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English Language

📒 The best things in life are free

We don't have to pay for the things that are really valuable, like love, friendship and good health.


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English Language

📚answer the call of nature

If you answer the call of nature, you go to the toilet.

❗️For example

🔸Could we stop somewhere? I need to answer the call of nature.

🔸Does anyone need to answer the call of nature before we set off?


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English Language

📒 None so deaf as those who will not hear

Nobody is deafer than the person who decides he does not want to listen. Often used in reference to prejudice and intolerance.


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English Language

📒order around

If you order people around, you tell them what to do in a bossy way.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 The workers hate the way their supervisor orders them around. They say she's rude and bossy.

💬 Army recruits soon get used to being ordered around.


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English Language

💠 honky 🇺🇸

a derogatory term in black American slang for a white person

❕For example

🔺When we were visiting the Apollo Theater in Harlem in New York, a woman passing us on the street said, "What are you honkies doin' round here?"

🔺I have a lot of black American friends, and they all say they hate racist language, including anti-white words like "honky".


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English Language

📒build on (2)

to add a new section to a house or a building

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 We need a bigger house, and we can either sell this one and buy a bigger one, or keep this one and build on.

💬 The owners wanted two extra floors and they built them on without getting approval from the council, so now they have to pull the whole building down.


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English Language

💠 geezer 🇺🇸

an old person

❕For example

🔺I'm late because I got stuck behind some old geezer at the bank who took ages to sort out his stuff.

🔺One day I'll be one of those old geezers who sit in the park all day playing chess and checkers.


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English Language

📒follow up

to do something in addition to what's already been done in order to complete or continue a process or a deal

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 If you meet a new contact, make sure you get their number and follow up with a call in the next day or two.

💬 After selling something online, the website follows up with a customer satisfaction survey.


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English Language

💠 eats 🇺🇸

snacks, food

❕For example

🔺We'll have plenty to drink at the party but we need you to bring some eats.

🔺We won't have to worry about taking lunch. There'll be plenty of eats at the seminar.


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English Language

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English Language

📚cross that bridge when we come to it

You can say "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" if someone mentions a problem that might occur in the future, but you want them to think about what's happening now instead.

❗️For example

🔸Martin asked what we'd do if our new company couldn't find good staff when we needed to expand, and I said we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

🔸Jenny worries too much about things that might happen in the future, so people are always saying "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it" to her.


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English Language

📒 None so deaf as those who will not hear

Nobody is deafer than the person who decides he does not want to listen. Often used in reference to prejudice and intolerance.


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English Language

📚rags to riches

If you go from rags to riches, you start out very poor and you become very rich.

❗️For example

🔸My grandfather went from rags to riches when his dishwashing liquid became very popular. He started out making it at home, but in less than a year he had his own factory.

🔸Most of these young guys in professional basketball came from poor neighbourhoods and they all have the same rags-to-riches story.


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English Language

📒 Everything comes to him who waits

Patient people eventually receive all things.


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English Language

📚a ballpark figure | a ballpark estimate

If you give a ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate, you give a number which you think is fairly close to the actual one.

❗️For example

🔸We don't know the exact cost, but a ballpark figure would be around six million dollars.

🔸I know you can't tell me exactly when it'll be finished, but can you give me a ballpark estimate?


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English Language

📒put back (2)

to change the time or date of something to a later time

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 We could put the meeting back a week if you like.

💬 Would you mind if we put back your appointment until April the first?


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English Language

💠 junkie | junky 🇺🇸

a drug addict; a person obsessed with something

❕For example

🔺A lot of junkies are still being sent to jail instead of being given treatment to overcome their addiction.

🔺It's sad to see people who start out in politics with high ideals turn into power junkies. They'll do anything to stay in power, from rigging elections to arranging violence to intimidate their opponents.


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English Language

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English Language

📚asking for trouble

If someone is asking for trouble, they're doing something risky that could lead to a problem.

❗️For example

🔸Don't you think that working all day and then partying all night is asking for trouble?

🔸Running fast without warming up properly is asking for trouble, and could easily cause a muscle strain.


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English Language

📒 No pain, no gain

If we do not do hard work, and suffer some pain, we will achieve or gain nothing.


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English Language

📚young blood

If you say "young blood", you mean young people who have fresh, new ideas and lots of energy.

❗️For example

🔸The company is successful because they're always bringing in young blood, and this helps them keep up with the latest fashions and ideas.

🔸The trouble with the seniority system is that it keeps young blood out of decision-making positions.


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English Language

📒 Nothing ventured, nothing gained

We can't expect to achieve anything if we never take any risks.


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English Language

📚stick out like a sore thumb | stand out like a sore thumb

If someone sticks out like a sore thumb, or stands out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they're not the same as the people around them.

❗️For example

🔸Kenny stuck out like a sore thumb at the party. He was the only person wearing a suit and a tie.

🔸When I was in the Nigerian countryside I stood out like a sore thumb. I was the only white person around.


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English Language

📒 Money is the root of all evil

According to this saying, all immorality and wickedness is caused by money. This saying is a misquotation, and the original version ("the love of money is the root of all evil") implies that all immorality and wickedness is caused by people loving money, not by money itself.


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English Language

📒take on (1)

If you take on something like a job, a responsibility, or anything involving a challenge, you agree to do it.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Jim took on too much work, and he made himself sick with worry when he couldn't cope with it all.

💬 How much profit will we make if we take this printing job on?


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English Language

💠 washed up | washed-up 🇺🇸

having failed, having lost everything

❕For example

🔺Jim used to be a successful businessman, but now that his company's gone bankrupt and he's lost everything, he's washed up.

🔺Masako was shocked by the number of washed-up, homeless people she saw on the streets of American cities.


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English Language

📒cut out (1)

to remove an area of paper or cloth from a larger sheet by cutting

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 My little girl likes cutting out the shapes of animals or fruits and colouring them in.

💬 She cut the recipe out and stuck it on the fridge.


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English Language

💠 off the wall 🇺🇸

eccentric, extreme, unconventional

❕For example

🔺Some of the clothes that young fashion designers create these days are so off the wall that no-one could possibly wear them in daily life.

🔺Some of Jenny's ideas seem pretty off the wall when you first hear them, but when she explains them you can see where she's coming from.


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English Language

📒whip into

to create strong emotions like excitement or anger, usually by giving a speech or a performance of some sort

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 The protest leaders whipped the crowd into an angry mood with their speeches.

💬 Elvis Presley used to whip crowds of teenagers into a frenzy by moving his hips to the beat of the music.


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English Language

💠 vegetate | veg out 🇺🇸

to do nothing

❕For example

🔺I never go out on Sundays. It's my day for doing nothing except vegetating.

🔺I ain't got no energy so I'm just gonna to sit in front of the TV and veg out.


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