā tōngzhī, bùshǔ kāizhǎn “qīnglǎng·guīfàn wǎngluò yǔyán wénzì shǐyòng” zhuānxiàng xíngdòng. Zhuānxiàng xíngdòng jùjiāo bùfèn wǎngzhàn píngtái zài rè sōu bǎng dān, shǒuyè shǒu píng, fāxiàn jīng xuǎn děng zhòngdiǎn huánjié chéngxiàn de yǔyán wénzì bù guīfàn, bù wénmíng xiànxiàng, zhòngdiǎn zhěngzhì wāi qǔ yīn, xíng, yì, biānzào wǎngluò hēihuà làn gěng, lànyòng yǐnhuì biǎodá děng túchū wèntí. Zhuānxiàng xíngdòng yāoqiú, gèdì wǎng xìn, jiàoyù bùmén yào qiánghuà xiétóng liándòng, xíngchéng yīfǎ guǎnlǐ hé zhèngmiàn yǐndǎo hélì, jiānchí wèntí dǎoxiàng, jùjiāo qúnzhòng fǎnyìng jízhōng de wèntí, jùjiāo wèi chéngnián rén děng tèshū qúntǐ quányì bǎohù, chàngtōng jǔbào qúdào, jízhōng qīnglǐ bù guīfàn, bù wénmíng wǎngluò yǔyán wénzì xiàng guān xìnxī, yángé luòshí zhěngzhì rènwù. Gǔlì gèdì jiéhé gōngzuò shíjì, jiāqiáng yǔyán wénzì xiàng guān fǎlǜ fǎguī kēpǔ xuānchuán, chàngdǎo wénmíng yòng yǔ yòng zì, yíngzào quán shèhuì zhòngshì hé cānyù de liánghǎo fēnwéi.
2024年10月11日 16:00 来源: 中国网信网
Language Log
Annals of lenition
What do you hear?
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…or here?
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The context is a clip from the British TV series Taskmaster, presented in "'Your mum's just like…' or 'Your mum's a slag'?", r/TASKMASTER 10/25/2024:
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The source appears to be episode 172, aired 9/12/2024.
The speaker is Babátúndé Aléshé, and what he's saying (in conventional orthography) is
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You're sitting at home, right,
and now your mom's just like
would you like some dessert?
Here's an aligned spectrogram of the first clip:
And the ambiguous audio:
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An explanation of the ambiguity would be a good intro phonetics exercise.
And as usual, translation into IPA is not an especially helpful part of the story.
[h/t Daniel Sterman]
Update — some more context here.
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Slang of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
ace (1)
very skillful, very good at something
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Word of the Day
Word of the Day: arpeggio
This word has appeared in four articles on NYTimes.com in the past year. Can you use it in a sentence?
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Idiom of the Day
have (one's) heart on (one's) sleeve
To openly display or make known one's emotions or sentiments. Watch the video
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Language Log
The Dalles, Dallesport, Dallas
When I passed through this area, it was all very confusing to me, but the local residents have no problem distinguishing the three towns. The Dalles OR and Dallesport WA face each other across the mighty Columbia River, whereas Dallas OR is about 150 miles to the southwest. I met one young man who was born in Dallas OR, migrated up to Dallesport WA, and crosses the bridge every day to work in The Dalles OR because he doesn't have to pay taxes in OR. He has absolutely no difficulty differentiating the three towns and seemed surprised when I told him it was hard for me to keep their names straight.
After talking with him (and others) for several minutes, i figured out the secret for keeping the names separate, apart from the spellings.
In their minds, the "The" of "The Dalles" is pronounced with a higher tone and a stronger emphasis than the following two syllables, and you simply must include it — you cannot just call the place "Dalles"; "Dallesport" is one word, with the first two syllables having greater emphasis and higher tones than the final syllable. And they know well that the name of the third place is pronounced like the megacity in Texas, but has nothing to do with it.
"The Dalles", "Dallesport", "Dallas" — got it?
BTW, the "The" of "The Dalles" is as important and integral to the name as it is for "The Ohio State University".
Oh, and I met a woman here who consistently pronounces "author" as "arthur".
Selected readings
* "The the in The Ohio State University" (9/5/06)
* "Reductio ad THE absurdum" (8/15/19)
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stein, Denmark, and Sweden.
