WELCOME! Learn english with us! In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! For Synonyms: https://www.thesaurus.com/ For Checking Grammar: https://www.grammarly.com/ If you have some questions or offers write to: @farruxbekoff
Читать полностью…Try to write what you listened and check it from the transcript below the video
Читать полностью…https://telegra.ph/Why-I-Live-a-Zero-Waste-Life--Lauren-Singer-at-TEDxTeen-10-05
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LINK 👉 gutenberg.org
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@bookuzbekistan — яқинроқ
Nature and the universe
amazing - hayratlanarli
climate - iqlim
countryside - qishloq
environment - atrof-muhit
extinct - yo'q bo'lib ketgan, qirilib ketgan
forecast - oldindan aytmoq
freezing - muzlagan
global - ommaviy
heatwave - issiq muddat
insect - hashorat
lightning - chaqmoq
litter - axlat tashlamoq
local - mahalliy
locate - joylashmoq
mammal - sut emizuvchi
mild - yumshoq
name - ism
origin - kelib chiqish
planet - sayyora
preserve - saqlamoq, muhofaza qilmoq
recycle - qayta ishlamoq
reptile - sudralib yuruvchilar
rescue - qochmoq
setellite - sun'iy yo'ldosh
shower - dush
solar system - quyosh sistemasi
species - tur
thunder - momoqaldiroq
wild - yovvoyi
wildlife - yovvoyi hayot
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#motivation_and_inspiration 😉
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So'zlashuv uchun yangi iboralar to'plami
🚩Mavzu: Aralash gaplar
💥 Can you spare me a moment? - bir daqiqa vaqt ajrata olasizmi?
💥 Could you do me a favor? - menga yordam bera olasizmi?
💥 Don't take it to heart - yuragingizga yaqin olmang
💥 Forget it - ahamiyat bermang
💥 How come? - qanday bunday?
🚩 Mavzu: Uyqu
💥 Be fast asleep - tez uxlab qolmoq
💥 Fall asleep - uxlab qolmoq
💥 Have a good time - vaqtingizni yaxshi o'tkazing
💥 Have a lie-in - yotoqda dumalab yotish
💥 Have a nap - mizg'ib olmoq
💥 Have insomnia - uyqusizlik kasallligi
💥 Have nightmares - qo'rqinchli tushlar ko'rish
💥 Sleepwalk - uyquda yurib chiqish
💥 Snore - xurrak otmoq
💥 Talk in your sleep - uyquda gapirish
💥 Wake up - uyg'onmoq
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When you are
When you put your soul in things, you love
You don't ever move back in time
You go beyond things to achieve
And have a smile through you grieve
You work hard so that you can win
You smile and make hearts melt
You are as perfect as you can be
You are an inspiration one can see
A big thank you for being so wonderful
Happy women's day to you!
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Vocabulary for describing city
public spaces - areas in a town or city that are open to the public
public transport system - public vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times on fixed routes
residential area - an area where people live
run down - old and of a poor standard
shopping centre - an area consisting of multiple shops
shopping malls - large indoor shopping centres
sprawling city - a city that has grown over time and which covers a wide area
tourist attraction - a place of interest to tourists
traffic congestion - heavy traffic making it difficult to move around a town or city
upmarket shops - expensive fashionable shops
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20 Common Homophone Pairs
Some common examples of homophones, including the words used in a sentence, are:
brake/break: When teaching my daughter how to drive, I told her if she didn't hit the brake in time she would break the car's side mirror.
cell/sell: If you sell drugs, you will get arrested and end up in a prison cell.
cent/scent: I won't spend one cent on a bottle of perfume until I know that I love the scent.
die/dye: If you accidentally drank a bottle of fabric dye, you might die.
flour/flower: To bake a flower-shaped cake, you’ll need some flour.
for/four: I purchased four new pairs of shoes for my upcoming vacation.
heal/heel: If the heel breaks on your shoe, you might fall. However, your injuries will heal over time.
hear/here: I wanted to sit here so I could hear the singer performing without any distractions.
