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English Language

💠 rap (1) 🇺🇸

to talk together in a relaxed way (v.) | a relaxed talk (n.)

❕For example

🔺After most people had left the party, Mandy and a couple of her friends sat around rapping about their lives and loves.

🔺Let's get together after work for a few drinks and a rap about football.


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English Language

📚up in arms

If you are up in arms, you are angry about something that you think is unfair or wrong.

❗️For example

🔸The taxi drivers are up in arms about the new tax on LPG.

🔸Many people expected smokers to be up in arms over the smoking ban, but most of them seem to have accepted it.


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English Language

📒 There's no such thing as a free lunch

We cannot get something for nothing. We must pay for everything. Nothing in life is free.


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English Language

📚in any case

You can say "in any case" before giving an additional reason for doing or not doing something, or instead of saying "anyway".

❗️For example

🔸I don't need a car, and in any case I can't afford one now.

🔸I can't go to the dance club tonight, and in any case I'm far too old for that sort of thing.


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English Language

📒 No news is good news

If we are waiting for news about someone, it's probably good if we hear nothing because "bad news" would arrive quickly.


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English Language

📚par for the course

If something is par for the course, it's what you'd expect it to be.

❗️For example

🔸Bill hasn't paid his rent on time, but that's par for the course. He's always late.

🔸I had an appointment to see my doctor at three but I had to wait an hour. I know waiting is par for the course when it comes to doctors, but it still annoys me.


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English Language

📒 Money is the root of all evil

According to this saying, all immorality and wickedness is caused by money. This saying is a misquotation, and the original version ("the love of money is the root of all evil") implies that all immorality and wickedness is caused by people loving money, not by money itself.


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English Language

📒freak out

If someone freaks out, they get very scared or upset by something.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 When I saw a snake while I was having a shower, I freaked out and ran from the bathroom completely naked.

💬 After smoking some marijuana, Harry started freaking out when he thought everyone was laughing at him.


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English Language

💠 rap (2) 🇺🇸

to recite lyrics over a rhythmic beat

❕For example

🔺In a lot of recent pop music, a singer sings the chorus while a rapper raps between each chorus.

🔺We saw some local kids rapping in a contest at the mall and they were really good, though I had trouble understanding the words.


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English Language

📒set off (1)

to begin a journey

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 If they set off at ten o'clock, they should arrive by midday.

💬 What time will you be setting off in the morning?


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English Language

💠 flick 🇺🇸

a movie

❕For example

🔺Have you seen the new Batman flick yet?

🔺Those Bollywood flicks are fun to watch, but they're pretty crazy.


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English Language

📒get off (2)

to finish work, or have a break from work

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 We start work at 9 in the morning, and we get off at 5.

💬 Everyone in our company gets New Years Day off, except for a few security guards.


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English Language

💠 abortion 🇺🇸

a total failure

❕For example

🔺The government's housing project was a complete abortion. It cost millions and it didn't help anyone.

🔺The election ended up being a total abortion thanks to vote buying.


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English Language

📒 Where there's muck there's money

There is money to be made in dirt and dirty jobs. For example, many people have made fortunes by processing rubbish or waste materials.


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English Language

📒 Truth will out

In the end, what is true will come to be known. The truth always appears eventually, despite all efforts to hide it. It is impossible to keep something secret forever.


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English Language

📒part with

to give something to someone else, especially when you'd prefer to keep it

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  Mark hated parting with his collection of rare books, but he really needed the money he got by selling them.

💬 Mum didn't want to part with our baby clothes or our old school books, but we made her get rid of them.


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English Language

💠 beef 🇺🇸

a conflict with someone; a complaint against someone

❕For example

🔺Kenny said he's got a beef with me, so I asked him what the problem was.

🔺Rappers always seem to have beefs with one another, but most people think they stage these conflicts for the publicity.


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English Language

📒mark off (1)

If you mark off items on a list, you mark each one after you've dealt with it.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Check the guest list and mark off each person's name when they arrive.

💬 Bingo players each have a card with numbers on it and if one of their numbers is called out, they mark it off.


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English Language

💠 jack (1) 🇺🇸

to steal

❕For example

🔺Nicky jacked a bottle of beer from the liquor store.

🔺Someone busted into my place today and jacked my damn computer!


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English Language

📒instil in

to condition someone to follow a certain belief or to behave in a certain way

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Sasha thinks Asian cultures instil in people a consideration for the feelings of others, while Western cultures tend to instil in people more of a concern for their own feelings.

💬 We try to make our education system instil in students a life-long love of learning.


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English Language

💠 nick (1) 🇺🇸

to steal something

❕For example

🔺I left my bike in front of the bank while I went inside to pay some bills. When I came back out it was gone. Some bastard had nicked it!

🔺Did you ever nick money from your mum's purse when you were a kid?


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English Language

📚keep something at bay

If you keep something at bay, you stop something that could be a problem for you from getting too close or from getting worse.

❗️For example

🔸We kept the flood waters at bay by building a wall of sandbags around our house.

🔸A good way to keep your feelings of anxiety at bay is to meditate or do some sort of relaxation technique.


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English Language

📒 Least said soonest mended

When we do or say something bad to someone, a long apology and discussion does not help. In such a case, the less we say the better.

Note: alas = bad luck; pity; tough; regrettable


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English Language

📚down to earth

If someone is down to earth, they are practical and sensible.

❗️For example

🔸Steven is an artist and a real dreamer, but luckily his wife Sarah is down to earth, so she takes care of their day-to-day lives.

🔸We need someone who can come up with practical, down-to-earth ideas that we can work with in the real world.


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English Language

📒 If the stone fall upon the egg, alas for the egg! If the egg fall upon the stone, alas for the egg!

Life just isn't fair, and this realistic Arab proverb recognizes that. The stone will always break the egg. Life's like that!

Note: alas = bad luck; pity; tough; regrettable


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English Language

📚work like a charm

If something works like a charm, it works very well.

❗️For example

🔸I tried adding coconut milk to the curry as you suggested, and it worked like a charm. It was really delicious.

🔸If you feel stressed, lie on the floor and imagine you're on a tropical beach listening to the waves lapping on the shore. It works like a charm for me.


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English Language

📒shake off

to get rid of something that's causing you problems, such as a sickness, a fear, a bad image, a bad reputation, etc.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 I've had this cold for nearly two weeks and I just can't shake it off.

💬 James wants to shake off the image he has of being a bully and a tough guy.


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