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English Language

📒 People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

This saying warns us against hypocrisy. We should not criticize other people for things we do ourselves.


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English Language

📚answer the call of nature

If you answer the call of nature, you go to the toilet.

❗️For example

🔸Could we stop somewhere? I need to answer the call of nature.

🔸Does anyone need to answer the call of nature before we set off?


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English Language

💠 git 🇺🇸

a fool, a stupid person

❕For example

🔺When the waiter brought him the wrong dish, Bill lost his cool and shouted, "This is not what I ordered, you stupid git!"

🔺Those gits who work for the government never seem to get it right.


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English Language

📒get over

to recover from something like an illness or a shock

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 How long did it take you to get over the illness?

💬 Tony was heartbroken when his girlfriend left him, and it took him ages to get over it.


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English Language

💠 mash-up 🇺🇸

a recording that mixes together tracks from two or more different songs or instrumental pieces

❕For example

🔺You can find heaps of great mash-ups on Facebook sites and download them for free.

🔺I just did this mash-up of Fela Kuti and Steve Reich and put some spacey electro stuff over the top.


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English Language

📒stand for (1)

If letters or symbols stand for something, they represent that thing.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 The letters "MBA" stand for Master of Business Administration.

💬 Do you know what the letters "BA" stand for?


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English Language

💠 nick (2) 🇺🇸

to arrest somebody

❕For example

🔺Billy was caught speeding on his motorbike. It's his second offence, so if he gets nicked again he'll lose his licence.

🔺Our neighbours were nicked last night for selling illegal drugs. We used to see lots of people going in and out, but we had no idea they were dealing in drugs.


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English Language

📒run after

If you run after someone, you chase them and try to catch up with them by running.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 I wish my dog wouldn't run after cars. He nearly got hit by one today.

💬 After the thief grabbed my wife's handbag, I ran after him but he got away. He was really fast.


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English Language

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English Language

📒 He that complies against his will, is of his own opinion still

If you force someone to do something or agree with something, it doesn't mean that they really agree.


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English Language

📚the last straw

Something is the last straw if it's the latest in a series of annoying or upsetting events, and it's the one that finally makes you do something about the situation.

❗️For example

🔸I was already close to resigning, but the last straw was being bossed around by some kid twenty years younger than me. After that, I quit the job.

🔸I saw my girlfriend flirting with another guy at the party, and that was the last straw. I told her our relationship was over and I left.


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English Language

📒 If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys

An employer who pays low wages will have bad staff.


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English Language

📚a sight for sore eyes

If something or someone is a sight for sore eyes, you are glad to see them.

❗️For example

🔸It's been raining here for a week, so it sure was a sight for sore eyes when we saw the sun this morning.

🔸Hey, Ozzie! You're a sight for sore eyes, man. Haven't seen you for ages.


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English Language

📒 Pay beforehand was never well served

If you pay for a service before you receive it, you will not get good service.


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English Language

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English Language

📒cheer on

to shout loudly to encourage someone, especially someone who's playing sport or competing in a race

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 As the players tried hard to score a goal, their fans jumped up and cheered them on.

💬 We all cheered on our favourite horse as they galloped towards the finishing line.


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English Language

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English Language

📒 Look upon death as a going home

We may consider dying to be a kind of returning to house and family.


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English Language

📚the icing on the cake | the frosting on the cake

If something is the icing on the cake, or the frosting on the cake, it makes a good situation or a good result even better.

❗️For example

🔸The fifty thousand dollars the government will give to every athlete who wins a gold medal in the Olympics will be the icing on the cake for them.

🔸AI was happy just to get my book published, so winning the young writer's prize as well is the frosting on the cake.


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English Language

📒 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Different people see beauty in different ways. What one person finds beautiful may not appeal to another person.


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English Language

📚keep it under your hat

If someone tells you a secret and you keep it under your hat, you don't tell anyone.

❗️For example

🔸I'll only tell you if you promise to keep it under your hat.

🔸Aunt Biddy said she couldn't possibly tell me the family secrets because she'd pledged on her mother's grave to keep them under her hat.


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English Language

📒 When the devil cannot come, he will send

The implication is that the devil is very persistent. He will always find a way to tempt us. If the devil cannot bring temptation to us himself, he will find someone else to bring it.


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English Language

📚um and ah

If you "um and ah" you're having trouble deciding what to say, or you're having trouble telling somebody something.

❗️For example

🔸Stop umming and ahing and just tell me what happened!

🔸James ummed and ahed for a while, but he eventually agreed to help us get the deal.


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English Language

💠 bimbo 🇺🇸

a pretty, but empty-headed, young lady

❕For example

🔺Linda says most of the women who marry professional golfers or footballers look like bimbos whose main interest in life is shopping.

🔺Cindy said she wasn't a bimbo, and proved it by saying the word itself reflected the oppressive stereotyping that attractive women were still subject to despite the gains made by the feminist movement.

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English Language

📒come to (2)

to add up to a particular total

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 The total cost came to over two thousand dollars.

💬 The bill comes to $140.


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English Language

💠 rug 🇺🇸

a man's hairpiece, a toupee

❕For example

🔺Is that guy wearing a rug, or does he just have a really bad haircut?

🔺When Stan started to go bald, he decided to get a rug.


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English Language

📒go after (2)

to try to get something

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Are you planning to go after Alex's job when he retires?

💬 If Rupert thinks there's a chance to take over a profitable company, he'll go after it with everything he's got.


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English Language

💠 ratty (2) 🇺🇸

easily annoyed or upset, irritable

❕For example

🔺Laura got drunk last night, and now she's got a hangover and she feels a bit ratty.

🔺I had a really bad day at work today, so sorry if I seem a little ratty tonight.


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English Language

📒drop off (1)

to drive someone to a place they need to go to and leave them there

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Every morning I drop my kids off at school on my way to work.

💬 Sergio stopped at the mall and dropped off his mother, and then drove on to the golf course.


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English Language

📚on the strength of

If you do something on the strength of certain advice or information, you do it because the advice or information suggests doing it.

❗️For example

🔸I saw the movie on the strength of what Rod had said. I wouldn't have seen it if he hadn't said it was good.

🔸They gave me an interview on the strength of a recommendation from my tutor at university.


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