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🇺🇸👮Donald Trump repeats his promise to release Ross Ulbricht as soon as he becomes president | Ross Ulbricht was the first guy that builded a Darkmarket in combination with bitcoin in 2011 named Silk Road

🗳️Elections 2024 are going to be wild

Team Coinpower

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🌏👮‍♂️Police in 14 countries have ended the biggest operation ever against botnets located over the whole world | $69 million dollar in crypto currencies has been confiscated by law enforcement agencies

💻🥷The hackers sold ransomeware to other hackers. With this software they could shutdown whole companies until they paid, most of the time in Monero, all their USDT wallets are frozen by police

Team Coinpower

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📱🇺🇸Trump wants Elon Musk as his policy adviser when become president | This means that Musk could be an adviser on economic and border security issues

Team Coinpower

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🇳🇱Baudet & Tate live | Check it out

🔗Check the live

Team Coinpower

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💰📱PayPal's CBDC $PYUSD officially launches on Solana | Stable coins are CBDC’s don’t be fooled

🏦 Stable coins have all the functions a CBDC needs, programmable, tracked & traced and blocked whenever they want..

Most people think that a “sudden switch” in the financial system, will introduce the CBDC out of the blue into the world, it’s not! It’s slowly being implemented right under your nose as we speak.

Team Coinpower

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💰 🇵🇹Cristiano Ronaldo Introduced a new video of his newest NFT collection which launches today on Binance | The collection is named “forever worldwide”

⚽️We Coinpower don’t buy the NFT, we just love the person who Ronaldo is, may god guide him to what’s right for him

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🇮🇱🇫🇷💥Protesters trying to storm the Israeli embassy in Paris | Tear gas is used in an extraordinary manner by the police to disperse Rafah demonstrators

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🇦🇺🤦‍♂️Just when you think ‘it wouldn’t get crazier’ | Australia appoints first of-its-kind Parliamentary Secretary for ‘Men’s Behaviour Change’

Tim Richardson will become Parliamentary Secretary for Men's Behaviour Change, continuing the Allan Labor Government's priority to make Victoria a safer place for women and children and work to end the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men

🏃Time to run away from the world

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💰🇺🇸Donald Trump wants to pay the US debt back with Bitcoin | David Bailey, stated that Trump consulted him about whether Bitcoin could be a solution to solve the US's $35 trillion debt

In your dreams Pedro, in your dreams

Team Coinpower

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💰⚖️Over $9 billion worth of Bitcoin has moved from the Mt. Gox wallets | Speculations about a refund to the Mt. Gox victims are rising

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📈🪪Exchanges doing everything in their power to let you do KYC | A new exchange practice is to give you a bonus if you give them your personal information

🇪🇺⚖️Binance, Mexc and many others are following this example, ask yourself, why do exchanges want your ID in their system? Remember MiCa? Well that’s the ‘why’, not the money..

Team Coinpower

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📈Nvidia stock, $NVDA, surges to $1090 a share in overnight | Trading reaching a record $2.7 TRILLION in market cap

💰This is more than the whole crypto market combined, from just one stock, soon the Banksters will step in, and start robbing the retailer

🍳Something is cooking backstage
Mark my words, something unexpected will happen very soon with this stock, Banksters are already cooking some fake news backstage, you will see it on the news very soon, Banksters can then pull out huge amounts of money..

Always remember the financial market is a mindgame, play it right and you make money, play it wrong and you are the one paying the show

Team Coinpower

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🇵🇸🇮🇱Dan Bilzerian speaks out | More and more people starting to speak out

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💰Bitcoin hits $70.000 again | Andddddd nobody cares

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🇪🇸🇵🇸 Spain's Deputy Premier Yolanda Diaz | "Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea"

🇳🇱⚖️In the Netherlands the government is trying to make it punishable by law, if you say “Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea”

Team Coinpower

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🥩The halal food scam | Look how Muslims are being fooled by greedy butchers and commercial companies (video in Dutch)

Team Coinpower

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💰💰 Crypto ATM’s, they are out there spread across Europe | Buying crypto with cash, find them and use them as long as you can

Team Coinpower

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📱 Mastercard launches 'Crypto Credential’ | This allows users to send and receive crypto using a username instead of a wallet address

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🎬Documentary ‘Project Socialize’ | How social media changed us. Good docu if you have some free time to watch

🔗Watch now

Team Coinpower

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💡💡💡 Turkish President Erdogan to the Islamic world :

"What are you waiting for to take a joint decision on Israel? What more needs to happen for you to react? I can’t do this alone. I swear Allah will hold us all accountable for this."

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🇵🇸“All eyes on rafah” shared more than 37 million times in 24 hours | Keep on sharing brothers and sisters

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💡💡💡 🇫🇷🇵🇸France wants to recognise Palestine as independent state | French President Macron says he is "completely ready" to recognize Palestine as an independent state

Team Coinpower

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📈My answer when people try to talk me out of crypto

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🇳🇱Probably the new Dutch PM, ‘Mr. Dick Schoof’ | You thought it was already bad in the Netherlands? Then you don’t know this guy!

👮‍♂️🚔Remember the AIVD (secret intelligence agency of the Netherlands) when they were trying to criminalise people who didn’t believe the official “virus story” and almost made those people terrorists? Well he was the head of the AIVD back then..

🇪🇺Police state
The Netherlands is turning slowly into a absolute surveillance police state, and who can do that better than a old AIVD guy..

Team Coinpower

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🏎️ The First super car on 100% hydrogen | The Alpine Alpenglow has a top speed of 270 km/h and 700HP

💦🌱Green hydrogen is the future, invest well
Don’t be fooled by electric cars, it isn’t the future, they just need you to believe that, globalists decided long long time ago that the future is ‘hydrogen’.

Team Coinpower

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💡💡💡 The European Union considers sanctions on Israel for defying ICJ orders to suspend military operations in Rafah |

The attack by the IDF on Rafah came just hours after the ICJ ordered to stop the mass murdering on Palestinians

Team Coinpower

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🇵🇸All eyes on Rafah | This is going viral on social media, we also posted it everywhere, try to do the same

Team Coinpower

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📱GameStop investors are again raped and fooled by Wallstreet | Retail investors lost $13.1 Billion dollar In Latest GameStop Stock Mania

📈💸The GameStop company itself don’t belong to the ‘dumb money’ side, they sold 45 million shares on the top, dumping on the heads of the retailer

Team Coinpower

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🛡️New premium video online | “Ethereum and the crypto exit scam”

💎Become a premium Coinpower member or by @woutergevers

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🤠🇧🇷Crypto cowboy in Brazil | Good documentary to watch if you have some free time

🔗Watch here

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