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✔️If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me (=feel free to ask me).

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English page

We have just found out that we've got 1000 followers and we are in seventh heaven. Btw, it seems the less we post, the more followers we have.

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English page

They say good coffee — good morning

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English page

[точный, правильный]
✔️The film makes no attempt to be historically accurate.

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English page

[хвастать, рисоваться, красоваться]

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English page

[отвлекающий манёвр; ложный след; ложная информация, отвлекающая от основной проблемы]
✔️fresh herring ― свежая сельдь

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English page

[событие, состязание, история с труднопредсказуемым исходом]
Does it look as if the election is going to be a cliffhanger?

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English page

Where do you live?
✔️ I live AT 35th Seaside street.
✔️ I live ON Seaside street.
✔️ IN a flat, an apartment, a house

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English page

[привлекательный, останавливающий внимание] ✔️eye-catcher - нечто, привлекающее внимание ✔️this cat is a real eye-catcher

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English page

1) дьявол, злодей;
2) энтузиаст чего-л ➖ He is a golf fiend;
3) знаток ➖ My friend is a fiend at mathematics;
4) раб привычки ➖ He is a drug fiend; a cigarette fiend.

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English page

A psychoanalyst shows a patient an inkblot, and asks him what he sees. The patient says: "A man and woman making love." The psychoanalyst shows him a second inkblot, and the patient says: "That's also a man and woman making love." The psychoanalyst says: "You are obsessed with sex." The patient says: "What do you mean I am obsessed? You are the one with all the dirty pictures.''

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English page

[проливной дождь]
✔️torrent - стремительный поток
✔️torrent of questions - поток вопросов

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English page

A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: "Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I have ever seen!" The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down. She says to a man next to her: "the driver just insulted me!" The man says: "You go up there and tell him off. I will hold your monkey for you."

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English page

[пруд, водоём]
Btw, ponds are often made artificially (искусственно созданные)

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English page

[ворчать, пилить, придираться]
✔️ don't nag at me! ― не придирайся ко мне!

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English page

✔️Nobody asked him to join the group because he's such a wet blanket.

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English page

Although we aren't expecting Indian summer this year, the forecasters say October will begin with a warm spell.
[бабье лето]

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English page

[кутить, гулять, веселиться]

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English page

[участник состязания или команда, занявшие второе место]

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English page

[за счёт заведения, бесплатно]

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English page

It is so cold outside - I saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets. #joke

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English page

My boss told me to have a good day
So I went home

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English page

[очень легко, проще простого]

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English page

[последний предмет из названных]

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English page

If men call short women "petite", what do women call short men?


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English page

My only talent is sleeping.
I could do it with my eyes closed.

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English page

Can you hear the thunder?

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English page

So famous candies were called "Skittles" because the wooden ones sometimes were painted different colours.

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English page

If a man said he’ll fix it, he’ll fix it. There is no need to nag him every 6 months about it.


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English page

[заниматься контрабандой, тайно провозить]
✔️smuggler - контрабандист

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