Having read about these peat-bog corpses, I recalled them when we were in Bremen, but, being a bit muddled, confused them with the mummies in the lead cellars of the city. This interest of mine got on Freud’s nerves. “Why are you so concerned with these corpses?” he asked me several times. He was inordinately vexed by the whole thing and during one such conversation, while we were having dinner together, he suddenly fainted. Afterward he said to me that he was convinced that all this chatter about corpses meant I had death-wishes toward him. I was more than surprised by this interpretation. I was alarmed by the intensity of his fantasies—so strong that, obviously, they could cause him to faint.
In a similar connection Freud once more suffered a fainting fit in my presence. This was during the Psychoanalytic Congress in Munich in 1912. Someone had turned the conversation to Amenophis IV (Ikhnaton). The point was made that as a result of his negative attitude toward his father he had destroyed his father’s cartouches on the steles, and that at the back of his great creation of a monotheistic religion there lurked a father complex. This sort of thing irritated me, and I attempted to argue that Amenophis had been a creative and profoundly religious person whose acts could not be explained by personal resistances toward his father. On the contrary, I said, he had held the memory of his father in honor, and his zeal for destruction had been directed only against the name of the god Amon, which he had everywhere annihilated; it was also chiseled out of the cartouches of his father Amon-hotep. Moreover, other pharaohs had replaced the names of their actual or divine forefathers on monuments and statues by their own, feeling that they had a right to do so since they were incarnations of the same god. Yet they, I pointed out, had inaugurated neither a new style nor a new religion.
At that moment Freud slid off his chair in a faint. Everyone clustered helplessly around him. I picked him up, carried him into the next room, and laid him on a sofa. As I was carrying him, he half came to, and I shall never forget the look he cast at me. In his weakness he looked at me as if I were his father. Whatever other causes may have contributed to this faint—the atmosphere was very tense—the fantasy of father-murder was common to both cases. At the time Freud frequently made allusions indicating that he regarded me as his successor. These hints were embarrassing to me, for I knew that I would never be able to uphold his views properly, that is to say, as he intended them.
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erious! I must think. It must be thought out beforehand. Why should I think something I do not know? I don’t want to, by God, that’s sure. But who wants me to? Who wants to force me to think something I don’t know and don’t want to know? Where does this terrible will come from? And why should I be the one to be subjected to it? I was thinking praises of the Creator of this beautiful world, I was grateful to him for this immeasurable gift, so why should I have to think something inconceivably wicked? I don’t know what it is, I really don’t, for I cannot and must not come anywhere near this thought, for that would be to risk thinking it at once. I haven’t done this or wanted this, it has come on me like a bad dream. Where do such things come from? This has happened to me without my doing. Why? After all, I didn’t create myself, I came into the world the way God made me—that is, the way I was shaped by my parents. Or can it have been that my parents wanted something of this sort? But my good parents would never have had any thoughts like that. Nothing so atrocious would ever have occurred to them.”
I found this idea utterly absurd. Then I thought of my grandparents, whom I knew only from their portraits. They looked benevolent and dignified enough to repulse any idea that they might possibly be to blame. I mentally ran through the long procession of unknown ancestors until finally I arrived at Adam and Eve. And with them came the decisive thought: Adam and Eve were the first people; they had no parents, but were created directly by God, who intentionally made them as they were. They had no choice but to be exactly the way God had created them. Therefore they did not know how they could possibly be different. They were perfect creatures of God, for He creates only perfection, and yet they committed the first sin by doing what God did not want them to do. How was that possible? They could not have done it if God had not placed in them the possibility of doing it. That was clear, too, from the serpent, whom God had created before them, obviously so that it could induce Adam and Eve to sin. God in His omniscience had arranged everything so that the first parents would have to sin. Therefore it was God’s intention that they should sin.
This thought liberated me instantly from my worst torment, since I now knew that God Himself had placed me in this situation. At first I did not know whether He intended me to commit my sin or not. I no longer thought of praying for illumination, since God had landed me in this fix without my willing it and had left me without any help. I was certain that I must search out His intention myself, and seek the way out alone. At this point another argument began.
“What does God want? To act or not to act? I must find out what God wants with me, and I must find out right away.” I was aware, of course, that according to conventional morality there was no question but that sin must be avoided.