hour/our: We have one hour before our appointment with the real estate agent.
idle/idol: Being idle makes me unhappy, but listening to my idol Taylor Swift makes me happy.
knight/night: The knight is on his way to the castle, but traveling at night is very dangerous.
knot/not: I do not know how she learned to tie the knot to make that necklace.
poor/pour: I pour drinks at a bar every night. I am poor because I have too many bills and not enough money.
right/write: There is no right way to write a great novel.
sea/see: At my beach house, I love to wake up and see the sea.
sole/soul: I need to get a new sole put on my favorite pair of running shoes. Jogging is good for my soul.
son/sun: My son is 13 years old. He likes to spend time outside in the sun.
steal/steel: Someone who decides to steal a car has committed a crime, but auto parts are made of steel.
tail/tale: My cat was crazily chasing his tail while I read a fairy tale to my children.
weather/whether: I don’t know whether to bring a jacket or not. The weather looks unpredictable today.
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So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️Kundalik Suhbatlashuvlar
🎯 You've got me wrong. - Siz meni noto'g'ri tushundiz.
🎯 You've got it all wrong. - Siz hammasini noto'g'ri tushundingiz.
🎯 You've got it wrong. - Xato tushundingiz buni.
🎯 You've twisted my words. - Siz so'zlarimni chalkashtirib yubordingiz.
🎯 You've missed the point. - Siz gapimni o'tkazib yubordingiz.
🎯 You're only hearing what you want to hear. - Siz eshitmoqchi bo'lgan yagona narsani eshitdingiz
🎯 You're not listening to what I'm saying - Siz meni gaplarimni eshitmayapsiz.
🎯 You're putting words into my mouth. - Siz meni og'zimni gap bilan yopayapsiz.
🎯 I didn't mean to give you that impression. - Sizga bunaqa taassurot qoldiraman deb o'ylamagandim.
🎯 I didn't mean to imply that. - Men buni nazarda tutmoqchi emasdim.
🎯 I didn't mean that. - Men buni o'ylamagandim
🎯 That's not what I meant. - Men nazarda tutgan narsa bu emas.
🎯 I said no such thing. - Men hech qanaqa safsata gapirmadim.
🎯 That's not what I said. - Men aytgan narsa bu emas.
🎯 I didn't say that. - Men bunaqa demadim.
🎯 That's not my point. - Bu meni fikrm emas.
🎯 That's not the point I'm trying to make. - Men sizga tushuntirmoqchi bo'lgan gap bu emas.
🎯 You just don't get it! - Siz shunchaki tushunmadingiz.
#vocabulary #speaking
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IDP Andijan | October 8 | Examiner: John
Part 1:
- Home & Apartment;
- Travelling by car;
- Special Costumes.
Part 2:
Describe your favorite movie.
Part 3:
- Questions related to part 2.
- Questions including film production, young generation's and old people's choice about film, National films.
Notes: (I trolled Ahad Qayum😂). Overall 6-7 questions.
Notes: Exam was trillion times better than I expected. Examiner John wasn't like people described to me. We were like friends since stone age. I made him laugh a lot. Especially once I say Ahad Qayum, he also couldn't help laughing😂, I guess he also knows our superstar.
We talked about 18-20 minutes.
ATTENTION: Give serious attention to IELTS ASSISTANT APP. If you prepare well for all questions on that app, I myself guarantee 7+ score from speaking portion of your IELTS exam.
📌IELTS imtihonida sizga tushgan savollarni boshqalar bilan xolis ulashmoqchi bo'lsangiz, @examquestions_bot ga jo'nating.
✍️ @recent_ieltsquestions
The two posts are to improve your listening .
Don't forget learn new words from transcript and rewatch to improve you comprohension.
Have a nice day!
