🎙Uncensored Meme News 😷 Medical Freedom 📲Exposing the Beast System 🥑 Fresh☀️Foods, 🌴Superfoods🍈, Superherbs🍄, Living💦Water, Health💫Technology, and✨#TheBestDayEver!✨ ⬇️MyWorld🌳 & 📲Favorite Links and Memes⬇️
Blatant Election interference and attempts to destroy the leading candidate by the satanic demoncrap party. A pimple pop of evil is upon us.
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Kevin O’Leary on the completely corrupt Trump verdict, the demon NY governor Hochul and what this means for the future. (42 seconds) If you can flee New York, get out now. Like Corruptifornia, New York is a one-party communist state. Do not invest in New York. Take your money elsewhere.
🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑
Darth Vader Metal (24 seconds)
🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑
Encounters with Chinese Nationals and Middle Easterners are exploding at the Corruptifornia border just as predicted. (2 min 55 sec) There is no resistance at the Corruptifornia border. Flee Gruesome Newsom’s Democrat dystopia while you can.
🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑
Good to see the democrat corruption machine coming apart.
Читать полностью…Spring Cleaning is coming up Quick! Let’s build up some momentum! Detox Specialty Bundle Deals are ON!
ZuckerBorg at last Saturday’s UFC298 (10 seconds) This guy thinks he’s an MMA fighter now?!
Читать полностью…Looks like the planned weeklong trucker strike on New York is ON! (49 seconds) I perused Internet sources to confirm. Now it’s about the size and impact of the strike. Let’s hope DC is next.
Читать полностью…Dragonflies are The Best Ever. Can hardly wait to fake my death! It’s going to be so epic.
60 capsules (500 mg each)
"Magnesium is the #1 mineral deficiency in the Western World. I have tried dozens of magnesium products over the years. And I have enjoyed many great products in the category. Out of all that experience and time, Magnesium Breakthrough is my favourite. I always had trouble finding a complete broad-spectrum magnesium that I could recommend and that I personally loved. Those days are over. Magnesium Breakthrough contains 7 different types of magnesium. Effects are immediate. I am in love with this product and take 1-3 capsules (500-1500 mg) nearly every day (usually in the morning but sometimes in the afternoon or evening). I know you'll love Magnesium Breakthrough!" ~ David Avocado Wolfe
Contains the Top 7 forms of magnesium for stress and better sleep, all in one:
Magnesium Chelate
Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium Bisglycinate
Magnesium Malate
Magnesium Sucrosomial
Magnesium Taurate
Magnesium Orotate
Sugar in Organic Fruits is vastly better than GMO high fructose corn syrup. (7 seconds)
Читать полностью…This has been the democrat plan for 50+ years. The United States is a failed state. Plan accordingly.
🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑
Texas Governor Greg Abbott announces the expansion of Texas militia presence at the Eagles Pass Border Crossing (1 min 17 sec)
Читать полностью…Please Share my Page with friends and family: /channel/DavidAvocadoWolfe
Also: ✨🥑✨ I send a Free Newsletter out once or twice a week. To Join my Newsletter, please subscribe (double optin) via email here: https://frequencylifestyle.org/newsletter
This is Hilarious! One of RINO joker Nimrod Haley’s staffers posted a week’s worth of tweets in 40 minutes because s/he didn’t know how to use Tweetdeck. (19 seconds) Nimrod Haley is running for president against Trump.
Читать полностью…Our friends Chris & Parisa Shelton are about to launch a new Qigong Teacher Training level 1, and will be hosting a free workshop series called, How to Teach Qigong for Fun & Profit.
Discover the Power of Qigong!
Transform Your Practice and Your Life!
Register for the free workshop here: https://bit.ly/qigong-teacher
Pearl Powder
100 Pullalan Vegetarian Capsules (500mg each) These are the best vegetarian capsules known.
“Pearl Powder is the only calcium supplement I consume. A few decades ago, Pearl collectors figured out how to extract pearls from oysters without killing them. In an oysters lifetime, they can grow 3-4 pearls. This Pearl powder contains only these ethically harvested pearls ground down into a powder. This Pearl in combination with Magnesium Breakthrough is my personal brunch-time favourite; the best calcium ever and the best magnesium ever — the ultimate Cal-Mag! I take these in a ratio of 1:1 Mag: PearlCal or 2:1 Mag: PearlCal. My favourite super-nutrient found in Pearl powder is the rejuvenating blue pigment conchiolin." — David 'Avocado' Wolfe
Pearl Powder is the premiere beauty enhancing natural supplement of East Asia, ancient Persia and dynastic Egypt.
Pearl Powder Benefits:
Supports youthful, clear, firm, moist, resilient, soft, healthy skin •
Supports healthy aging •
Superb Shen tonic (calming) •
Excellent source of highly assimilable calcium •
Rich in glycine, a kind of collagen fiber than can act as an internal “skin moisturizer” •
Contains dozens of trace minerals •
Contains the blue pigment conchiolin, the secret constituent of Pearl, that has numerous positive functions – conchiolin is what makes Pearl shine, and your skin and eyes radiant •
Supports DNA and RNA metabolic activities •
Supports cell renewal •
Can promote the activities of super oxide dismutase (SOD), an important natural antioxidant enzyme •
Rich in amino acids •
Can prevent the formation of freckles and dark patches on the skin caused by excessive melanin during aging •
No known side effects
This Pearl Powder is made from pure cultivated fresh water pearls. Pearl's active constituents are preserved and made bio-available in the traditional painstaking water levigation process (grinding in water using a porcelain ball) that lasts 2 days and 2 nights.
Look at the eyes looking one direction. Who uses a photo like this to represent themselves? This is probably a fake AI doctor/writer that makes up articles that satisfy the globalist agenda. How many of those “AI writers” are out there?
🥑Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