National & International English and Math competitions for private and public schools in Uzbekistan.🥇🥈🥉 📲+998788880030 Sponsored by @worlduz
🗓Date: October 20 (Sunday)
⏳Time: 13:00-14:00 ALL GRADES
14:00-15:30 ORAL TASK
📌Dear candidates, please be in time for the examination!
☎️+998 973408301
AMC 10/12 B - 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣
American Mathematics Competitions!
AMC 10 - for 9-10th grades
AMC 12 - for 11th grades
Registration is open now!
Deadline: 3rd November
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
TIMO 2025 - Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad sample exam papers to practise.
Level: Grade 10
Language: English and Russian
Best of luck to the participants of TIMO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!
M istakes
A llow
T hinking to
H appen
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
TIMO 2025 - Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad sample exam papers to practise.
Level: Grade 8
Language: English and Russian
Best of luck to the participants of TIMO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!
M istakes
A llow
T hinking to
H appen
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
TIMO 2025 - Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad sample exam papers to practise.
Level: Grade 6
Language: English and Russian
Best of luck to the participants of TIMO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!
M istakes
A llow
T hinking to
H appen
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
TIMO 2025 - Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad sample exam papers to practise.
Level: Grade 4
Language: English and Russian
Best of luck to the participants of TIMO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!
M istakes
A llow
T hinking to
H appen
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
Win TIMO and get scholarships to International Universities🥳!
Register now and become the TIMO Champion😍!
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
Here is the list for NSB-2024
Can you check your names and details?
🔔MOCK EXAM by IESOL for HIPPO OLYMPIAD organized yesterday
Reading and Use of English
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
✅️Please contact your school administration regarding the Mock Exams
7th National Spelling Bee Competition
-Registration deadline has been extended until the 10th of October
- Registration fee: 250 000uzs
Exam dates:
- Preliminary round: 19-20 Oct
For the students studying in grades 2-10.
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
⚡️Mirabror Rajabboyev - xalqaro olimpiada sovrindori
📈Italiyada o‘tkazilgan xalqaro olimpiada sovrindori munosib kutib olindi.
Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | You tube | Twitter | Veb-sayt
Сегодня в школе № 74 Денауского района Сурхандарьинской области проведено торжественное мероприятие, посвящённое победе ученика 8 А класса Ражаббоева Мираброра, занявшего почётное третье место на международной олимпиаде " HIPPO", проходившей в Италии среди учащихся 64 стран мира.
Читать полностью…NSB🐝2024
7th National Spelling Bee Competition
-Registration deadline has been extended until the 10th of October
- Registration fee: 250 000uzs
Exam dates:
- Preliminary round: 19-20 Oct
For the students studying in grades 2-10.
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
The champion is now exploring Paris…🤩
🥉V-I-C-T-O-R-Y🥉 G’alabaaa🤩
3️⃣rd Place winner🥳 among 64 countries.
HIPPO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - WORLD FINALS in Assisi, Italy.
International English Language Olympiad
Team Uzbekistan🇺🇿!
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
Nuriddin Kushnazarov (Italiyadagi O’zbekiston elchixonasining maslahatchisi) rasman o’zlari tashrif buyurib, o’quvchilarimizni taqdirladi.
Nuriddin Kushnazarov (Deputy Permanent Representative of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Italy) visited to met our students and handed over the special certificates on behalf of the Embassy)
HIPPO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - WORLD FINALS in Assisi, Italy.
International English Language Olympiad
Team Uzbekistan🇺🇿!
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
SEAMO - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad-2024
🗓Date: October 20 (SUNDAY)
10:00-11:30 ALL GRADES-PAPER A-B-C-D-E
‼️Dear participants, please come to the exam on time! Don’t come late or even before the exam!
😘😘 Wishing you all GOOD luck in the world! ...😍😍
☎️+998 973408301
TIMO 2025 - Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad sample exam papers to practise.
Level: Grade 11
Language: English and Russian
Best of luck to the participants of TIMO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!
M istakes
A llow
T hinking to
H appen
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
TIMO 2025 - Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad sample exam papers to practise.
Level: Grade 9
Language: English and Russian
Best of luck to the participants of TIMO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!
M istakes
A llow
T hinking to
H appen
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
TIMO 2025 - Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad sample exam papers to practise.
Level: Grade 7
Language: English and Russian
Best of luck to the participants of TIMO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!
M istakes
A llow
T hinking to
H appen
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
TIMO 2025 - Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad sample exam papers to practise.
Level: Grade 5
Language: English and Russian
Best of luck to the participants of TIMO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!
M istakes
A llow
T hinking to
H appen
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
TIMO 2025 - Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad sample exam papers to practise.
