*Форма Гражданских*
ФОРМЕННАЯ ОДЕЖДА И ЗНАКИ РАЗЛИЧИЯ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫХ ГРАЖДАНСКИХ СЛУЖАЩИХ ВООРУЖЕННЫХ СИЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ nbsp Информация взята с ресурса...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/VTb4NlE Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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*Форма одежды и знаки*
Форма одежды и знаки различия милиции июнь 1975-12 июня 1990 года. Приказом МВД СССР № 140 от 2.06.1975 г. внесены изменения и дополнения в существующую форму одежды милиции.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/RyOTfXI Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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TIL that while working in the UK, Jim Henson's 1979 Lotus Eclat was stolen and used in a bank robbery. Police quickly apprehended the robbers because the car was painted a distinct shade of green to mimic Kermit the Frog, and had Kermit pupil stickers stu
submitted by /u/GoCartMozart1980 to r/todayilearned link comments
*TIL that while working in the UK, Jim Henson's 1979 Lotus Eclat was stolen and used in a bank robbery. Police quickly apprehended the robbers because the car was painted a distinct shade of green to mimic Kermit the Frog, and had Kermit pupil stickers stu*
submitted by /u/GoCartMozart1980 to r/todayilearned [link] [comments]
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What is the worst thing that a person can put on their bio on a dating app?
submitted by /u/Reasonable-Disk-976 to r/AskReddit link comments
I've apparently been flagged as a potential wife beater by the hospital
About a year ago, my wife fell down our front stairwell while holding our 1 year old daughter, messing up her leg pretty bad(she kept our daughter safe, though, like a champ). She called me, I rushed home from work, bundled them into the car, and rushed them to the ER(I live less than a mile from work, and like 2.5 blocks from the hospital. Ambulance would have been slower. Though if her head had been hit, I would have called one). Didn't think anything about at the time, I was just terrified, and wanted to make sure they were okay. Fast forward to last night, and she was filing some paperwork that required her to go through her medical records, and that ER visit was one of the ones that was needed. It seems that the reason listed was that "husband brought to Emergency Room after aledgedly "falling down stairs." " That made me feel bad enough, but it got worse when she looked at the rest of the records since. Every time I took her to the doctors for something(which is most all of the time, since she doesn't drive), they made sure it was mentioned in the record. Something that none of the records prior to her accident mentioned. This hurts. I'm a big guy. All my life, I've had to deal with people being scared and intimidated by my appearance, and I hate it. I'm not a violent guy, and would never raise a hand to my wife or daughter. To have people assume that I am that sort of monster, and basically put me on perpetual watch because of a legitimate accident(which I wasn't even home when it happened) is just depressing. Edit: I can accept that they wanted to make sure that she wasn't being abused. It feels shitty, but I can see the good that it can do. What really bugs me is, even after she had explained what had happened, and that I wasn't even home when it happened, they left the language in the records implying that they didn't believe her story and have basically been constantly watching for any chance to "get me" in the year since. That bothers me. submitted by /u/Vin135mm to r/mildlyinfuriating link comments
*Армия Беларуси:*
Нарукавный знак Особого отряда специального назначения 5 отдельной бригады специального назначения Вооруженных сил Республики Беларусь. Нарукавный знак Особого отряда...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/GOWEyZn Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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Федеральная служба войск национальной гвардии Российской Федерации (Росгвардия) — федеральный орган исполнительной власти Российской Федерации, спецслужба...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/MYxFaSg Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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*We Tested 4 Famous Lasagna Recipes and the Winner Was Perfection*
We did not see this one coming.
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Военные чины и знаки
Персональные ранги военнослужащих французской армии делились на генеральские, офицерские и унтер-офицерские.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/lZ0k7YD Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
*Военные чины и знаки*
Персональные ранги военнослужащих французской армии делились на генеральские, офицерские и унтер-офицерские.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/lZ0k7YD Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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Форма одежды и знаки
Органы и Внутренние войска НКВД 1935-1937г. Напомню, что Внутренние войска за годы своего существования претерпевали многочисленные реорганизации, переименования, и т.д. С созданием сразу после октябрьского переворота ...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/uYKcme5 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
Форма Гражданских
ФОРМЕННАЯ ОДЕЖДА И ЗНАКИ РАЗЛИЧИЯ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫХ ГРАЖДАНСКИХ СЛУЖАЩИХ ВООРУЖЕННЫХ СИЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ nbsp Информация взята с ресурса...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/VTb4NlE Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
*Форма Гражданских*
ФОРМЕННАЯ ОДЕЖДА И ЗНАКИ РАЗЛИЧИЯ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫХ ГРАЖДАНСКИХ СЛУЖАЩИХ ВООРУЖЕННЫХ СИЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ nbsp Информация взята с ресурса...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/VTb4NlE Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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First Image from ‘COYOTE VS ACME’
submitted by /u/MarvelsGrantMan136 to r/movies link comments
*First Image from ‘COYOTE VS ACME’*
submitted by /u/MarvelsGrantMan136 to r/movies [link] [comments]
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submitted by /u/Hot_Drummer_7144 to r/TikTokCringe [link] [comments]
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Legolize it
submitted by /u/InsideProfession68 to r/facepalm link comments
*Legolize it*
submitted by /u/Inside_Profession_68 to r/facepalm [link] [comments]
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*What is the worst thing that a person can put on their bio on a dating app?*
submitted by /u/Reasonable-Disk-976 to r/AskReddit [link] [comments]
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Армия Беларуси:
Нарукавный знак Особого отряда специального назначения 5 отдельной бригады специального назначения Вооруженных сил Республики Беларусь. Нарукавный знак Особого отряда...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/GOWEyZn Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
Федеральная служба войск национальной гвардии Российской Федерации (Росгвардия) — федеральный орган исполнительной власти Российской Федерации, спецслужба...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/MYxFaSg Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
*This $12 Amazon Find Is the Key to Keeping My Shower Drain Hair-Free *
It's so much better than the plastic version!
[Read more...](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/tubshroom-metal-review-ll-37357896?utm_source=RSS&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Category%2FChannel%3A+main)
Погоны представляют собой часть одежды военнослужащего, а расположение звезд на погонах принято считать знаком отличия по званию между сослуживцами. Однако очень важно знать, на каком расстоянии должны находиться ...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/Cq2Ad3p Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
Погоны представляют собой часть одежды военнослужащего, а расположение звезд на погонах принято считать знаком отличия по званию между сослуживцами. Однако очень важно знать, на каком расстоянии должны находиться ...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/Cq2Ad3p Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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Форма ВДВ
Воздушно-десантные войска созданы для проведения боевых и диверсионных действий в тылу врага. Ранее они являлись частью сухопутных войск, реже входили в состав флота. Но с 1991 года ВДВ стали самостоятельным родом ...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/H5yhZxw Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
*Форма ВДВ*
Воздушно-десантные войска созданы для проведения боевых и диверсионных действий в тылу врага. Ранее они являлись частью сухопутных войск, реже входили в состав флота. Но с 1991 года ВДВ стали самостоятельным родом ...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/H5yhZxw Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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*Форма одежды и знаки*
Органы и Внутренние войска НКВД 1935-1937г. Напомню, что Внутренние войска за годы своего существования претерпевали многочисленные реорганизации, переименования, и т.д. С созданием сразу после октябрьского переворота ...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/uYKcme5 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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*This $4 Plastic Razor Blade Is My New Fave Cleaning Tool*
My latest treasured find removes stubborn stains without any damage. READ MORE...
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