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🙏🏻 God’s Work:

Rohit was traveling from one city to another but he missed his morning train. So while waiting he thought of having breakfast.

He went out of station and started walking toward a near by hotel to eat. On his way he saw two kids sitting on sidewalk. There condition was not looking good and by look on their face he could guess that they were very hungry.

He felt bad for them and gave them 10r and left. After this, as he was walking toward hotel he thought to himself, “How stupid of me..!! I gave them just 10rs.. What can they buy to eat with it, When i can’t even get a cup of tea with 10rs.”

He felt ashamed of himself and went back to those kids. He asked them if they would like to eat at hotel with him.

Kids were confused and looked at each other. As they were very hungry, they accepted his offer. When kids were at the hotel, Hotelier stopped them from entering as their clothes were too dirty and torn.

Seeing this Rohit went to him and asked him to allow those kids to enter as they were with him and he is going to pay for their food. Seeing this Hotelier understood whole situation and felt ashamed at his act of stopping those kids from entering.

They got inside and got seated comfortably. After this Rohit asked kids, “What do you want to eat.” Kids kept silent. Rohit ordered food.

As soon as food came, he saw smile on face of boys and felt happy. When the children started eating, the happiness of their face was somewhat different.

After having food. They returned back. Before leaving Rohit handed them some more money and asked them to buy some clothes.

Whole incident was over. Rohit was back to his normal routine but even after many days he couldn’t stop thinking about those boys and felt bad for them. One day while visiting temple he said, “God, Where are you?? How can you sit quietly when there are children like them who are suffering from hunger..”

Just in next moment a thought struck his mind, “Who had been providing food for them until now?? What i did for those boys, could i have done that with my own thinking??”

At that moment he realized and understood that ever we do is just a part of God’s Plan. Whenever we Help someone it’s because God find us worthy to help someone, he send us to help that person.

Moral: Refusing to Help Someone is like Refusing Work of God. If you see Someone in Need of help and You can Help that Person According to Your Capability as No Help is Small for Person who Needs it.

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Reading Comprehension Digraphs And Blends Part 3

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❄️ Secret of Old Man’s Fitness:

Once Confucius was passing by a village where he saw an old man with his young son pulling water from the well. Confucius was confused to see this as at that time people harness horses or oxen to pull water from the well.

Confucius with concern went to old man and said, “Why are you unnecessarily tiring yourself and young man, that now we have harness horses and oxen..?”

Old man hushed him and said, “Please speak softly. I don’t want my son to hear this..!! I can answer you but please come back when my son go for lunch.

Confucius was perplexed. He kept quiet and waited until old man came to him alone at lunch time.

Confucius questioned, “Why would you not let your son hear what i said?”

Old man replied, “I am 85 years old and yet i have strength to work side by side a 30 years old young. If today i engage horses to pull the water then my son will not be able to have same strength at 85, that i have now..

That’s why i asked you not to speak about it in front of my son.

It’s question of his health. We heard that in towns people use horses to pull water from well. There are machines also to do that..

But if i use horses or machine now to then what will he do?? What effect will it have on my son’s health.. If he saved from all the doing all the hard work now then how will he be able to maintain his health..?”

Moral: What we today will Effect us Tomorrow. What we do on one hand has an immediate effect on the other.

Note: As Lao Tzu Said, “Work and rest are both united. If you wish to relax, toil hard.” Strive so hard that relaxation falls on you.

He who Rests in the day, Destroys his Repose of the Night. Rest has to be Earned through Labour Or else you shall have to pass a Restless Night.

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💰Karna’s Generosity:

One day while Shri Krishna and Arjuna were out for stroll, Arjuna said, “If you permit.. Can i ask you something??”

Krishna smiled and replied, “Sure, you can ask me anything without any hesitation..”

Arjuna said, “I don’t understand why Karna is considered as most generous person of all.. ”

Krishna smiled and replied, “Sure, i won’t just tell you.. You can see for yourself..”

Just then in a blink, Shri Krishna turned two nearest hills into gold.

After this Krishna instructed Arjuna to distribute gold from that hills among people from nearest village.

As instructed Arjuna immediately went to hill and called villagers to distribute gold to them. When villagers came, he asked them to stand in queue and then started giving away gold to them one by one.

Villagers started praising him. Listening to all the praise, Arjuna felt proud. By this time Ego has started to get into him.

For two consecutive days and nights Arjuna kept on digging gold and distributing among villagers. Villagers were coming back in queue for gold, Arjuna was tired and not a bit of gold lessen from hill.

Arjuna got so tired that he went to Shri Krishna and said, “I am tired, i can’t do it anymore..”

Krishna smiled and replied, “It’s Ok. You can rest.”

Krishna called Karna and asked him to distribute gold among villagers from those hills of gold. Karna immediately left to distribute gold among villagers.

He called all villagers and after everyone was gathered, Karna announced, “This gold belong to you.. You may take as per your requirement..”

After saying this Karna left. Arjuna was surprised and confused. Krishna understood.

Krishna said to Arjuna, “When you were asked to distribute gold, you were deciding about requirement of each villagers need of gold. You were doing it knowing that it’s charity.

Where as Karna just gave away all the gold and left. He didn’t even waited for people to praise or cheer him. He was not interested in what people will say about him. It’s sign of a man who had become enlightened.”

Arjuna’s question was answered to him in beautiful manner.

Moral: Expecting Gratitude or Congratulations In return of doing charity or help will just turn it into a deal. If We are Giving some Help or Donation we should do it without any Hope for anything in Return.

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👨🏻‍🦳👱🏻🍧Giving Advice:

Once there was a little boy became obsessed with eating sweets. His mother got worried because of his excessive sweet eating habit and tried many ways to stop him from eating.

However nothing seemed to work.

Near near village lived a wise man who was respected by everyone. So she decided to take him to that wise man, in hope that her son may listen to him.

Mother went to wise man with her son. There she met him and said, “My son, eats sweets every time.. Will you please tell him that it’s bad for his health??”

After listening to her, wise man thought for a while and refused to give any advice to that boy at that time. He asked mother to return to him after a month.

She wondered why he asked them to return after a month, why not tell boy to stop eating sugar at that time yet she left.

Later, she returned to wise man and this time wise man took boy for a walk and after a while returned. He looked at boy and said, “Boy, You should stop eating sugar because it’s not good for health..”

Boy nodded and promise that he will no eat sugar anymore. After this mother left with her son.

Few days later she returned to wise man and said, “Thank you for your help. Boy has kept his promise made to you and hadn’t eaten sugar since then.”

She was curious about why holy man needed a month to tell her son that. So she asked holy man, “When i first came to you.. Why didn’t you told my son to stop eating sugar right then?? Why did you asked me to return after a month??”

Wise man smiled and replied, “At that time, I used to eat sugar myself and i didn’t had right to tell your kid eat stop eating sugar.. But now i don’t eat sugar anymore.. That’s why i was able to tell your kid to stop eating sugar..”

Moral: A person’s example is much powerful than just words.. When we ask a person to do something, we must do it ourselves too. Always make sure that your actions matches your words.

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