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💡💡💡 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be freed after 5 years in prison | Julian made a plea deal with the US, other wise he probably had never seen freedom again

Team Coinpower

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🍟Back to McDonalds I guess🤷‍♂️

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💰💰Tether will stop minting USDT on algorand and Eos blockchain | Tether says that these blockchains aren’t used for USDT transactions

Team Coinpower

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👮‍♂️🚗 Stolen Rolls Royce showed up in Africa | The thieves drive the car out of container somewhere in Africa

Team Coinpower

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🇧🇷⚽️ According to twitter, Ronaldinho is a person you should not trust | He already pumped and dumped multiple crypto projects on his followers

Team Coinpower

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💰 Ethereum avg. gas price has dropped to 3 Gwei ($0.15) | Its not sure yet if this drop in gas fees is about, ‘no one using the ETH-chain’, or because of the Dencun upgrade a couple months ago

Team Coinpower

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📱🇪🇸Barcelona banning Airbnb and other apartment rental tourism options by 2028 | The reasons are unclear, but don’t worry, they will made something up soon

🏨 Our guess is that the extremely rich hotel lobby has something to do with it in combination with “making home owners poorer”, you can expect this in more city’s across Europe soon

Team Coinpower

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📱📱 PS5 players are now able to join Discord voice chat directly from their console | We will organise a GTA5 online session with our premium members to test it out

Team Coinpower

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⚠️Ledger wallet users again victim of a new and nasty scam | This time it’s the “wallet poisoning attack”

How does it works
hackers will send you a very tiny amount of crypto or NFTs, so their address appears in your ledger wallet history and these addresses looks exactly like your own address. The hackers hope that you use their address by accident the next time you withdrawal crypto!

Team Coinpower

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🇹🇷🌐BtcTurk the biggest crypto exchange of turkey is hacked | It is hit by an heavy ddos attack, where several million dollars are stolen, Binance is co-working with BtcTurk and has frozen $5 million dollar in crypto so far

Team Coinpower

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📱 If you have some free time watch this documentary | “Money Bots : High frequency trading scam”

🔗Watch video

Team Coinpower

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💰💰 Tether on TRON Network Surpasses Visa’s Average Daily Volume Hitting $53B | USDT on TRON is also the most used stablecoin network in the crypto world

Team Coinpower

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Try again.. 🤷‍♂️

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🇳🇱🇺🇸 A new international law enforcement coorporation named Operation-endgame’ posted this video | ‘Operation-snitchgame’ would be a better name, here people can snitch friends and/or family for almost everything related to online crime

Team Coinpower

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💸Rapper Drake lost $500.000 in Bitcoin on Dalles Maverick bet | On 6 June he shared his Bitcoin bet with the world

🎰 The real question is, how much did Drake put on the winning team..

Team Coinpower

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🤡🔽Adrew Tate copycat and Scammer MrOverpaid’ rugs his own community | “put your entire life savings into this coin ($WOOD)”, shortly after this post, he rugged his own community and deleted the post

Team Coinpower

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💰Bitcoin under $60.000

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🛡️New premium video online | The Mt Gox drama unfolding but what is really going on?

💎Join the hardest crypto group! or by @woutergevers

Team Coinpower

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💰Bitcoin day chart | Dumping almost three weeks now

Will the dump continues

🅰️ Yes it’s over

🅱️ No, this dump is not over

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🇧🇷⚽️ Ex-footballer Ronaldinho posting this on twitter | Probably a next meme launch 🤷‍♂️

Team Coinpower

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🇰🇿 Astana the strangest city on earth | If you have nothing to do watch the full video very interesting

🔗Watch full video

Team Coinpower

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📱▶️Soon only paid twitter subscriptions can listen to live streams on the platform | This is probably going to cost them a lot of members

Team Coinpower

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📱🥷 Bugatti Chiron for sale in telegram group knowing for selling stolen cars in the US | The car is already returned to his legitimate owner

Team Coinpower

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🇹🇷🇵🇹Kid runs to Ronaldo in the middle of the game Turkey - Portugal | I love this guy Ronaldo, great character, makes a pic in the middle of the game, and the kid has the time of his life, may god guide him❤️

Team Coinpower

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🛡️New article online for premium members | “Quantum computing, the biggest danger for the crypto world”

💎Join the Coinpower crypto group or by @woutergevers

Team Coinpower

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🇲🇪⚖️ US Court documents now shows that the PM of Montenegro secretly invested in Terra Luna | In April 2018, he reportedly invested $75,000 to acquire 750,000 Terra (LUNA) tokens, ranking him 16th among the early investors

🇺🇸🇰🇷 By ‘coincidence’ Do Kwon, is currently in a Montenegro jail facing extradition to either the United States or South Korea

Team Coinpower

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📱💰 50 cent claims his Twitter account was hacked after his account promoted ‘GUNIT token’ and reached $800k and rugged | He said on instagram “I have no association with this crypto”, all of his other posts disappeared after the “hack”

Team Coinpower

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🤖What could be the next revolutionary technologies? | Here some tech to investigate

1. Quantum Computing:
🌌 A super computer which is even dangerous for the crypto world, it is so strong that it could brake almost every encryption today, including Bitcoin. When this computer power will be released to the world, everything will change.

2. Extended Reality (XR):
🕶️ Combines augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) for immersive digital experiences in gaming, education, healthcare, and retail.

3. Internet of Things (IoT):
📶 Networks of connected physical devices enable data collection and analysis, rebuilding industries like smart homes, cities, healthcare, and manufacturing.

4. 6G Technology:
📱 Offers faster wireless connections, lower latency, and more reliable networks, accelerating innovations in autonomous vehicles, smart infrastructure, and real-time communication.

5. Biotechnology and Genomics:
🧬 Advances in CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and genomics promise personalized medicine breakthroughs for cancer research and transformative healthcare solutions.

6. Edge Computing:
🌐 Edge computing moves computing power and data storage closer to where data is generated, enabling faster processing crucial for IoT applications and real-time analytics.

Team Coinpower

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💡💡💡 Michael Dell the CEO of DELL technology posted this photo | The ‘CookieMonster’ holding Bitcoins as cookies

Team Coinpower

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🇪🇺⚖️ Chat-control | An Orwellian state is born

📱📱 Signal & WhatsApp and all chats are doomed, check the video on YouTube

🔗Check video

Team Coinpower

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