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Data Scientology

At What Time is Dinner Usually Eaten


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Data Scientology

[OC] Forbes 2022's Most Philanthropic US Billionaires


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Data Scientology

A Map of Every American City


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Data Scientology

P Learn diffusion models with Hugging Face course 🧨

Hi there, it's Lewis here from the open-source team at Hugging Face 👋

Since the release of Dalle-Mini and Stable Diffusion a few months ago, you may have seen your timelines filled with impressive text-generated images like the one below:

Image generated with textual inversion and Stable Diffusion

These images are generated by an exciting branch of research called diffusion models, which is rapidly being applied to generate novel structures in computer vision, audio, and even molecular biology 🤯!

To help the community get up to speed on this fast-moving field, we've joined forces with the awesome Jonathan Whitaker to launch a free course on all aspects of diffusion models 🔥

In this course, you will:

👩‍🎓 Study the theory behind diffusion models
🧨 Learn how to generate images and audio with the popular 🤗 Diffusers library
🏋️‍♂️ Train your own diffusion models from scratch
📻 Fine-tune existing diffusion models on new datasets
🗺 Explore conditional generation and guidance
🧑‍🔬 Create your own custom diffusion model pipelines

The course will be released in a few weeks and you can register via the signup form here:

Looking forward to meeting you all in the course 🤗!


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Data Scientology

Protein content in Plant based and Animal based proteins


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Data Scientology

[OC] Much of Latin America has caught up to the 90%+ literacy rate the US has had since 1900.


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Data Scientology

D DALL·E to be made available as API, OpenAI to give users full ownership rights to generated images

Email announcement from OpenAI below:

> DALL·E is now available as an API

> You can now integrate state of the art image generation capabilities directly into your apps and products through our new DALL·E API.

> You own the generations you create with DALL·E.

> We’ve simplified our Terms of Use and you now have full ownership rights to the images you create with DALL·E — in addition to the usage rights you’ve already had to use and monetize your creations however you’d like. This update is possible due to improvements to our safety systems which minimize the ability to generate content that violates our content policy.

> Sort and showcase with collections.

> You can now organize your DALL·E creations in multiple collections. Share them publicly or keep them private. Check out our sea otter collection!

> We’re constantly amazed by the innovative ways you use DALL·E and love seeing your creations out in the world. Artists who would like their work to be shared on our Instagram can request to be featured using Instagram’s collab tool. DM us there to show off how you’re using the API!  

> \- The OpenAI Team


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Data Scientology

The Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (TEPR) from London to New York : a 2015 plan for a superhighway, proposed by the head of Russian Railways


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Data Scientology

Pornstars per million inhabitants in Europe


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Data Scientology

[OC] 2022 Mid-Term Ballots already cast by Seniors 65+ outweighs Young Voters (18-29) by 8 to 1


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Data Scientology

Purchased Territories of The United States


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Data Scientology

As if you really needed to know.


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Data Scientology

[OC] Top 10 Deadliest Human Stampedes and Crushes of the 21st Century


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Data Scientology

Best Data Visualization Courses for Beginners, Advanced to know in 2022


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Data Scientology

No one is hiring juniors/ mid-level data scientists

Is it just me or are the vast majority of job adverts on linked in right now for senior/lead/principal data scientists? (UK btw)

I only saw a single advert for a junior role and this had over 200 applications in just a few a hours of being released.


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Data Scientology

[OC] Visualising Zoom's revenue and profit sources


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Data Scientology

Feels like it belongs here


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Data Scientology

[OC] Did Twitter have too many employees?


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Data Scientology

Question Using percentiles with a very skewed to explain why this is wrong...

I am researching a jurisdiction which ranks communities on a variety of indicators that are Census variables. Three of the four indicators are normally distributed, but one (proportion of new immigrants) is very heavily skewed. Essentially, only a handful of communities have any immigrants.

The rankings are presented as percentiles, however the distribution's skew is so great that once you get past the communities that comprise the top ten percentiles, the communities are essentially zero. The practical significance of being 1st percentile vs 50th is meaningless. It might be a dozen people in a community of thousands.

I am struggling to explain why this is problematic in professional terms.

Can anybody offer some suggestions?


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Data Scientology

MapPorn Discussion Thread for November, 2022

This thread is for general MapPorn discussion. Exchange ideas, ask for maps, talk about cartography, etc. Have a thought that doesn't fit in another thread, post it here.


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Data Scientology

Causation and correlations - I'd appreciate your conclusions after seeing this map


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Data Scientology

Greater Austria : a proposed state in the mid Nineteenth century, in which all Habsburg- dominated areas would join a German confederation


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Data Scientology

(Book) Speed Donating Billionaires


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Data Scientology

The countries in blue have a smaller population than Uttar Pradesh (in red, a state in India).


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Data Scientology

Q In Bayesian statistics, what does the posterior distribution of a parameter for a given datapoint really give us?

I'm a little new to statistics and working through Richard McElreath's Statistical Rethinking. In chapter 4, we fit a linear model on a dataset of weights and heights (written in R):

height ~ dnorm(mu, sigma)
mu <- a + b(weight - mean(weight))
a ~ dnorm(178, 20)
b ~ dlnorm(0, 1)
sigma ~ dunif(0, 50)

(I don't think the specific numbers in the distributions matter for this questions.) We later extract a large number of samples from the posterior distribution of the model after fitting it and then "make a list of 10,000 values of mu for an individual who weighs 50 kilograms". (extract.samples() is a function in the library provided by the book, m4.3 is the model we have fit, and post contains samples 10,000 posterior samples of a, b, and sigma):

post <- extract.samples(m4.3)
mu_at_50 <- post$a + post$b
(50 - xbar)

What do the samples in muat50 really mean? Are they the possible values of mu that fit our model if we only have a single datapoint where weight = 50 when we hold the other parameters (a, b, and sigma) constant (at the values that fit our entire dataset)?

This came up in a section talking about plotting regression intervals and contours, so I get what muat50 is supposed to do (give us an confidence interval around our regression line at a single point, then when we can compute the confidence intervals around every point to visualize our interval), I think I'm getting tripped up by the notion of holding a value like weight constant when sampling a parameter like mu and what those samples mean.


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Data Scientology

[OC] CNN vs Fox News: How do they compare in terms of topic coverage and bias over the last week (Oct 27th to Nov 3rd)? How do they compare to Reuters?

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Data Scientology

Top-earning youtube channel in each country


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Data Scientology

"Mary vs. merry vs. marry" pronunciation differences.


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Data Scientology

[OC] Do more democratic countries have more women in government?


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Data Scientology

[OC] Herschel Walker makes everything worse


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