Why I live a zero waste life | Lauren Singer | TEDxTeen
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"Qaysi kasbni tanlashingiz emas, tanlagan sohangizda mukammal bo'lishingiz muhimroq" - Passportidan oldin talabalik guvohnomasini olgan yigit bilan suhbat
🤩 Yoshlarga chinakam motivatsiya bera oladigan va namuna bo'lsa arzigulik hayot yo'li va tajribalariga ega insonlar bilan samimiy suhbat olib borayotgan interaktiv ko'rsatuvlardan biri — "Osmondagi bolalar" loyihasining navbatdagi 10-sonini qarshi oling!
🎯 Xalqaro toifadagi iqtisodchi, Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya Universiteti hamda Avstriya IMC Krems Universiteti o'qituvchisi, "Patronlar ligasi" klubi asoschilaridan biri bo'lgan Muhammad Ali Eshonqulov intervyu davomida inson salohiyati aslida qanchalik kuchli, ishdagi professionallik, OTMlarimizdagi ahvol, dalada qo'y boqib yurgan Elon Musk, Stiv Jobslar, Harvard universiteti talabalariga nega havas qilamiz, hayotda oliy maqsad qanday qo'yilishi kerak, kabi mavzularda shaxsiy fikrlari bilan o'rtoqlashdilar.
⚡️ Barchamizni premyeradan ancha oldinroq qisqa videoroliklar orqali allaqachon ta'sirlantirib ulgurgan, eng ko'p so'ralgan va kutilgan intervyuni siz azizlarga taqdim qilishdan baxtiyormiz!
🎁 Intervyuni to'liq ko'rish orqali maxsus sovg'ani qo'lga kiritish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ling!
📌 Suhbat premyerasi bugun soat 20:30 da bo'lib o'tadi.
🔗 Havola: https://youtu.be/WFTtGlFL52M
📢MOCK IELTS at Dadakhanov IELTS channel!!!
📅Date: 26.03.2021 (FRIDAY)
⌚️Time: 18:00 p.m.
💯Fee: free
🛑Registration deadline: 24.03.2021, 6:00 p.m.
write to @Akilhan
Listening - ✅
Reading - ✅
Writing - ✅
💢P.s. There will not be speaking part because you may cheat by reading and sending the audio❗️
🔰Answers will be announced after 2 weeks after MOCK EXAM.(Feel like a real exam😉)
📌You can register for this mock test by writing to @Akilhan and completing the mission!!!
🔰Seats are limited, so hurry to book a place!!!
♻️Sharing is caring!
"Инглиз тилининг олтин қоидалари" — IELTSга қадам.
🔥 Ушбу қўлланма инглиз фонетикаси, ўқиш қоидалари, сўз туркумлари, ёрдамчи сўз туркумлари, артикл, ибора ва гаплар тузиш усуллари инглиз, ўзбек ва рус тилларидаги мисоллар орқали таҳлил қилинган.
✍️ Аниқ ва қийин бўлмаган фан — грамматикани болаларга илк ёшлик чоғлариданоқ ўргатиш лозим.
© Густав Флобер
↙️ Қўлланма мактаб, олий ва ўрта махсус юртлари талабаларига, инглиз тилини мустақил ўрганувчи кенг китобхонлар оммасига мўлжалланган.
Масъул муҳаррир: А.Овулов, филология фанлари номзоди, доцент.
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Assalomu alaykum va rahmatullohi va barokatuh!
Xo'p, nega siz a'zo bo'lgan ijtimoiy tarmoqlar haqida so'radim. Hamma qiziqyapti albatta😁
@bookuzbekistan kanali bilan hamkorlikda @shunchaki_binnimalar kanalidan kichkina tanlov o'tkazmoqchimiz. Boshlanishiga yutuq sifatida Book.uz kitoblar do'konidan 50 000 ming so'mlik vaucher qo'yishni reja qildim.
Ko'p ezmalik qilmasdan gapni qisqa qilganim ma'qul😁
Asosiy shartimiz ikkita😉
Birinchisi: @bookuzbekistan kanaliga a'zolik
Ikkinchisi esa, o'zingiz o'qiyotgan kitobdan har kuni bitta iqtibosni twitter,facebook va instagram sahifangizga (telegram kanalingiz bo'lsa ham hisobga o'tadi) yozib qoldirasiz.