Level: Grade 1 (for 1-3grades)
Language: English and Russian
Best of luck to the participants of TIMO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣!
M istakes
A llow
T hinking to
H appen
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
Good evening
Here is the list for SEAMO-2024
Can you check your names and details?
Agar rus tilida topshiradiganlar bo'lsa menga xabar bering (Ideal study maktabidan tashqari, ularni ustozi aniqlab beradi)
Today is the laaaast day to register❗️😱 HURRY UP!!!
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
Bugun 👍👍👍 jamoasi yuqori natijali Oʼquvchilarni tabrikladi .
👍 Akrombek 5 sinf oʼquvchisi Xalqaro Hippo Olimpiyadasi Italiyada boʼlib oʼtgan bosqichda 64 ta davlatdan ishtirok qilgan oʼquvchilar bilan birga imtihonda ishtirok qilib faxrli oʻrinlarga ega boʼldi .
👍 Behruzbek 5 sinf oʼquvchisi Tailandda boʼlib oʻtgan sport musobaqalarida faxrli oʻrinlarga ega boʼldi .
🍁 Behruzbek va Akrombek 🍁
🍁 Aziz Oʼquvchilarimiz Erishgan yutuqlar bilan faxrlanamiz. Va albatta kelajakda bundanda katta natijalarga ega boʻladilar. Shu Oʼquvchilarni Ota Onalariga katta rahmat 🍁
⚡️Xalqaro olimpiada sovrindori munosib kutib olindi
📈Italiya davlatida o'tkazilgan Hippo xalqaro ingliz tili olimpiadasida Surxondaryo viloyati Denov tumani 74-maktabning 8-sinf o'quvchisi Mirabror Rajabboyev munosib ishtirok etib,
64 ta davlat ishtirokchilari orasida faxrli 3-o'rinni egallaganligi haqida xabar bergan edik.
🔔Bugun Mirabror Rajabboyev viloyat Maktabgacha va maktab ta'limi boshqarmasi boshlig‘ining o‘rinbosari Muhriddin Normurodov, o‘quvchi tahsil oladigan maktab jamoasi, uning ota-onasi va boshqa mas'ullar tomonidan Termiz xalqaro aeroportida tantanali ravishda kutib olindi.
Денов тумани ҳокими Илҳом Аброров ҳамда туманда жойлашган ҳарбий қисм раҳбарлари томонидан Халқаро олимпиада совриндори тақдирланди
Италия давлатида ўтказилган Ҳиппо халқаро инглиз тили олимпиадасида Денов туманидаги 74-мактабнинг 8-синф ўқувчиси Мираброр Ражаббоев муносиб иштирок этиб, 64 та давлат иштирокчилари орасида фахрли 3-ўринни эгаллади.
Бугун Мираброр Ражаббоев таҳсил оладиган мактаб жамоаси, унинг ота-онаси ва туман Мактабгача ва мактаб таълими бўлими бошлиғи Умид Хожиев иштирокида мактабда тантанали равишда учрашув бўлиб ўтди.
Туман ҳокими Мираброрни ушбу ютуқ билан қутлаб, келгусида янада улкан муваффақиятларга эга бўлишини тилади ва унинг ота-онасига ўз миннатдорчилигини билдирди. Шунингдек, ўқувчиларга яхши билим олиш ҳамда ушбу билимни Юрт равнақи учун сарфлаш Ватанпарварлик эканлигини таъкидлади.
Денов тумани ҳокимлиги
Ахборот хизмати
🕊@dthaxborotxizmati 📱Instagram 📱Facebook 📺dthaxborotxizmati">YouTube
#REGULATIONS #rules_and_guidelines
7th National Spelling Bee Competition
- Registration deadline 4th October
- Registration fee: 250 000uzs
Exam dates:
- Preliminary round: 12-13 Oct
- Semi-final round: 23-24 Nov
- Final round: 21-22 Dec
For the students studying in grades 2-10.
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
The champion is exploring the city Rome in Italy…🤩
🥉V-I-C-T-O-R-Y🥉 G’alabaaa🤩
3️⃣rd Place winner🥳 among 64 countries.
HIPPO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - WORLD FINALS in Assisi, Italy.
International English Language Olympiad
Team Uzbekistan🇺🇿!
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030
Nuriddin Kushnazarov (Italiyadagi O’zbekiston elchixonasining maslahatchisi) rasman o’zlari tashrif buyurib, o’quvchilarimizni taqdirladi.
Nuriddin Kushnazarov (Deputy Permanent Representative of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Italy) visited to met our students and handed over the special certificates on behalf of the Embassy)
HIPPO2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - WORLD FINALS in Assisi, Italy.
International English Language Olympiad
Team Uzbekistan🇺🇿!
ELPC - the future is today🛎!
📞 886200030