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Рекомендации по

ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ. ГБОУ ДПО «Центр военно-патриотического и гражданского воспитания». Рекомендации по ношению форменного обмундирования...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/qGX04QT Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


Классификация маркировка средств индивидуальной защиты по защитным свойствам принята в соответствии с ГОСТ 12.4.103-83 ССБТ. Одежда специальная защитная. Средства индивидуальной защиты ног и рук.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/FQgYJz4 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Виды и рода войск ВС

Армия в той или иной степени касается каждого гражданина, поэтому волей-неволей люди осведомлены о ней. Но ведь армия - это слишком обобщенное и абстрактное понятие...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/TA2YBrc Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

ФНС Купить

Федеральная налоговая служба (ФНС России) — федеральный орган исполнительной власти, осуществляющий функции по контролю и надзору за ...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/So9b7GZ Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Как пришить погоны

Людям, которые никогда не сталкивались с вопросом, как пришить погоны к кителю полиции , достаточно трудно привести свою форму в надлежащий внешний вид.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/DjYJwIG Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


Главными характеристиками карабинов являются: Предельная нагрузка в продольном направлении. Предельная нагрузка в поперечном направлении.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/GUFVWYr Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Лучшие способы приготовить картошку с мясом в духовке*

Более сотни рецептов на любой вкус.
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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/sYJaIpb Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3600775.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

RosHunter =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=: https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3606637.html

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Google’s New AI Art Selfie Feature Turned Me Into an Astronaut*

Google's Art Selfie 2 feature | Image: Ben McKimm / Man of Many Visit Man of Many for the full post.
[Read more...](https://manofmany.com/tech/google-ai-art-selfie-feature-test)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Detected change on http://feed.informer.com/widgets/W1BPKT0XMB: http://feed.informer.com/widgets/W1BPKT0XMB?diffydate=1706687966

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


Композитный подносок - это защитный элемент в рабочей обуви, предохраняющий ногу от удара силой в 200 Дж. Подноски из композитных материалов отличаются небольшим весом.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/pjGeKBR Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Звания в армии СССР

via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/mUkew0u Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

You're getting LinkedIn all wrong - These are the best ways to stand out and get a job

A solid LinkedIn profile can oftentimes be the deciding factor when it comes to landing your dream job. According to LinkedIn expert Andrew McCaskill, it's important to remember that LinkedIn isn't like other social media platforms -- it demands professionalism and great attention to detail. McCaskill joined TheStreet to discuss some of the top things to keep in mind when building and maintaining a profile.Full Video Transcript Below: J.D. DURKIN: What are some of those do's and maybe some of those don'ts to avoid for building a really solid representative LinkedIn profile? ANDREW MCCASKILL: Keep in mind that LinkedIn is a professional network. It's not your Instagram, it's not your Twitter, right? So this is where people come to do the work of business and to find incredible talent and opportunities. So your LinkedIn profile. Have a great picture, but you don't have to go out and get a professional headshot. Just know beach selfie unless you plan on being a surf instructor, right? And we've got some surf instructors on our platform too, but you know what I mean. Like, it's got to be a great photo that says, hello, I'm Drew and I'm ready to work. But then also really optimize your skills, really make sure that you've got what's on your resume, actually matches up with what's on your LinkedIn profile. And take a look at your connections. Start to follow companies and people that are in industries and are at companies and in roles that you would like to be. And participation is half of the battle don't just come in when you're looking for a gig, right? There's something my dad used to say that I say to job candidates all the time, he said. He would say, is that if you stay ready, you don't have to get ready. And that's how we've got to think about our careers. It's not just when you're looking for a job that you participate in your network and that you participate in where people are looking for talent, your visibility is really important, particularly in a more competitive market. J.D. DURKIN: You talk about the importance of keeping those relationships sharp, keeping those profiles sharp, even if you're not actively looking right now, because the time will come when you'll need to. I love that. Yeah if you stay ready, you have to get ready. ANDREW MCCASKILL: If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready. The time will come too. And it's also really good to let your network know people in your professional community that you really trust to say, hey, I may be looking pretty soon, but that's not enough to just tell your network that you may be looking. Tell them what you're looking for and tell them what they should say about you. When they have conversations about you, just say, listen, J.D., my superpower is I'm a great storyteller. I'm a great problem solver. I can write my butt off, right? And if you have an opportunity where you hear of somebody who's looking for somebody with that skill and those talents, let them know that that's Drew's Superpowers. Make it easy for people to say good things about you, and they got to know what those things are before they can say them.