Telegramda @bookuzbekistan va @shunchaki_binnimalar kanalini yozasiz.
Instagramda @bookuzbekistan va @qurbonova__madina profillarini tag qilasiz.
Facebookda Madina Qurbonova va bookuz kitoblar do'konini rasmiy sahifasini tag qilasiz.
Twitterda (hozircha) Madina Qurbonova profilini tag qilasiz.
Eng kami 10 kun ketma-ket post yozgan odam raqam oladi va random orqali g'olibni aniqlaymiz 😁
Natijalar 11-aprel kuni soat 00:00da e'lon qilinadi!
Hammaga omad☺️
P/S: qatnashuvchilar profillaridan olingan skrinshotlar har kuni kanalga joylanadi.
Causes of death among the population in 2020.
1. 🥗 Hunger;
2. 👨⚕ Cancer
3. 🚬 Smoking;
4. 🍾 Alcohol;
5. 💉 AIDS / HIV;
6. 🦠 Coronavirus;
7. 🔴 Accidents;
8. 🔪 Suicide;
9. 🚰 Water-related deaths;
10. 🤧 Seasonal flu.
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Happy #InternationalWomensDay from #PeakyBlinders
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She will make
She will make you smile even if she cries inside
She will help you deal with stress
Even if her thoughts are distressed
She will give you hope even if she is
Fighting through
She makes you happy and smile
Even if she is in pain and blue
She sacrifices just for you
So tell her a thank you
Make her feel special, all the way
Wishing a happy women's day!
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Today we celebrate every woman on the planet. You bring so much love and beauty into our world just by being in it, and it makes everyone a little bit happier. The Sun shines brighter when you smile, ladies, so keep smiling! Happy Woman’s Day!
Your smile makes heart sing. Thank you for being so wonderful!
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Sending and receiving
accent - aksent
announcement - e'lon
broadcast - radio eshittirish
channel - kanal
clear - toza , tushunarli
click - bosmoq
contact - aloqa qilmoq
file - fayl
formal - rasmiy
image - surat
informal - norasmiy
internet - internet
interrupt - halal bermoq
link - silka
media - media
online - onlayn
pause - to'xtatmoq
persuade - ko'ndirmoq, ishontirmoq
pronounce - talaffuz qilmoq
publish - bosib chiqarmoq
report - sharhlamoq
request - so'rov
ring - jiringlamoq
signal - signal
swear - qasam ichmoq, so'kinmoq
type - yozmoq (klaviaturada)
viewer - tomoshabin
website - vebsayt
whisper - pichirlamoq
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Examples of Homophones
Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same, but have distinctly different meanings and different spellings. Understanding homophones is an essential part of mastering the English language, both for vocabulary building and spelling.
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Word formation
add - qo'shmoq
addition - qo'shimcha
afford - qurbi yetmoq
affordable - sotib olsa bo'ladigan
compare - solishtirmoq
comparison - taqqoslash
decide - qaror qilmoq
decision - qaror
expense - harajat
expensive - qimmat
judge - muhokama qilmoq
judgement - hukm
serve - xizmat qilmoq
service - xizmat
servant - xizmatkor
true - rost
truth - haqiqat
untrue - noto'g'ri
truthful - rostgo'y
use - foydalanmoq
useful - foydali
useless - foydasiz
value - qadr-qimmat
valuable - qimmatli
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At the time (when) - qachonki
Currently (now) - hozir
Is able to (can) - qila olmoq
Requirements (needs) - talablar
Approximately (about) - taxminan
Increase (gain) - oshmoq
Consume (use) - iste'mol qilmoq, foydalanmoq
Consumption (use) - iste'mol, foydalanish
In order to (to) - uchun
Utilize (use) - foydalanmoq
Numerous (many) - ko'p
Facilitate (ease) - osonlashtirmoq
Individual (man or woman) - erkak yoki ayol
Remainder (rest) - qolgan
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