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English Language

📚blow your own horn | blow your own trumpet

If you blow your own horn, or blow your own trumpet, you proudly boast about your own talents and successes.

❗️For example

🔸I hate the way Barry always blows his own horn, and I get sick of hearing about all the amazing things he's done.

🔸Lorraine says that if you want to be successful in the fashion business, you really have to blow your own trumpet.


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English Language

📒pass on

If you pass something on, you give it to another person after receiving it yourself.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  You should wear a mask over your mouth so that you don't pass on the disease.

💬  After taking your piece of cake, pass the plate on to the next person.


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📚at sea | all at sea

If you're at sea, or all at sea, you're confused about something and not sure what to do.

❗️For example

🔸I'm all at sea with our new spreadsheet software. I just can't understand it.

🔸For the first few days in her new job, Gail felt totally at sea. She didn't know what to do or who to ask for help.


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📒hold down

to stop something from rising by pressing down on it or putting a heavy object on it

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  The vet's assistant held down our dog while the vet gave her the injection.

💬  I held the board down with my foot while I hammered it in place.


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📚come a cropper

If you come a cropper, you fall over, or you make a mistake which has serious consequences for you.

❗️For example

🔸The prime minister came a cropper while coming down the steps and hurt his backside.

🔸A radio announcer really came a cropper when he made a racist remark. He lost his job and now he can't get another one.


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📒Where there's a will there's a way


If we have the determination to do something, we can always find the path or method to do it.


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English Language

💠 intro 🇺🇸



❕For example

🔺When you read the book, don't skip the intro. It gives a lot of useful background information.

🔺 What did you think of the intro to the song? Do you think it went on too long, or was it just about right?


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📒Death pays all debts


    Dying cancels everything, including anything that we owe to other people.


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💠 yob | yobbo 🇺🇸


an aggressive, impolite, crude person

❕For example

🔺Be careful if you go to a pub on Friday or Saturday night. The yobs will be out and lots of them will be looking for a fight.

🔺 Lots of yobbos travel to places like Spain and Greece and get drunk, behave badly, and damage the image of Britain and the British.


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📒Waste not, want not


    If we do not waste things we will not be short of things. If we use our resources carefully, we shall never be in need.


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English Language

📒get away with

to do something illegal or immoral and not get caught or punished

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Janet got away with shoplifting clothes the first few times, but she soon got caught and now she's stuck with a police record for the rest of her life.

💬 Bobby nearly got away with the robbery, but he spent the money too quickly and local police who knew him got suspicious.


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English Language

📚chickens come home to roost

If chickens are coming home to roost, someone is suffering the unpleasant consequences of their bad actions in the past.

❗️For example

🔸Fred's in hospital with liver problems. I guess the chickens have come home to roost after all those years of heavy drinking.

🔸The chickens are coming home to roost for the executives who committed fraud in the nineties. They're being charged now even though they committed their crimes over ten years ago.


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English Language

📒Barking dogs seldom bite


     Don't be afraid of dogs that bark or people that threaten you (say they will do something bad to you) - in both cases they rarely take action.


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💠 veejay | VJ 🇺🇸


a presenter of music videos, usually on television

❕For example

🔺My niece has just got a job as a veejay on MTV.

🔺People who work as VJ's don't have to know much about music, but they have to look good on TV and know the latest teenage slang.


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📒Beware of a silent man and still water


    A large expanse of water that is still and does not move is often deep and dangerous. We should be careful of it. In the same way, we should be careful with a person who does not talk much.


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💠 pimp (1) 🇺🇸


a manager of prostitutes

❕For example

🔺Sammy reckons a pimp's job is to make sure his girls are safe when they're working.

🔺Most of the pimps you see in movies are black guys with colourful clothes and lots of jewellery. Are pimps really like that?


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📒Least said soonest mended


    When we do or say something bad to someone, a long apology and discussion does not help. In such a case, the less we say the better.


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💠 grinding 🇺🇸


dancing in a sexually arousing way

❕For example

🔺When Mario and Carla starting grinding on the dance floor, the others stood back and cheered them on.

🔺Pete says the thing that drives him totally wild is when a girl pulls him close and starts grinding on him.


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📒sign in

to sign a register when you visit a place, or to log in when you visit a website

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  Don't forget to sign in when you get to the office in the morning.

💬  If you want to upload a picture to your EnglishClub page, you'll have to sign in first.


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📚let the cat out of the bag

If you let the cat out of the bag, you let someone know a secret.

❗️For example

🔸We'd planned a surprise party for Donna, but some guy she works with let the cat out of the bag, so now she knows.

🔸Don't forget that this is a secret, so whatever you do, don't let the cat out of the bag.


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📒dig up

If you dig up something, you get it from under the ground by digging.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  The police dug up the murder victim's body and took it away for examination.

💬  My dog loves digging up bones that I bury in the garden for him.


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English Language

📚time and time again

If you've done something time and time again, you've done it many times, or you've done it repeatedly.

❗️For example

🔸I've told Terry time and time again not to call me before ten in the morning, but he still does it!

🔸We love that restaurant. We've been there time and time again and we still like going there.


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English Language

📒round down

If you round a number or an amount down to a certain level such as a whole number or the nearest dollar, you bring it down to that level.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Can we round the amounts down to the nearest dollar, so that $16.25, for example, is changed to $16.00?

💬 Are you sure she remembered to round down all the numbers?


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English Language

📚vice versa

You can say "vice versa" when what you have just said is also true in the opposite, or reverse, order.

❗️For example

🔸He doesn't believe anything she says, and vice versa. They really don't trust each other.

🔸During the cold war, the Americans tried to spy on the Russians, and vice versa.


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English Language

💠 honky 🇺🇸


a derogatory term in black American slang for a white person

❕For example

🔺When we were visiting the Apollo Theater in Harlem in New York, a woman passing us on the street said, "What are you honkies doin' round here?"

🔺I have a lot of black American friends, and they all say they hate racist language, including anti-white words like "honky".


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English Language

📒Rome wasn't built in a day


    All things take time to create. And great things like the city of Rome take a very long time. So we shouldn't expect to accomplish something or achieve success immediately.


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English Language

💠 mosh pit 🇺🇸


an area in front of the stage at a rock concert where people dance energetically, or "mosh"

❕For example

🔺The best concert I've ever been to was a Nirvana gig in the early nineties when Kurt Cobain jumped into the mosh pit.

🔺 Keep an eye on the kids in the mosh pit in case any of them faints or gets hurt.


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