The job description of this unpaid internship is insane
[OC] The World Cup makes people google participating countries like no other event
We made a simple tool to ingest realtime data into influx database and made it public
We use influx databases a lot and we often have to set up a new one to test some stuff out. I'm always dissapointed how hard it is to just get some sample data in, so we made a simple tool that ingests (mock) wheather data into your own influx database.
If you are interested, have a look at It's free to use :)
PS: as the rules state, I made this website so it is self-promotion!
[OC] Average cost of a Christmas tree over the years
[OC] What do Americans think about US military spending? (1973-2021, by political party & gender)
These insta infographics are getting out of hand
TIL that SO has two tiny exclaves outside it's western border
D Simple Questions Thread
Please post your questions here instead of creating a new thread. Encourage others who create new posts for questions to post here instead!
Thread will stay alive until next one so keep posting after the date in the title.
Thanks to everyone for answering questions in the previous thread!
[OC] The Number of Endangered Species in Each US State
A Tool to create a dataset of semantic segmentation on website screenshots from their DOM
drawing lissajous figures with low sample rates reveals unseen figures
The rise of democracy over the last 200 years, with annotations [OC]
[OC] How media divides us: MSNBC vs Fox News - What stories or topics are they pushing over the last week (Dec 22nd to Dec 29th)? How do they compare to Reuters?
The kid that crashed a plane killing 75 passengers
[R] Cramming: Training a Language Model on a Single GPU in One Day
Dhaka Metro, which opened today as Bangladesh's first metro line and system
Master Python for Data Science
I put together this Python playlist with a bunch of helpful resources that I think will be useful for your learning journey. Feel free to check it out! This will be really helpful for anyone who is new to programming and getting into data science with python!
The 2020 election if every state apportioned their Electoral College votes like Nebraska.
Can Someone Verify If This Economic Data From the Fed Is Accurate? I find it hard to believe
So, I am learning data analytics, and I got this dataset from the fed about per capita personal income in Teton, Wyoming. You can check it yourself here
But, I find this number hard to believe. It says per capita personal income in Teton is $318,297, which is way higher than even New York. Apparently their data comes from, which confirms the same number (318,297).
Meanwhile, wikipedia lists Teton, Wyoming per capita personal income as $43,444. Sure, data on wikipedia might be old, but not as old as 1995 if you check wikipedia source in the footer (meanwhile, the fed data shows Teton per capita personal income has been above $43,000 since 1995).
Forgive my ignorance, I am not American, and I have never been to United States, I just want to make sure the numbers from are accurate, since there seems to be conflicting information
Rents by municipality in mainland France €/m² [OC]