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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Did you like Board Game Publishers?

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Board Game Publishers (15)
by FlandersBurger
Category: Gaming
1: Mayfair - Kewstik
2: Z-Man - Kewstik
3: Fantasy Flight - Kewstik
4: Hasbro - Kewstik
5: Cranium - Kewstik
6: Hans im Glück - Kewstik
7: Rio Grande - Kewstik
8: Haba - Kewstik
9: Days of Wonder - Kewstik
10: Ravensburger - Kewstik

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Board Game Publishers
10: Ravens⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Days of Wonder
--- Streak: 58 ---
28 + 4 points (100%)
Board Game Publishers
2: Z-⁎an
10: Rave⁎⁎⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Hasbro
--- Streak: 56 ---
20 + 4 points (100%)
Board Game Publishers
2: Z-⁎an
6: Hans im G⁎ü⁎k
9: Days of Wo⁎⁎er
10: Rave⁎⁎⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Cranium
--- Streak: 54 ---
12 + 4 points (100%)
Board Game Publishers
2: Z-⁎an
3: Fan⁎a⁎y F⁎i⁎⁎t
4: Has⁎⁎o
6: Hans im G⁎ü⁎k
9: Days of Wo⁎⁎er
10: Rave⁎⁎⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Haba
--- Streak: 52 ---
4 + 4 points (100%)
Board Game Publishers
2: Z-⁎an
3: Fan⁎a⁎y F⁎i⁎⁎t
4: Has⁎⁎o
5: Cra⁎ium
6: Hans im G⁎ü⁎k
7: Rio Gra⁎⁎e
9: Days of Wo⁎⁎er
10: Rave⁎⁎⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

@Kewstik won with 406 points!

Thanks for playing! I gotta say it warms my heart knowing the game is played widely and I want to keep it free.
However, the game costs me around $40/month to host so if you're feeling generous and want to support Ten Things then please consider donating.
Your gratitude won't go unnoticed :)

- Paypal
- Bitcoin Address: bc1qnr4y95d3w5rwahcypazpjdv33g8wupewmw6rpa3s2927qvgmduqsvcpgfs

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Daily Scores
1: Kewstik - 406
2: Roy - 133

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Board Game Publishers (15) by FlandersBurger

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Did you like Directed by Ron Howard?

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Directed by Ron Howard (18)
by FlandersBurger
Category: Movies
1: A Beautiful Mind - Kewstik
2: Solo: A Star Wars Story - Kewstik
3: How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Kewstik
4: The Da Vinci Code - Kewstik
5: Cocoon - Kewstik
6: Parenthood - Kewstik
7: Inferno - Kewstik
8: Apollo 13 - Kewstik
9: Willow - Kewstik
10: Angels & Demons - Kewstik

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Directed by Ron Howard
7: I⁎fe⁎⁎o

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Udah gak ada tip doge lagi😭

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

I wish you a happy weekend and relax yourself

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Stats for Board Game Publishers
Score: 32.65%
Votes: 44 👍 / 60 👎
Values: 15
Plays: 1874 (23.00%)
Skips: 1443
Hints: 2510
Top 5 Daily Scores
1: Kewstik - 37

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Ravensburger
--- Streak: 60 ---
35 + 2 points (75%)
Round over

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Z-Man
--- Streak: 59 ---
32 + 3 points (75%)
Board Game Publishers
10: Rave⁎⁎⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Hans im Glück
--- Streak: 57 ---
24 + 4 points (91%)
Board Game Publishers
2: Z-⁎an
9: Days of Wo⁎⁎er
10: Rave⁎⁎⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Fantasy Flight
--- Streak: 55 ---
16 + 4 points (92%)
Board Game Publishers
2: Z-⁎an
4: Has⁎⁎o
6: Hans im G⁎ü⁎k
9: Days of Wo⁎⁎er
10: Rave⁎⁎⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Rio Grande
--- Streak: 53 ---
8 + 4 points (100%)
Board Game Publishers
2: Z-⁎an
3: Fan⁎a⁎y F⁎i⁎⁎t
4: Has⁎⁎o
5: Cra⁎ium
6: Hans im G⁎ü⁎k
9: Days of Wo⁎⁎er
10: Rave⁎⁎⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Mayfair
--- Streak: 51 ---
0 + 4 points (100%)
Board Game Publishers
2: Z-⁎an
3: Fan⁎a⁎y F⁎i⁎⁎t
4: Has⁎⁎o
5: Cra⁎ium
6: Hans im G⁎ü⁎k
7: Rio Gra⁎⁎e
8: Haba
9: Days of Wo⁎⁎er
10: Rave⁎⁎⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Board Game Publishers (15)
by FlandersBurger
Category: Gaming
1: May⁎air
2: Z-⁎an
3: Fan⁎a⁎y F⁎i⁎⁎t
4: Has⁎⁎o
5: Cra⁎ium
6: Hans im G⁎ü⁎k
7: Rio Gra⁎⁎e
8: Haba
9: Days of Wo⁎⁎er
10: Rave⁎⁎⁎u⁎⁎er

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group


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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

A new round will start in 2 seconds
Category: Gaming

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Stats for Directed by Ron Howard
Score: 42.78%
Votes: 73 👍 / 89 👎
Values: 18
Plays: 1966 (40.49%)
Skips: 1170
Hints: 3432
Top 5 Daily Scores
1: Kewstik - 406
2: Roy - 133

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Inferno
--- Fiddy ---
402 + 4 points (100%)
Round over

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Kewstik got Angels & Demons
--- Streak: 49 ---
396 + 6 points (100%)
Directed by Ron Howard
7: I⁎⁎e⁎⁎o

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Heehhh like pinned messages?

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Dogecoin Tipbot Group

Advertisement placement

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