Hot data science related posts every hour. Chat: Contacts: @lgyanf
CIA depiction of Morocco ( before and after 2021)
[OC] 2022 Men's World Cup Chances
Tap water consumption in Europe
What Would You Do Questions (Everyone)
Hello, I made a form with 5 scenarios and you have to think, what would you do if that actually happened? I'm hoping to get 50 responses so if you could please answer, that would mean a lot. This form should take about 5-10 minutes to complete, depending on how much you write.
American Insulin Prices Are off the Charts
Rising carbon dioxide concentration and global temperature after 27 UN climate summits.
[OC] Elon Musk is now tweeting almost 2-3x more vs history
Both hellish, wrong and misleading! Thanks British Gas!
P Markov Chain Analysis of Tsetlin Machine Learning
Tsetlin machine learning analyzed as a Markov chain.
Hi! The second chapter of "An Introduction to Tsetlin machines" is now ready and studies how a Tsetlin machine is able to learn. Through Markov chain analysis, the chapter shows how the learning ends in a stationary distribution over solution configurations , which allows analysis of the learning properties of Tsetlin machines. Happy to receive feedback for further improvement of the chapter. The chapter can be found here:
What actually is a kernel? Q
It’s gotten to the point where I’ve heard this one term thrown around like 4 different times in a few of my undergrad stats classes, and they all have different meanings in different context. Can someone here give me one definition of what a kernel is? Or do I essentially have to accept that this term can mean different things?
I mean:
“This is the kernel of a gamma”
“Transition kernel”
“Kernel SVMs”
“Kernel Density Estimator”
What is the general definition of a kernel?
Words: personal associations (Everyone)
Hello, everyone! I still need 20 more survey participants to use the information for my coursework so I ask you for help again! If you have already filled out this survey, please ignore this post. Thank you in advance!
As part of my coursework in linguistics, I want to find out what are the first associations that come to people’s minds when they see certain words.
The data you provide (age, gender, birthplace) is not personally identifiable and will be used for academic purposes only.
The survey contains 9 short open-ended questions and will take you 5 minutes to complete. Each question contains one word. The task is to suggest 1 reaction to this word (i.e. type in 1 word that immediately comes to your mind).
For example:
Question 1: Word 1. Woman
Answer: Mother
Question 2: Word 2. Strong
Answer: Mentally\_link
Your participation is much appreciated!
D AMA: The Stability AI Team
Hi all,
We are the Stability AI team supporting open source ML models, code and communities.
Ask away!
Edit 1 (UTC+0 21:30): Thanks for the great questions! Taking a short break, will come back later and answer as we have time.
Edit 2 (UTC+0 22:24): Closing new questions, still answering some existing Q's posted before now.
World population has hit 8 billion.
[OC] Daily Satellite Imagery is used to track exactly when buildings are destroyed in Mariupol.
A projection of a seven dimensional cube by Walter Pullen
Weekly Entering & Transitioning - Thread 14 Nov, 2022 - 21 Nov, 2022
Welcome to this week's entering & transitioning thread! This thread is for any questions about getting started, studying, or transitioning into the data science field. Topics include:
* Learning resources (e.g. books, tutorials, videos)
* Traditional education (e.g. schools, degrees, electives)
* Alternative education (e.g. online courses, bootcamps)
* Job search questions (e.g. resumes, applying, career prospects)
* Elementary questions (e.g. where to start, what next)
While you wait for answers from the community, check out the [FAQ]( and Resources pages on our wiki. You can also search for answers in [past weekly threads](
[OC] The Big Mac Index | Big Mac Price Comparison by Country
Map of all the counties of the Contiguous United States carved from over 3 thousand wooden blocks [X-post from /r/pics]
P MARVEL SNAP dataset (decks and cards) on kaggle
Hello my card game lovers,
Last week, I entered into a profound addiction to a game called marvel snap, and for the last two days, I have encountered a big wall in the game; I need to step up my game to build more efficient decks.
📚People around me advise me to look at articles and videos online, and I prefer to go with the good old data way to collect data from online communities. Marvel snap zone is one of these communities with thousands of decks built by the community, and I started to compile them in a kaggle dataset.
🛠So here we are for all of my data people in the same situation; you have an excuse to play the game, and test/improve your data/ml skills simultaneously, and yes, you are welcome.
dataset: tutorial + recsys :
[OC] Mexico is Now the World's #2 Raspberrv Producer. From 2000 to 2020, yearly production multiplied by 128x
Oat Milk Still Wants To Dethrone The King Of Alt Milks: Almond [OC]
The 5 Oldest monarchies
[OC] The most used words on every country's Wikipedia Page
US States, Police Training v Shootings/Violent Crime (per million) [OC]
Florida has officially become a Red State, Governor Elections 2018 vs 2022.
Does anyone feel like R is actually vastly worse for dependency/environment management than Python?
I hear people tout all the time how great package management is in R and how Python packages are a complete disaster/oen of the reasons R can be considered better than Python, but I've never actually run into an issue where a Python package installation had 1) an endless litany of unfilled dependencies that pip itself did not properly resolve or 2) where a package failed to install/use the correct version of a dependency.
With R I frequently run into issues (even with dependencies = T) where:
1. I try a simple installation of a package.
2. That installation fails because multiple dependencies failed
3. Those dependencies failed to install because they are missing their own dependencies or worse, they require an uncommon library that cannot be installed within R (i.e. Requires a sudo apt-get install command). Sometimes these are so numerous that tracking down everything that failed and why is a nightmare.
These certainly happen with Python but they don't happen in multiple layers of nonsense quite so often as with R. I feel confident that 95% of my projects would go fine just using pip, but I think I'm going to exclusively let conda manage my R installations, because it can be absolutely maddening trying to rely on R's built-in package management.
[OC] Data sonification (audio+ chart) mapping Mark Zuckerberg's net worth to a Sad Trombone noise
The firebrand rose: Shorthand representation of data captured from an emberometer, an instrument that characterizes the size and trajectory of wildfire embers. [OC]
Correlation between police training and fatal police shootings [OC]