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English Language

📒 Many a true word is spoken in jest

Something said as a joke may often contain wisdom and truth.

Note: jest (noun): a joke; something said for amusement or comedy


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English Language

📚throw someone in at the deep end

If you throw someone in at the deep end, you give them a difficult job to do, or a serious problem to deal with, before they have the knowledge or experience for it.

❗️For example

🔸In her first overseas teaching job, Kathy was thrown in at the deep end with a class of 30 kids and no training, no books, and no guidelines.

🔸Our manager thinks the best way to introduce new staff to the job is to throw them in at the deep end and see how they go.


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English Language

📒 The pen is mightier than the sword

This proverb suggests that written material like books or poetry has more influence than fighting or war. We may also understand from it that ideas (as often set down in writing) are more effective than violence.


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English Language

📚You are what you eat.

You can say "you are what you eat" when you want to point out the connection between food and health.

❗️For example

🔸Why do you eat so much bad stuff like pizza, hamburgers, fries and ice-cream? You are what you eat, you know.

🔸Shelley looks fantastic. When people ask her what her secret is, she smiles and says, "It's simple. You are what you eat."


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English Language

📒 Speech is silver, silence is golden

Speaking is good but saying nothing is better. Discretion can be worth more than even eloquent words.

Note: speech (noun): the act of speaking | silver (noun): a greyish-white precious metal | gold (noun): a yellow precious metal (more valuable than silver) | This proverb is also found as: "Speech is silver but silence is golden."


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English Language

📚a ray of sunshine

Something is a ray of sunshine if it brings happiness to someone.

❗️For example

🔸The birth of Debra's first grandchild less than a year after her husband died came as a much-needed ray of sunshine in her life.

🔸After years of struggling to get established as a writer, the publication of her first short story was a ray of sunshine for Ruth.


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English Language

📒 Graves are of all sizes

People die at all ages; no one is too young to die.

Note: grave (noun) = (usually) a hole in the ground for a dead body | Compare: "In Golgotha are skulls of all sizes." "Death devours lambs as well as sheep."


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English Language

📚a tall order

If you say something's a tall order, you mean that it'll be hard to do or difficult to achieve.

❗️For example

🔸Winning six gold medals at the Olympic Games is a tall order, but not impossible. Mark Spitz won seven at the 1972 Olympics.

🔸Getting kids to read 600-page books is a tall order these days, but the writer of the Harry Potter books has managed to do it.


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English Language

📒muscle in

to use your power or influence to force your way into a situation even if you're not wanted

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 As soon as oil was discovered in the country, the big oil companies muscled in and soon had most of the exploration rights.

💬 When the major airlines saw how well the new route was doing, they muscled in on it and got a piece of the action.


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English Language

💠 veejay | VJ 🇺🇸

a presenter of music videos, usually on television

❕For example

🔺My niece has just got a job as a veejay on MTV.

🔺People who work as VJ's don't have to know much about music, but they have to look good on TV and know the latest teenage slang.


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English Language

📒come into

to be given something after its owner dies

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 She's very rich, so her children expect to come into a lot of money when she dies.

💬 Do you think Samantha made all that money herself, or do you think she came into a fortune when a wealthy relative died?


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English Language

💠 whack 🇺🇸

to murder, esp. within the context of organised crime

❕For example

🔺There's a contract out to whack Tony B. because he'd whacked Jimmy S., and he'd whacked Jimmy because Jimmy had whacked Paulie T., and so on.

🔺If those Mafia informers don't get protection, they'll be whacked for sure.


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English Language

📒 As soon as man is born he begins to die

The process of dying starts at birth. This saying reminds us of our own mortality, whatever our age.


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English Language

📚the ins and outs

If you know the ins and outs of something, you know all the details about it and understand how it works.

❗️For example

🔸Louis knows how to drive a car, but he knows nothing about the ins and outs of how they work.

🔸It seems that Yoko and Sato are having problems, though I don't really understand the ins and outs of their relationship.


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English Language

📒wait around

If you have to wait around for something, you have to wait a long time for it.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Why do we always have to wait around when we have an appointment with a doctor or a dentist?

💬 Drug addicts spend most of their time waiting around for dealers to come with the drugs they need. What a boring life it must be!


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English Language

💠 narc | nark 🇺🇸

a narcotics officer, a police officer working in drug trade suppression

❕For example

🔺The narcs raided the dealer's apartment after being tipped off by his neighbours.

🔺There are a lot of narks working at the airport.


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English Language

📒fall off

to become less in amount or lower in level

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Sales of sunglasses usually fall off in winter, but pick up again in summer.

💬 Tourist numbers fell off quite a bit because of the reports of sickness in the country.


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English Language

💠 beef 🇺🇸

a conflict with someone; a complaint against someone

❕For example

🔺Kenny said he's got a beef with me, so I asked him what the problem was.

🔺Rappers always seem to have beefs with one another, but most people think they stage these conflicts for the publicity.


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English Language

📒bring out (1)

to release a new product

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 They'll be bringing out their latest range of graphic software in the spring.

💬 It's not enough to bring good products out. You also need to market them properly.


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English Language

💠 knackered (1) 🇺🇸

very tired, exhausted

❕For example

🔺After climbing up and down hills and mountains all day, we were totally and completely knackered.

🔺Trevor is incredibly fit. Everyone else was knackered after running ten kilometers, but Trevor looked like he was just warming up.


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English Language

📒interest in

If you interest somebody in something, you make them want to know more about it.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Companies try to interest people in their products by promoting and advertising them.

💬 It's amazing how a well-made documentary can interest people in a subject that they've never been interested in before.


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English Language

💠 make out 🇺🇸

to hug and kiss, possibly with some petting

❕For example

🔺Lots of couples were making out at the party, but there was no real sex going on.

🔺Mandy saw her boyfriend making out with another girl. She was very upset.


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English Language

📒 Don't bite the hand that feeds you

It is not be a good idea to hurt the person (or company) that pays you or takes care of you.


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English Language

📚if push comes to shove

You can say "if push comes to shove" before saying what you'll do if things don't go as well as you'd like, and you're forced to do something that you'd rather not do.

❗️For example

🔸I've made up my mind and I'm going to have a career in music. I'd love to be in a successful band, but if push comes to shove I can earn money by teaching guitar.

🔸Sandy says she really wants to stay in her apartment, but if push comes to shove she'll just have to move out and find somewhere cheaper.


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English Language

📒 Make hay while the sun shines

If we want to make hay, we need sunny weather, so when the sun comes we should take the opportunity to make hay. Thus the proverb suggests that we should make good use of any opportunity while it lasts.


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English Language

📚talk through your hat

If you're talking through your hat, you're talking about something without knowing much about it, or you claim something is true when it isn't.

❗️For example

🔸Evan says that quantum physics proves that space and time don't really exist, but Kathy says he's talking through his hat.

🔸I proved that George was talking through his hat by checking on the internet to find out if what he said is true - and it isn't.


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English Language

📒take after

If you take after an older member of your family, you look like them or you have a similar personality to them.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Alan takes after his mum in personality, but he looks more like his dad.

💬 Do you think Sandy takes after her father or her mother?


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English Language

💠 blast (1) 🇺🇸

a great experience, a very enjoyable time

❕For example

🔺You should have come to Neil's birthday party. It was a blast!

🔺The Sydney Gay Mardi Gras was such a blast that we're going again next year, for sure.


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