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🎙Uncensored Meme News 😷 Medical Freedom 📲Exposing the Beast System 🥑 Fresh☀️Foods, 🌴Superfoods🍈, Superherbs🍄, Living💦Water, Health💫Technology, and✨#TheBestDayEver!✨ ⬇️MyWorld🌳 & 📲Favorite Links and Memes⬇️

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David Avocado Wolfe

Single adults from India, China, Georgia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Mexico who crossed into Jacumba, California. (41 seconds)
🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

Bill Maher is humiliated when asked to name one good thing Gruesome Newsom has done for Corruptifornia. (2 min, 49 sec)

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David Avocado Wolfe

Beijing Biden has trouble handling the special short stairs they rolled out for him. (15 seconds)

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David Avocado Wolfe

The genie is out of the bottle. They don’t want you to have it, which is why you should have it and use it.
This is Ivermectin🦄🐝🍀💫💜 https://www.nextlevel444.com/product-page/sasquatch-sticker

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David Avocado Wolfe

Our February 28 - March 13 2024 Cleanse is LIVE!!


It's Official! Back by popular demand! We're now confirmed and a GO for our February 28 - March 13, 2024 (plus 3rd bonus week until March 20th) End your Winter with Spring Cleansing in this Group Detox!

Get that weight off and get the wait off!! Take action. Wipe out Unwanted Guests (parasites). Gain energetic momentum! Lift your Self-Esteem! Meet new like-minded friends from all over the world! All levels Welcome! (From total beginners to advanced students of detox and cleansing).

This is an Online Event where we check in daily via our Telegram Group Chat. Also, I will be speaking to You directly via 3 Live Calls. My Team and I will be there for You every step of the way!

We’ll go thru the end of Winter and greet the Springtime together. Join Us Today. First come, First serve! Especially for our Key Cleanse Products (they will sell out…they always do!). An extraordinary value for this price—I guarantee that. The sooner you sign up, the better and the more value you get because our Telegram Chat and Parasite Detox protocols have already begun!

If you know this Cleanse-Detox is a GO for You or you want to Learn More, click here:

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David Avocado Wolfe

Next level gaslighting. (1 min, 50 seconds). The Head of the World Hoax Organization, Communist Serial Killer Tedros says they didn't impose anything on anybody, anywhere.
🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

🇨🇦 BC, Canazuela 🇨🇦

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David Avocado Wolfe

🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

“An international coalition of vaccine experts looked for 13 medical conditions among 99 million vaccine recipients across eight countries in order to identify higher rates of those conditions after receiving the shots.

They confirmed that the shots made by Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca are linked to significantly higher risk of five medical conditions - including a nerve-wasting condition that leaves people struggling to walk or think.” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13100755/Largest-Covid-vaccine-study-finds-shots-linked-small-increased-risk-neurological-blood-heart-disorders-extremely-rare.html

🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

Heaven Mountain Goji Berries
8 oz. Pouch


“These are the best goji berries in the world—and I have tried many many types, varieties and preparations. You’ll know right away when you try these. They possess exquisite taste, quality and juiciness. Nothing compares. Heaven Mountain Goji Berries are The Best Ever.” — David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe

Traditional Function
Builds blood, tonifies Jing and Qi, enhances Shen, benefits the eyes and attitude.

Eat a handful or 2 a day as a snack or make tea with them, add to salads, add to trail mixes or mix with superherbs.

An ounce a day, keeps you smiling away!
* 100% Natural Sundried Goji Berries
* Plump, juicy, naturally sweet, delicious
* Superfood and Superfruit
* Extraordinary, balanced phytonutrient content
* No sugar, colorings, preservatives or chemicals of any kind
* Rich in natural vitamin C and Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharides (LBPs)


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David Avocado Wolfe

Escaping Vs Mastering Reality. (18 seconds)

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David Avocado Wolfe

Reese Report: Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed (5 min, 11 sec)

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David Avocado Wolfe

🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

With all of my Quarterly Group Cleanse Detoxes, we've been bringing you the best of the best DETOX products in a bundle deal! From beginning to advanced Detox bundles, we have something for all levels of cleansing.

My team and I are always researching the latest cutting edge detox supplements and this line up is no joke. In this day and age, it's incredibly important to rid your body of excess toxins, lower your parasite and viral loads, and protect your body from radiation and emfs.

If you've ever wanted to take Detoxing more seriously, this is your moment! 👇🏽


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David Avocado Wolfe

🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe


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David Avocado Wolfe

Adam Schiff just made a stunning series of confessions. (1 min, 52 sec)

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David Avocado Wolfe

🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

Dr. David Martin: The CDC, before it became the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was the US Malaria Suppression Program in Atlanta, Georgia, which did what? It advocated for the distribution of hydroxychloroquine. The institutions that demonized hydroxychloroquine were once its strongest believers.

They knew about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. They hid them from you, lied about them and produced propaganda to make sure you remained out of the loop. Think that thru. Think of the level of corruption to deny ivermectin so they could sell your extorted government a toxic (even deadly) injection instead.

Stock up now before they release their next scamdemic or GMO-Gates-malaria mosquitoes. They don’t want you to have ivermectin and HCQ, which is precisely why you should have them. 🦄🌟🌈💖☀️

Keep yourself and your family safe and secure from Covid, Shedding, Parasites and Cancer. Ivermectin and HydroxyChloroquine are critical medicines to have on hand.

Purchase Ivermectin (aka Sasquatch Stickers) and HydroxyChloroquine (aka Life Savers) from Next Level 444.

Order Ivermectin💙 https://www.nextlevel444.com/product-page/sasquatch-sticker HydroxyChloroquine❤️‍ https://www.nextlevel444.com/product-page/life-savers-stickers

Share this! Let’s reach as many people as possible before the next globalist hoax.

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David Avocado Wolfe

Ian Smith on discernment. (41 seconds)
🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

“The legislation would allow any child or teen under 18 to seek out and consent to medical treatment — including vaccines, dental procedures, hospitalization, and even surgery.
They would be able to do so without parental consent as long as the minor appears to have the mental capacity to make that decision.
Assembly Bill A6761, introduced by New York Assemblymember Karines Reyes (D-Bronx), also would allow Medicaid funds to pay for procedures and drugs administered to children.”


🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

Please Sign Up for My Newsletter! I found out from my email system that I put so many memes in my email newsletter that I was overwhelming their system. I now host my newsletter on my website so we have no limit of memes or innovative content!✨🥑✨ I send a Free Newsletter out once or twice a week. To Join my Newsletter, please subscribe (double optin) via email here: https://frequencylifestyle.org/newsletter

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David Avocado Wolfe

Person announcing they’re leaving social media. (31 seconds)
🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

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David Avocado Wolfe

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David Avocado Wolfe

🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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David Avocado Wolfe

Eight minutes from Tuckers interview with Trump today (Feb 19) Good rant. Clear messaging.

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