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📘 Other words for Mad | Synonyms For Mad With Examples

This video is all about Other words for Mad information but also try to cover the following subject:
- similar word of mad
- Synonyms For Mad
- synonyms

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🚙 Something More Valuable:

One of the most powerful rich man in Brazil made a announcement. He announced that he will be burying his million dollar rare Bentley car in the ground so that he could he could drive it even in his after life.

This received a lot of media attention and some even criticized him for wasting such rare and precious commodity as he can donate it for charity.

Even after many criticism he received, he went on with ceremony on the decided date. Media was present there to cover that event.

Ground was prepared for the burial of his Bentley. Just moments before lowering that car into ground, he declared that he wouldn’t bury his car.

People present there were confused and questioned his announcement.

Just then he told everyone about his real motive for creating all the buzz and drama was to create awareness among people about Organ Donation..

He said, “People condemn me because I wanted to bury a million dollar Bentley, in fact most people bury something a lot more valuable than my car.

They bury hearts, livers, lungs, eyes, kidneys. This is absurd. So many people waiting for a transplant and you bury your healthy organs that could save so many lives..“

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The Comedy of Errors
by William Shakespeare
Summary -

Play Summary
A merchant of Syracuse, Egeon, suffered a shipwreck some years ago in which he was separated from his wife, Emilia, from one of his twin sons, later Antipholus of Ephesus, and the son's slave, Dromio of Ephesus. The other slave's twin, Dromio of Syracuse and Egeon's remaining son, Antipholus of Syracuse, remained with Egeon. When he came of age, Antipholus of Syracuse was allowed to go in search of his lost brother. After a period of time, Egeon then set out after his remaining son, and the play begins as we learn of Egeon's capture and his condemnation to death by Duke Solinus in the hostile city of Ephesus. The details of Egeon's story move Solinus to pity, and he grants a reprieve until nightfall, by which time a ransom of a thousand marks must be raised.

The twists of plot arise when Antipholus of Syracuse arrives with his slave in Ephesus, where Antipholus's twin brother, together with his wife Adriana and their twin slave reside. Confusion mounts upon confusion: Antipholus of Syracuse abuses Dromio of Ephesus for nagging him to go home for dinner; Adriana locks her real husband out of their home because she takes the Syracusan twin for the Ephesian: it is the other Dromio's turn now to be beaten; Antipholus of Ephesus refuses to pay for a gold chain he had ordered (it was delivered to his brother) and so is arrested. As the situation grows more and more bewildering with everyone certain that everyone else is totally mad, the moment for Egeon's execution is quickly approaching. Antipholus of Ephesus demands that the Duke intercede for him. Egeon sees his son as a last minute savior, but is of course not recognized by him. In the end, the Syracusan twins emerge from an abbey where they had taken refuge, and the complications are resolved. The Abbess, who turns out to be Egeon's long-lost wife Emilia, invites them all at the end to discuss this "one day's error" and "make full satisfaction."

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🎭 Selling Combs:

Long ago in China lived a very successful businessman whose business was to sell combs. Businessman got old and was about to retire.

He had three sons and before retiring he wanted to place his business into wise and able hands. So, he called his sons and gave them a assignment. He instructed them to sell combs in the Buddhist monastery. He told them they have three day for the assignment and report back to him.

His sons were shocked and confused because monks who lived in monastery were bald and never grew any hair yet all three sons went for the job assigned to them.

After three days, first son reported to his father that he was able to sell only two combs.

Father asked him, “How were you able to convince them to buy those combs??”
First son replied, “I told them that they can use those combs for scratching their backs in case of inching..”

After some hours second son came and reported that he was able to sell 10 combs.

Father asked him same question, “What did you said them??”
Second son replied, “I advised them if they buy combs and keep them in monastery that would help their visitors and pilgrims to comb their hairs, as their hairs might be ruffled during journey..”

Just few minutes later, third son came and reported that he was able to sale thousand combs. Everyone was surprised to know about this surprising figure of thousand combs.

Father was very happy with his result and was curious. He asked him, “Son, you did a wonderful job. How you were able to sell thousand combs??”

Third son replied, “I went to monk and gave them a idea.

Idea was that if some of the teachings of Buddha were to be printed or embossed on the comb and given as a take away gift to the visitors and pilgrims. They will remember the teachings of Buddha on a daily basis while combing their hair.”

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❄️ Swami Vivekananda’s Test:

Swami Vivekananda had vast knowledge of both eastern and western culture. He had brilliant conversation skills and deep spiritual insight due to which in 1893 he was selected to be present Hinduism at the world’s Parliament of Religion which was to be heal at Chicago.

Just day before leaving for abroad to attend Parliament of Religion in Chicago his mother invited him for dinner.

Vivekananda ji enjoyed delicious dinner made for him by his mother with love and affection. After dinner his mother offered him a bowl with fruits and a knife to cut fruits into pieces.

After Vivekananda ate fruit, his mother said, “Son, can you please pass me the knife?”

Vivekananda responded immediately and gave knife to his mother.

After getting knife his mother responded, “Son, you passed my test. You have my blessing for your journey.”

Vivekananda was surprised by his mother response and questioned, “But mother how and when did you test me??”