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


submitted by /u/bunwoc to r/meirl link comments

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Рекомендации по*

ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ. ГБОУ ДПО «Центр военно-патриотического и гражданского воспитания». Рекомендации по ношению форменного обмундирования...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/qGX04QT Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3602214.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


Классификация маркировка средств индивидуальной защиты по защитным свойствам принята в соответствии с ГОСТ 12.4.103-83 ССБТ. Одежда специальная защитная. Средства индивидуальной защиты ног и рук.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/FQgYJz4 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3602903.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Виды и рода войск ВС*

Армия в той или иной степени касается каждого гражданина, поэтому волей-неволей люди осведомлены о ней. Но ведь армия - это слишком обобщенное и абстрактное понятие...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/TA2YBrc Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3604751.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*ФНС Купить*

Федеральная налоговая служба (ФНС России) — федеральный орган исполнительной власти, осуществляющий функции по контролю и надзору за ...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/So9b7GZ Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3606472.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Как пришить погоны*

Людям, которые никогда не сталкивались с вопросом, как пришить погоны к кителю полиции , достаточно трудно привести свою форму в надлежащий внешний вид.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/DjYJwIG Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3604593.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


Главными характеристиками карабинов являются: Предельная нагрузка в продольном направлении. Предельная нагрузка в поперечном направлении.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/GUFVWYr Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3606177.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/sYJaIpb Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*21 Best Travel Gifts – Essentials for Every Adventurer*

Whether it’s for business or pleasure (or both), you definitely know someone who gets their travel on. Now is the time to show that special someone you care. Before you go searching for a product that may or may not work as advertised, here are […] Visit Man of Many for the full post.
[Read more...](https://manofmany.com/lifestyle/travel/travel-gifts)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


RosHunter =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=: https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3606637.html
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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Правда ли, что дауншифтинг решает проблемы на работе и в личной жизни*

«А может, ну её, эту пятидневку, брошу всё и уеду в тайгу» — такая мысль хоть раз возникала в особо хмурый понедельник.
[Read more...](https://burninghut.ru/daunshifting/?utm_source=lifehacker.ru&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=teaser&utm_content=daunshifting)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


Detected change on http://feed.informer.com/widgets/W1BPKT0XMB: http://feed.informer.com/widgets/W1BPKT0XMB?diffydate=1706687966
[Read more...](analogindex/111850325790055061" rel="nofollow">https://mas.to/@analogindex/111850325790055061)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


Композитный подносок - это защитный элемент в рабочей обуви, предохраняющий ногу от удара силой в 200 Дж. Подноски из композитных материалов отличаются небольшим весом.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/pjGeKBR Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3604013.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Звания в армии СССР*

via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/mUkew0u Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3599502.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*You're getting LinkedIn all wrong - These are the best ways to stand out and get a job*

A solid LinkedIn profile can oftentimes be the deciding factor when it comes to landing your dream job. According to LinkedIn expert Andrew McCaskill, it's important to remember that LinkedIn isn't like other social media platforms -- it demands professionalism and great attention to detail. McCaskill joined TheStreet to discuss some of the top things to keep in mind when building and maintaining a profile.Full Video Transcript Below: J.D. DURKIN: What are some of those do's and maybe some of those don'ts to avoid for building a really solid representative LinkedIn profile? ANDREW MCCASKILL: Keep in mind that LinkedIn is a professional network. It's not your Instagram, it's not your Twitter, right? So this is where people come to do the work of business and to find incredible talent and opportunities. So your LinkedIn profile. Have a great picture, but you don't have to go out and get a professional headshot. Just know beach selfie unless you plan on being a surf instructor, right? And we've got some surf instructors on our platform too, but you know what I mean. Like, it's got to be a great photo that says, hello, I'm Drew and I'm ready to work. But then also really optimize your skills, really make sure that you've got what's on your resume, actually matches up with what's on your LinkedIn profile. And take a look at your connections. Start to follow companies and people that are in industries and are at companies and in roles that you would like to be. And participation is half of the battle don't just come in when you're looking for a gig, right? There's something my dad used to say that I say to job candidates all the time, he said. He would say, is that if you stay ready, you don't have to get ready. And that's how we've got to think about our careers. It's not just when you're looking for a job that you participate in your network and that you participate in where people are looking for talent, your visibility is really important, particularly in a more competitive market. J.D. DURKIN: You talk about the importance of keeping those relationships sharp, keeping those profiles sharp, even if you're not actively looking right now, because the time will come when you'll need to. I love that. Yeah if you stay ready, you have to get ready. ANDREW MCCASKILL: If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready. The time will come too. And it's also really good to let your network know people in your professional community that you really trust to say, hey, I may be looking pretty soon, but that's not enough to just tell your network that you may be looking. Tell them what you're looking for and tell them what they should say about you. When they have conversations about you, just say, listen, J.D., my superpower is I'm a great storyteller. I'm a great problem solver. I can write my butt off, right? And if you have an opportunity where you hear of somebody who's looking for somebody with that skill and those talents, let them know that that's Drew's Superpowers. Make it easy for people to say good things about you, and they got to know what those things are before they can say them.
[Read more...](https://www.thestreet.com/video/youre-getting-linkedin-all-wrong-these-are-the-best-ways-to-stand-out-and-get-a-job)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


submitted by /u/bunwoc to r/meirl [link] [comments]
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