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English Language

📚jobs for the boys

If you say "jobs for the boys" you're referring to the fact that people in positions of power sometimes use their power to give jobs to their friends or family members.

❗️For example

🔸Henry deserved the position, but it was a case of jobs for the boys, as usual, and one of the boss's old school friends got it instead of Henry.

🔸 The new government has promised to stop the old system of jobs for the boys when it comes to appointing departmental heads.


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English Language

📒march on

to walk in a group towards a place in order to protest against something or to demand something

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  We saw hundreds of protesters marching on government house.

💬  Why don't you come and join us as we march on the headquarters of the World Bank?


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English Language

📚all the rage

If something is all the rage, it's very popular or it's in fashion at the moment.

❗️For example

🔸Can you remember when disco was all the rage and we'd go dancing all night in the clubs?

🔸 When Hans was a kid, skate boards were all the rage.


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English Language

📒bite off

to separate something from whatever it's attached to by biting it

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  Did you hear about the surfer who had his foot bitten off by a shark?

💬  A guy in Sydney was arrested for biting off the head of a live pigeon.


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English Language

💠 intro 🇺🇸



❕For example

🔺When you read the book, don't skip the intro. It gives a lot of useful background information.

🔺 What did you think of the intro to the song? Do you think it went on too long, or was it just about right?


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English Language

📒Least said soonest mended


    When we do or say something bad to someone, a long apology and discussion does not help. In such a case, the less we say the better.


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English Language

💠 admin 🇺🇸


administrator, administration, person or department that runs an organisation

❕For example

🔺If you're having trouble logging on, contact your service provider's admin staff.

🔺 Why does this dumbass forum's admin dork keep deleting my excellent posts? Is it coz of my slang?


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English Language

📒None so deaf as those who will not hear


    Nobody is deafer than the person who decides he does not want to listen. Often used in reference to prejudice and intolerance.


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English Language

💠 queer 🇺🇸


homosexual, gay

❕For example

🔺I had an uncle who was queer, though he only came out and told us he was gay when he was in his sixties.

🔺 Did you know there are queer sheep? They are male sheep who only have sex with other male sheep, and they show no interest at all in female sheep.


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English Language

📚(have) egg on your face

You will have egg on your face if you've said or done something wrong, and it's made you feel embarrassed or stupid.

❗️For example

🔸 Stan had egg on his face after saying he could easily do fifty push-ups, and then giving up after doing just twenty.

🔸The police force had egg on its face because they arrested and beat up an innocent guy who had the same name as a suspect they were looking for.


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English Language

📒dig up

If you dig up something, you get it from under the ground by digging.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  The police dug up the murder victim's body and took it away for examination.

💬  My dog loves digging up bones that I bury in the garden for him.


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English Language

📚young blood

If you say "young blood", you mean young people who have fresh, new ideas and lots of energy.

❗️For example

🔸 The company is successful because they're always bringing in young blood, and this helps them keep up with the latest fashions and ideas.

🔸The trouble with the seniority system is that it keeps young blood out of decision-making positions.


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English Language

📒keep in

to make someone stay in a place like a school or a hospital

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  My grandma said her teachers didn't keep naughty kids in after school to punish them. They just hit them.

💬  I went to the hospital because I wasn't feeling well, and they kept me in overnight for observation.


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English Language

💠 psycho 🇺🇸


crazy, insane

❕For example

🔺This boxer went totally psycho after the referee said he'd lost the fight. He tried to punch the referee and then he was punching anyone who came near him.

🔺 Lots of people get crazy thoughts and fears after smoking marijuana. Anyone who gets these fears shouldn't use it, or it could make them go psycho for real.


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English Language

📒If you can't beat 'em, join 'em


    If you cannot win against someone or something, it may be easier or better to join forces with them.


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English Language

💠 yob | yobbo 🇺🇸


an aggressive, impolite, crude person

❕For example

🔺Be careful if you go to a pub on Friday or Saturday night. The yobs will be out and lots of them will be looking for a fight.

🔺 Lots of yobbos travel to places like Spain and Greece and get drunk, behave badly, and damage the image of Britain and the British.


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English Language

📒Patience surpasses learning


    1) The ability to wait for a long time without getting angry is even better than education. 2) the capacity to accept delay without getting upset will achieve more than study in the end


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English Language

📚itchy feet

If you have itchy feet, you feel the need to go somewhere different or do something different.

❗️For example

🔸It's no wonder Ken's got itchy feet. He's been doing the same job, in the same office, for nearly twenty years.

🔸 Thanks to low-cost airlines, people with itchy feet who couldn't afford air fares in the past can now travel.


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English Language

📒knock out (1)

If you are knocked out, you are hit so hard that you lose consciousness.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  Muhammad Ali knocked out George Foreman in the eighth round and won the fight.

💬  He slipped over in the bathroom and knocked himself out.


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English Language

📚yellow journalism

Journalism in which sensational stories are used to boost sales, or biased reporting is used to change the reader's views on an issue. Both of these are unethical.

❗️For example

🔸 Have you noticed how, during a war, normally trustworthy professionals start writing the worst sort of yellow journalism to justify their government's actions?

🔸Joe: "Is there any difference between yellow journalism and propaganda?" Kate: "I think yellow journalism can be even more dangerous than propaganda if it's being presented as objective reporting by well-known journalists."


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English Language

📒run off with

If you run off with somebody, you leave home secretly in order to be with them.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  Anna ran off with her sweetheart Lucas after their parents had tried to stop them from seeing each other.

💬  Can you believe it? Stan has run off with his secretary and they're living in Hawaii.


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English Language

📚hit the hay | hit the sack

If you hit the hay, or hit the sack, you go to bed.

❗️For example

🔸 It's after midnight so it's time I hit the hay.

🔸You look really tired. What time did you hit the sack last night?


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English Language

📒hold up (2)

to support something and stop it from falling down

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  Miyoko was so tired after climbing the mountain that I had to hold her up.

💬  There are several strong beams holding up the roof.


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English Language

📒Never spur a willing horse


    Don't urge someone who is already working well to work harder and faster. If you do, he may work less hard or be less eager.


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English Language

💠 indie 🇺🇸


rock music not released by major music labels

❕For example

🔺The indie scene began back in the late 70's and early 80's with bands like Joy Division and The Slits.

🔺 Steve reckons the best indie band of all time is Radiohead.


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English Language

📒 Poor men go to heaven as soon as rich


    God makes no distinction between people with money and people without money.


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English Language

💠 mosh pit 🇺🇸


an area in front of the stage at a rock concert where people dance energetically, or "mosh"

❕For example

🔺The best concert I've ever been to was a Nirvana gig in the early nineties when Kurt Cobain jumped into the mosh pit.

🔺 Keep an eye on the kids in the mosh pit in case any of them faints or gets hurt.


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English Language

📒 A bad penny always turns up


    Bad or nasty people have a habit of showing up or returning.


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