Community College turned former Mall into a campus.
submitted by /u/Naweezy to r/pics link comments
Comedian destroys a whole channel for messing up his clip
submitted by /u/TommyShelbyPFB to r/funny link comments
*Comedian destroys a whole channel for messing up his clip*
submitted by /u/TommyShelbyPFB to r/funny [link] [comments]
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*The Brilliant British Solution to a Spotlessly Clean Coffee Mug*
It makes cleaning stains so ridiculously easy!
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Motivational words
submitted by /u/LordNPython to r/shitposting link comments
*Motivational words*
submitted by /u/LordNPython to r/shitposting [link] [comments]
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submitted by /u/Select_Bar_3895 to r/meirl [link] [comments]
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*Citation for feeding people*
submitted by /u/Yewsernayum to r/TikTokCringe [link] [comments]
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*UPDATE: AITA for going back on letting my husband adopt my daughter because he cheated?*
I have read a large majority of your comments. Some of you have been very compassionate, but I am also astounded at the amount of people who think that my last act as a " good" woman is to turn the other cheek and laud a cheating husband. A lot of comments also dismiss me for the sole fact that I am dying and it seems those are more of a reflection of the commenter's lack of emotional fortitude- I hope they treat their own dying relatives with more introspection. But I am not here to complain- just wanted to give an update. It's only been less than a day, so obviously nothing is definite but here goes: With regards to my relationship with my husband, I've decided dying or not, I have to stick to my original stance that if I were healthy, we'd likely already be half way through a divorce because I cannot stand infidelity. I don't know if my previous post makes it clear, but I had been speaking to a lawyer about divorce. As I said in one of my comments, we probably have around $50-$100 before payday, sometimes our checking accounts are as low as $13. I do thank my husband for allowing me access to our checking, even when it came to seeking legal counsel. I also know that our state has a lot of self help legal/ legal aid resources. All this is to say: I intend to file for divorce. There are also hospice facilities that offer care for people who cannot really afford hospice and divorced or not, that would still probably be me. If things get bad enough, I'm fine with not burdening others and just going to the ER and letting them take it from there. I defended the foster/ adoption system because I myself am an adoptive parent. But I also value family, so I have reached out to my cousin who, contrary to belief, does make an income, and not necessarily a bad one. Actually only $3k less than what my husband makes depending on tips. She just gets assistance because of having 5 kids. She said that if she needs to take in a blood relative, and get guardianship, she will do so and that she knows the resources to help her care for my child. She recognizes this is sudden and a lot to ask, but she that she feels it's her duty to put in her best effort on my behalf. She said she cannot promise anything beyond a bare bones life, or that she won't struggle greatly in the beginning and question her decision occasionally but that she'll do her best if the thought of my daughter being with her stepdad upsets me that much. I don't think it's fair for me to stay with my husband after denying him this and I know he resents me for this. He claims that our state favors biological relatives and that he'll fight regardless. I'm ok with that, but not ok with his assumption that my cousin would melt down and give my daughter up for adoption when that is not who she is. I'm no longer asking for judgement but hope that my intention to give my daughter to a blood relative instead of a foster system would give some of you peace, as it gives to me. Again our state strongly favors biological relatives so hopefully my daughter will in a stable situation before I die. submitted by /u/Throwawayambe to r/AITAH [link] [comments]
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*The problem is this guy’s stupidity. That’s the problem.*
submitted by /u/NeverEndingWalker64 to r/facepalm [link] [comments]
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Одна из наиболее заметных деталей современного парадного воинского костюма — аксельбант . Слово пришло к нам из немецкого языка: Achsel — плечо, Band — лента, тесьма.via forma full 5 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT:
Шеврон (по-русски — стропило ) — знак (изображение) из двух отрезков, соединённых концами под углом, является знаком различия: V -образной формы на униформе...via forma full 5 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT:
Погоны представляют собой часть одежды военнослужащего, а расположение звезд на погонах принято считать знаком отличия по званию между сослуживцами. Однако очень важно знать, на каком расстоянии должны находиться ...via forma full 5 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT:
Погоны представляют собой часть одежды военнослужащего, а расположение звезд на погонах принято считать знаком отличия по званию между сослуживцами. Однако очень важно знать, на каком расстоянии должны находиться ...via forma full 5 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT:
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*Alex Jones offers $55m to Sandy Hook families to satisfy $1.5bn judgment*
submitted by /u/Onahail to r/news [link] [comments]
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*Community College turned former Mall into a campus.*
submitted by /u/Naweezy to r/pics [link] [comments]
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*Как превратить зрелость в самое лучшее и счастливое время в своей жизни*
Вам помогут ощущение цели, правильная реакция на стресс и чувство благодарности.