That was what I had been doing up to now, but I knew I could not go on doing it. My broken sleep and my spiritual distress had worn me out to such a point that fending off the thought was tying me into unbearable knots. This could not go on. At the same time, I could not yield before I understood what God’s will was and what He intended. For I was now certain that He was the author of this desperate problem. Oddly enough, I did not think for a moment that the devil might be playing a trick on me. The devil played little part in my mental world at that time, and in any case I regarded him as powerless compared with God. But from the moment I emerged from the mist and became conscious of myself, the unity, the greatness, and the superhuman majesty of God began to haunt my imagination. Hence there was no question in my mind but that God Himself was arranging a decisive test for me, and that everything depended on my understanding Him correctly. I knew, beyond a doubt, that I would ultimately be compelled to break down, to give way, but I did not want it to hap[...]
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Jon Gabrus' Favorite Emoji (Inside The FOD Vault Episode 3)
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Word of the Day
Word of the Day: emblematic
This word has appeared in 274 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year. Can you use it in a sentence?
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Idiom of the Day
you could hear the grass grow(ing)
It is so still or quiet that one would be able to hear even the tiniest, imperceptible sounds. Watch the video
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The Central Cyberspace Affairs Office deploys a special campaign of "Clear and Bright·Standardized Use of Online Language and Characters" October 11, 2024 16:00 Source: China Cyberspace Affairs Network [Print][Correction] According to the 2024 "Clear and Bright" series of special action plans, in order to rectify the irregular use of the national common language and characters on the Internet and create a network environment and education ecology that is conducive to the healthy growth of minors, the Central Cyberspace Affairs Office and the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice to deploy a special campaign of "Clear and Bright·Standardized Use of Online Language and Characters". The special campaign focuses on the irregular and uncivilized language and characters presented in key links such as hot search lists, homepages, and discovery selections on some website platforms, focusing on rectifying prominent problems such as distorted pronunciation, form, and meaning, fabricating online jargon, and abusing obscure expressions. The special action requires that local cybersecurity and informatization and education departments strengthen coordination and collaboration, form a joint force of legal management and positive guidance, adhere to problem orientation, focus on the issues that the masses have concentrated on, focus on the protection of the rights and interests of special groups such as minors, open up reporting channels, and centrally clean up information related to irregular and uncivilized online language and characters, and strictly implement rectification tasks. Localities are encouraged to strengthen the popularization of laws and regulations related to language and characters in light of their actual work, advocate civilized language and characters, and create a good atmosphere of attention and participation from the whole society.
The transcription and translation of both passages are thanks to Google Translate, with minor emendments by VHM.
If the cyberspace authorities in China could see what the raw face of the internet is like in America, they would be aghast / apoplectic. No wonder they feel that they need the Great Firewall to protect the innocent eyes and ears of the people of China. However, I guarantee that they are fighting a losing battle; people, especially young people, are just too creative and feisty. They should also know that, in these crazy, chaotic times, one thing more than any other that helps me keep my sanity and, yes, JOY, are the super clever memes that I spend many hours perusing each week. It might help the dour cyberspace authorities in China to loosen up a bit if they learned how to appreciate the brilliant memes that surround them, if only they'd open their eyes and ears. Selected readings
* "Chinese Buzzwords of the year 2019: plagiarism / stealing a shtick" (1/8/20)
* "'Garbage time of history'" (7/31/24)
* "'Garbage time of history', part 2" (9/23/24)
* "Crab raccoon, part 2" (9/2/24)
[Thanks to shaing tai)
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Slang of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
cowardly, lacking bravery
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Language Log
Annals of lenition
What do you hear?
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…or here?
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The context is a clip from the British TV series Taskmaster, presented in "'Your mum's just like…' or 'Your mum's a slag'?", r/TASKMASTER 10/25/2024:
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The source appears to be episode 172, aired 9/12/2024.
The speaker is Babátúndé Aléshé, and what he's saying (in conventional orthography) is
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You're sitting at home, right,
and now your mom's just like
would you like some dessert?
Here's an aligned spectrogram of the first clip:
And the ambiguous audio:
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An explanation of the ambiguity would be a good intro phonetics exercise.
And as usual, translation into IPA is not an especially helpful part of the story.
[h/t Daniel Sterman]
Update — some more context here.
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