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If something is x-rated, it is classified as pornographic and therefore not suitable for young people.
❗️For example
🔸One of the first x-rated movies to get a general release was "Last Tango in Paris" with Marlon Brando.
🔸I checked the brower's history and saw that my teenage son had been looking at x-rated websites, as all healthy, normal boys do.
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📒help out
If you help someone out, you do something to help them.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Scouts are taught to help out old people.
💬 We need someone to help us out with the housework.
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📚a piece of cake
If you say that something is a piece of cake, you mean that it is extremely easy.
❗️For example
🔸I finished my exam 30 minutes early. It was a piece of cake!
🔸Compared to learning Japanese, learning Indonesian was a piece of cake. It's a much simpler language.
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📒 No man is an island
Human beings do not (or should not) live in isolation. All people are interconnected. A person is not like an island, standing alone and surrounded by sea.
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📚an end in itself
If something is an end in itself, it's done for its own pleasure or benefit rather than for some other purpose like making money.
❗️For example
🔸Billy says playing music in a band is an end in itself for him, but I think he does it to meet girls.
🔸People used to think education was an end in itself, but these days kids study in order to make lots of money when they graduate.
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📚come a cropper
If you come a cropper, you fall over, or you make a mistake which has serious consequences for you.
❗️For example
🔸The prime minister came a cropper while coming down the steps and hurt his backside.
🔸A radio announcer really came a cropper when he made a racist remark. He lost his job and now he can't get another one.
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📒 Still waters run deep
Some rivers have rough surfaces with waves. That's usually because the water is shallow and there are rocks near the surface. But deep rivers have no rocks near the surface and the water is smooth and still. "Still waters run deep" means that people who are calm and tranquil on the outside, often have a strong, "deep" personality.
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📚as soon as possible | asap
If you do something as soon as possible (sometimes abbreviated to "asap"), you do it at the first possible opportunity.
❗️For example
🔸She said she'll be here as soon as possible, so there's no point calling her again. She's coming as quickly as she can.
🔸I'm in a meeting now, but I'll call you back asap.
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📒 The tide must be taken when it comes
We should use all opportunities when they come, before it's too late.
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📚for my money
You can say "for my money" to mean the same as "in my opinion".
❗️For example
🔸For my money, the best restaurant in town is the "Ahaan Aroy" Thai restaurant in Prescott Street.
🔸Leo reckons Sony make the best TVs, but for my money the new Panasonics are much better than Sonys.
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📚under the table
If something is done under the table, it's done secretly, usually because it's illegal or unethical.
❗️For example
🔸If I do any overtime, can you pay me under the table so I won't have pay tax on it.
🔸If you make under-the-table payments to customs officials, you can get goods through the port without having them inspected.
💠 yakuza 🇺🇸
a Japanese criminal organisation, or a member of such an organisation
❕For example
🔺Many members of the yakuza have amazing tattoos that cover nearly every part of their body.
🔺Everyone knew Hideki was a yakuza because the tip of his left little finger had been cut off.
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📒 There is safety in numbers
You are safer as part of a group of people than as an individual. Being in a group makes people more confident about taking action.
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💠 airhead 🇺🇸
a silly, stupid person
❕For example
🔺Joel says only airheads watch the shopping channel.
🔺Just because I'm a blonde woman who likes shopping and going to the gym some people call me an airhead, and I'm not!
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📒head off (1)
to leave a place
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 We'll have to head off early if we want to get there by midday.
💬 I'd better head off. It's getting late and I've got an early start in the morning.
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💠 jollies 🇺🇸
fun, thrills, enjoyment
❕For example
🔺I can't see the attraction myself, but Bill says he gets his jollies from building and flying model planes and helicopters.
🔺A lot of young people get their jollies from doing adventure stuff like white-water rafting and bungee-jumping.
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📒 Life is what you make it
It is up to you to make of your life what you want.
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📒turn off
to stop a machine or an appliance from working by using a button or a switch
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Don't forget to turn off the air conditioner before you leave the house. We shouldn't be wasting energy.
💬 Do you turn all your lights off at night, or do you leave some of them on?
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💠 bring out (1) 🇺🇸
to release a new product
❕For example
🔺They'll be bringing out their latest range of graphic software in the spring.
🔺It's not enough to bring good products out. You also need to market them properly.
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📒take out (2)
to remove something from a container, a pocket, a bag, etc.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Jimmy unzipped his bag and took out his football boots.
💬 Take the meat out of the freezer two hours before you want to cook it.
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💠 fall apart 🇺🇸
If something falls apart, it breaks into pieces or parts start falling off.
❕For example
🔺My old shoes are falling apart, so I'll have to get some new ones.
🔺If the model plane falls apart, get some stronger glue and put it together again.
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📒factor in
to include a certain item when calculating or planning something
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Don't forget to factor in transport costs when you make the quotation.
💬 You need to factor the political situation in when deciding on a country to invest in.
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💠 dag 🇺🇸
an unfashionable or socially awkward person
❕For example
🔺It's weird how Greg's one of the coolest guys in the school, but his brother's such a dag.
🔺Try not to be such a dag, Kenny. And stop wearing those daggy old clothes while you're at it.
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📒 Ignorance of the law is no excuse
It is no defence to say that we didn't know that something we did was illegal.
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📒date from
If something dates from a certain time, it was made at that time.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 These antique glasses date from the mid-eighteenth century.
💬 How can I found out if these coins really date from the period he claims they were from?
💠 kook 🇺🇸
a strange or eccentric person
❕For example
🔺There's this kook in my apartment building with snake tattoos on his face and he keeps these giant pythons as pets.
🔺Why did Margaret marry a kook like that guy Jim? He thinks he's some sort of Indian holy man or something.