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*I Tried Ina Garten’s Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes and I’ll Be Making Them All Winter Long*
They're cheesy, comforting perfection.
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I feel bad for laughing at this
submitted by /u/HemanHeboy to r/technicallythetruth link comments
*I feel bad for laughing at this*
submitted by /u/HemanHeboy to r/technicallythetruth [link] [comments]
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Citation for feeding people
submitted by /u/Yewsernayum to r/TikTokCringe link comments
UPDATE: AITA for going back on letting my husband adopt my daughter because he cheated?
I have read a large majority of your comments. Some of you have been very compassionate, but I am also astounded at the amount of people who think that my last act as a " good" woman is to turn the other cheek and laud a cheating husband. A lot of comments also dismiss me for the sole fact that I am dying and it seems those are more of a reflection of the commenter's lack of emotional fortitude- I hope they treat their own dying relatives with more introspection. But I am not here to complain- just wanted to give an update. It's only been less than a day, so obviously nothing is definite but here goes: With regards to my relationship with my husband, I've decided dying or not, I have to stick to my original stance that if I were healthy, we'd likely already be half way through a divorce because I cannot stand infidelity. I don't know if my previous post makes it clear, but I had been speaking to a lawyer about divorce. As I said in one of my comments, we probably have around $50-$100 before payday, sometimes our checking accounts are as low as $13. I do thank my husband for allowing me access to our checking, even when it came to seeking legal counsel. I also know that our state has a lot of self help legal/ legal aid resources. All this is to say: I intend to file for divorce. There are also hospice facilities that offer care for people who cannot really afford hospice and divorced or not, that would still probably be me. If things get bad enough, I'm fine with not burdening others and just going to the ER and letting them take it from there. I defended the foster/ adoption system because I myself am an adoptive parent. But I also value family, so I have reached out to my cousin who, contrary to belief, does make an income, and not necessarily a bad one. Actually only $3k less than what my husband makes depending on tips. She just gets assistance because of having 5 kids. She said that if she needs to take in a blood relative, and get guardianship, she will do so and that she knows the resources to help her care for my child. She recognizes this is sudden and a lot to ask, but she that she feels it's her duty to put in her best effort on my behalf. She said she cannot promise anything beyond a bare bones life, or that she won't struggle greatly in the beginning and question her decision occasionally but that she'll do her best if the thought of my daughter being with her stepdad upsets me that much. I don't think it's fair for me to stay with my husband after denying him this and I know he resents me for this. He claims that our state favors biological relatives and that he'll fight regardless. I'm ok with that, but not ok with his assumption that my cousin would melt down and give my daughter up for adoption when that is not who she is. I'm no longer asking for judgement but hope that my intention to give my daughter to a blood relative instead of a foster system would give some of you peace, as it gives to me. Again our state strongly favors biological relatives so hopefully my daughter will in a stable situation before I die. submitted by /u/Throwawayambe to r/AITAH link comments
The problem is this guy’s stupidity. That’s the problem.
submitted by /u/NeverEndingWalker64 to r/facepalm link comments
How worried should I be about this bent post supporting my deck? Can I fix it myself?
Bought the house 3 years ago and noticed it was bent but ignored it. Recently it seems like it’s bending even more (2nd pic shows wood on concave side of post flaring out, which wasn’t there 3 years ago). submitted by /u/alpharayburst to r/DIY link comments
*How worried should I be about this bent post supporting my deck? Can I fix it myself?*
Bought the house 3 years ago and noticed it was bent but ignored it. Recently it seems like it’s bending even more (2nd pic shows wood on concave side of post flaring out, which wasn’t there 3 years ago). submitted by /u/alpha_ray_burst to r/DIY [link] [comments]
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Одна из наиболее заметных деталей современного парадного воинского костюма — аксельбант . Слово пришло к нам из немецкого языка: Achsel — плечо, Band — лента, тесьма.via forma full 5 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT:
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Шеврон (по-русски — стропило ) — знак (изображение) из двух отрезков, соединённых концами под углом, является знаком различия: V -образной формы на униформе...via forma full 5 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT:
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*Форма одежды и знаки*
Органы и Внутренние войска НКВД 1935-1937г. Напомню, что Внутренние войска за годы своего существования претерпевали многочисленные реорганизации, переименования, и т.д. С созданием сразу после октябрьского переворота ...via forma full 5 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT:
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*The Ingenious $20 Amazon Caddy That Tripled My Shower Storage Space*
I was surprised by this unassuming organizer.
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