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Data Scientology



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Data Scientology

R Neurosymbolic Programming for Science

Neurosymbolic Programming (NP) techniques have the potential to accelerate scientific discovery. These models combine neural and symbolic components to learn complex patterns and representations from data, using high-level concepts or known constraints. NP techniques can interface with symbolic domain knowledge from scientists, such as prior knowledge and experimental context, to produce interpretable outputs. We identify opportunities and challenges between current NP models and scientific workflows, with real-world examples from behavior analysis in science: to enable the use of NP broadly for workflows across the natural and social sciences.



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Data Scientology

[OC] Which countries have Americans heard of, and which do they like?


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Data Scientology

Land doesn't vote, people do


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Data Scientology

N AMA on November 15

Excited to announce an upcoming AMA in /r/MachineLearning with the members of on Nov 15 at 11:00 AM PST. They have been one of the driving forces behind the open-source AI movement, being known for being key in the success of StableDiffusion ( and many other disruptive changes to the overall landscape of AI.


A thread will be created before the official AMA time for those who won't be able to attend on that day.


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Data Scientology

i made this height map of the population density around nile river using 3d printer and laser cutter

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Data Scientology

[OC] World's top economies threatened by increasing ratio of elderly dependents


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Data Scientology

Just a quick reminder: How to disagree


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Data Scientology

[OC] New York City map identifying what tract, in NYC, incarcerated New Yorkers come from


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Data Scientology

[OC] Who Targets You in Pennsylvania? Facebook & Instagram ads geotargeting in US2022 midterms


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Data Scientology

The Powerful Link Between Smell, Memory, and Emotion


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Data Scientology

Why does other people In tech “hate” data scientists?

Hi. Every time i follow engineers or watch YouTube videos, they always have some controversial opinion on DA role as if the role wasn’t necessary or it’s less than other roles. Why is that?

- After reading everyone’s responses I am now more clear on both sides. Im trying to learn more about data in general & I have a interest for DS. If you work in DS and wanna to connect please message me.


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Data Scientology

[OC] World's top economies threatened by increasing ratio of elderly dependents


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Data Scientology

[OC] What if you had invested $100 in META, AMZN, AAPL, NFLX and GOOG 5 years ago? 🤔


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Data Scientology

"Pony" in European languages


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Data Scientology

Double negative and 'Yes' looking like it won when it lost - took me a while to figure out


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Data Scientology

6 Family Feud Questions for my upcoming Game Night (Everyone)


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Data Scientology

Poverty has risen in South America from 2012 to 2022. Inflation one of the many reasons behind it.


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Data Scientology

[OC] How many people does it take to make a blockbuster film?


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Data Scientology



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Data Scientology

17 Million Fell Victim to the Nazi Regime


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Data Scientology

D Can I trust my model's probabilities? A deep dive into probability calibration

Hi r/statistics!

While working as a data scientist in the financial industry, I had to spend quite some time calibrating probabilities for my models. As a result, I had a few old notes and thought it'd be good to clean them up, add code examples, and turn them into a blog post!

So here it is! I provide an introduction to calibration, calibration curves, analyze the effect of sample size, compare a few models, and show how to calibrate them with Platt's method and isotonic regression.

I hope you enjoy the post! Please share your feedback! I'm not an expert, so I'd appreciate any thoughts on the topic. How often do you calibrate your models? Are there any practical tips you can share (e.g. when it's not a good idea to calibrate a model).

Can I trust my model's probabilities? A deep dive into probability calibration


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Data Scientology

Are there any COMPETENT youtubers making DS “let’s plays”?

Are there any people out there worth watching on youtube that make interesting DS projects? Preferably in a long video format.

I tried to watch a few, but they all were painfully bad. Like starting feature engineering before checking data types and bumping head against the wall every time python returns a types error, or saving cvs and starting excel to see unique values in columns manually instead of using .value_counts method etc.

I am a data analyst sql power bi monkey and in no way a very advanced Python user, just know some and have a bit of practical experience. My knowledge isn’t enough to be good myself, but enough to see a moron pretending being competent.

I don’t really want to watch some exoteric ML mamba jambo, just a competent person doing basic stuff really well, learn something and have fun.

Are there people you can recommend?


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Data Scientology

Argentina's Official map


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Data Scientology

12 Modalities for Increasing Intelligence


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Data Scientology

What trig identity was used here?


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Data Scientology

More people are employed in clean energy than in fossil fuels


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Data Scientology

List of each companies in the S&P500 from 1969 to 2021

Hi Guys,

Does anyone have a list of all S&P500 companies from 1969 to 2021? I am trying to make my own database with the following columns:



\-S&P500 Company Name



Market Capitalization


The row would start at 1969 and list all 500 companies that appeared in the S&P500, then move to 1970 and repeat the process.


I can't seem to find historical data on each S&P500 company by the end of its respective year.


Any help would be appreciated.




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Data Scientology

A Comprehensive Catalog of All 188 Cognitive Biases


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Data Scientology

Question I finished graduate school with a master's in statistics almost a year ago, and I haven't been able to find a good job

After I graduated with a master's degree in applied statistics, it took 6 months of job searching before I finally found anything. I received one offer for a job I'm at currently that pays below the mean salary for someone starting out with my degree, in a very expensive city, and a "tentative" offer with a government department that paid even less. My current job doesn't utilize my statistical background at all, despite having me doing some statistical analysis as a test during the hiring process, and after half a year here, I'm still basically doing the same sort of work I did in admin assistant staffing jobs. There was another guy they hired after me for the same position, he quit after a few months because it wasn't challenging. It's been months since I talked to them, but I don't remember the other job sounding like it really involved a lot of statistical analysis either.

I'm just wondering what I'm doing wrong that I'm still failing in life, even after I spent so many years and so much money getting into debt, for a degree I was constantly told would lead to great pay and lots of opportunities. Right now I'm living paycheck to paycheck, maybe for the first time in my life. With a master's degree in an "in demand" STEM field. Is it because I wasn't able to find an internship during my graduate program, possibly due to Covid? Or because despite graduating with a 3.6 GPA, I was struggling the first semester due to problems with my health and finding housing, so I needed to retake a couple courses? It just feels like I'm stuck in a perpetual cycle of doing what I was told would lead to a better life and finding none of it was true.


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