(1 + 3) Djhdh, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(4 + 10) @Kkjbvvvx, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(8 + 6) রররররর, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(10 + 5) ওওওওও, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(8 + 6) গগচ, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(3 + 8) @Hjjjjhggv, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(10 + 4) Ggkj, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(8 + 7) Nr 35, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(3 + 1) Dhk 4, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(9 + 8) Sop11, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(4 + 1) Nr 37, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(6 + 6) Nr 33, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(2 + 1) @Hcgfug, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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❌ From this time until 7 o'clock, all users will not be able to send media (photos, videos, files...) and links in the group.
(10 + 5) @fmvp4623, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(4 + 4) Bjjnj, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(10 + 6) @Hjjjhgvcvgggkkkkkjhgxzz, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(9 + 9) Fffg, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(8 + 9) @Ogxigxhhjj, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(8 + 1) তততজওনন আমিচআ, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(4 + 10) TG 4, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(1 + 10) @Hchcycihc, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(4 + 10) @Mvhvghc, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(1 + 5) Dhk 2, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(3 + 6) Nr 38, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(1 + 1) @jvhfghu, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(8 + 7) Nr 41, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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✅ From now on users can send media (photos, videos, files...) and links in the group again.
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(10 + 4) @tawertqwet, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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