His mother smiled and said, “Son, when i asked you to give me knife.. That was your test.. You gave me knife by holding its sharp edge and kept wooden handle of knife towards me so that i wouldn’t get hurt.

This means you think of well being of other rather than your self and a person who thinks of well being of other’s first had right of preaching the world.”

Moral: To have Compassion and Being able to take Good Care of others is a Remarkable Quality.. It is the law of the Nature that the more Selfless you are the more you will Receive.

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🥶 Legend of Cherokee Indian’s :

Cherokee Indian’s had a ritual for boy’s initiation into manhood.

According to this ritual. Father blindfold his son and take him into the forest and leaves him there alone. There boy is required to sit on a stump for whole night until ray of sun shines through it.

Boy has to sit there all by himself without removing the blindfold. To complete this ritual boy had to sit there without asking or crying out for help to anyone. Once boy completes this ritual, survives that night then he become a Man.

No boy is allowed to share this experience with any of his friends of boy a each boy have to experience this and come into his own manhood.

A young boy had to go through this ritual. His father blindfolded him and took him into the center of forest where he could here all kind of noises. Boy was terrified to hear those noises.

Boy was sitting on stump and wind was so hard that it shook his stump. He could hear animals howling at night, sound of trees and grass bowing because of wind. He was scared to think if someone would attack him or some animal come at him and because of blindfold he would not be able to save himself for any kind of danger.

Boy was scared yet he sat stoically without removing his blindfold because he knew that it would be only way he can be man. Young boy survived the night, sun appeared and boy could feel the warmth of sun rays. He removed the blindfold.

To his surprise, he saw his father sitting right next to him on another stump..

When he talked to his father, he got to know that his father was sitting there all night right next to him watching him the entire night.

Moral: We are Never Alone. Our Family, Friends are always there for Us. Even if we feel that we are all Alone and no one is there for Us. Always remember that God is with us always.

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🐟🐵Not Worthless:

One day while fish was swimming closer to river bank it heard a voice saying, “How is the water??”

Fish raised her head upward to see that there was monkey sitting on on tree. Fish smiled and replied, “Water is nice and warm.”

Monkey felt little jealous and wanted to put fish down. He replied, “You should come out of water and climb up this tree. View from here is really amazing.”

Fish replied with sadness, “I don’t know how to climb tree and i cannot survive without water.”

Seeing fish sad face monkey made fun of fish saying,”You are totally worthless if you cannot even climb a tree.”

After hearing this remark fish started to think about it day and night became extremely depressed. It started thinking to herself, “May be monkey is right. I am worthless if i can not even climb a tree.”

Another fish in river noticed that fish was looking all depressed and asked it for reason of depression.

Fish told her everything about monkey and his comment. After listening to this another fish laughed and said, “If monkey things you are worthless because you don’t know how to climb a tree then even monkey is worthless as it cannot swim or live under water..”

Hearing this fish realized how gifted it was and it was wrong of her to think of herself as worthless as monkey said.

Few days later monkey slipped and fell into water and died as it didn’t know how to swim. After knowing about monkey’s demise fish felt thankful to nature and was happy to have such amazing ability.

Moral: People tend to think of Themselves based on Judgment of Other’s. We should not let our self Down just because Some other person think Less of us. We should try our best and do what we are capable of doing.

Only way to Realize our True potential is to become Self aware. The more awareness we bring into our mind and body, the more we realize our True Potential.

As Einstein quote, “Everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”.

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🍒🥦Never Lose Hope:

Once a middle aged man lost his job and was looking for a job to support his living. In newspaper he found that a job of “Office Boy” is available. He needed a job badly so he applied for post of “office boy” at a very big firm.

Next day he was called for interview. Manager interviewed him and gave him a test. Man cleared the test.

Manager said, “You are hired.. Now give me your e-mail address so that i can send you further details and your joining letter..”

Man replied, “Sir, i don’t have a computer and neither do i have any e-mail address.”

Manager replied, “What..? In today time if you don’t have an e-mail id that means you don’t exist and that means you can’t get this job.. I am sorry but you are not hired.”

Man left. He didn’t know what to do as he had only 200rs left in his pocket and no job. He had no hope of getting any other job anytime soon. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to go home without job. He thought for a while…

Then he decided to go to super market and buy 10kg veggies with that money and then went door to door to sell those veggies. Till evening he was able to sell off all those veggies and even doubles up his money.

This made him realize that he can survive by this and started to go to super market every day early in the morning and buy fresh veggies and then whole day he would sell them going door to door and by evening he would sold all the veggies he bought in morning.

He worked very hard everyday and with his determination and persistence, just in 5 years he became a well established businessman. Now he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles and became one of the biggest food chain retailers in US market.

One day he decided to have life insurance for his family and himself. He called an insurance consultant. After all discussions, consultant asked him about his e-mail address.

Man replied, “I don’t have an e-mail address.”

Consultant was surprised and said, “You don’t an e-main address and yet you succeeded to build an empire.. Can you imagine what you could have done and what you could be if you had an e- mail address..”

Man thought for a moment and replied, “An office boy..!!”

Moral: If we seek for something and don’t get it, we should not lose hope.. We don’t know what destiny had in store for us.. Never lose Hope and Keep Trying.

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