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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 14 bet daftardan javoblari

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 11 bet daftardan
Lesson 1
4 was
5 born
6 on
7 birthday
8 Is
9 from
10 isn’t
11 from
12 was
13 born
15 from
16 from
17 from
18 When
19 born
21 born
22 on

Raqamlar õrniga shu sõzlarni yozib matnni tõliq kõchiring!

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 30 bet kitobdan
Lesson 14
1 d. 2 c. 3 b. 4 a.

Lesson 15
a d b e c

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 27 bet kitobdan
Lesson 6
1 should
2 shouldn’t
3 shouldn’t
4 should
5 shouldn’t
6 should

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 23 bet kitobdan
Lesson 4
1 They’re called colonies. 2 She makes lots of eggs
for the colony.
3 They help the queen make eggs.
4 They do all of the other jobs. (They make the nest. They keep the nest clean and neat. They find and bring back food.)

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 20 bet kitobdan
Lesson 14
1 b. 2 d. 3 a. 4 c.

Lesson 15
1 true
2 false
3 true
4 true
5 false

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5-sinf ingliz tili javoblari
Theme: Around the world
5-10 gacha bo'lgan betlar.

Reaksiya qoldirishni unutmang !❤️

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ona tili 103 bet yangi kitobdan
Uyga vazifa

"Õrtoğimga yondaftarcha" loyihasi


1. Har kuni 10 ta yangi sõz õrgan va talaffuzini mashq qil.

2. Chet tilida dõstlar bilan gaplash.

3. Filmlar yoki axbarotlarni ingliz tilda tingla.

4. Kunlik qisqa yozuvlar yoz va xatolarni tahlil qil.

5. Til õrgatadigan ilovalardan muntazam foydalan.

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf matem 27 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

1 misol

Reaksiya bosamiz

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf matem 28 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

2 misol

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf matem 59 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

1 misol

Reaksiya bosamiz

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ona tili 13 bet uyga vazifa yangi kitobdan

Men Samarqand yaqinidagi qishloqlardan biri - Chordarada tuğilganman. Hali bu qishloq paydo bõlmasdan oldin bu yerda onam - Fuzallobegimning bobolari Hikmatxõja maxdum qõrğon tiklagan. Qõrğonning atrofini mevazor-u uzumzorlar õrab turgan. Qõrğonning tõrt tomonida darvozalari bõlgan, shu sababdan bu joyni odamlar "Chordara" ("To‘rt eshikli", "Tõrt darvozali") deb atay boshlashgan. Vaqt õtib qõrğon atrofida shakllangan qishloq ham Chordara nomini olgan.

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 49 bet daftardan
Lesson 3
2. don’t didn’t, swim swam
3. eat ate, eat ate
4. don’t didn’t, go went
5. don’t didn’t, don’t didn’t

Lesson 4
2. Dave didn’t see a deer.
3. He caught a fish.
4. Amber had a party.
5. They didn’t eat pizza.

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf tabiiy fan 28 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf rus tili 45 bet 2 zadanie

1. В Россию привезли несколько сувениров из Узбекистана.
2. В Узбекистане появилось много сувениров.
3. В матрёшке много кукол.
4. Я повезу в Узбекистан несколько кукол.
5. В оркестре было мало балалаек.

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 8 bet daftardan
Lesson 12
2 a. 3 b. 4 b.

Lesson 13
1 Luis, Tim, Tim
2 United Kingdom, Spain,
Cambridge, Spain, San Sebastian, Spain, Spain
3 Strawberry Fair, Cambridge Folk Festival, Tamborrada
4 May, June, Saturday, July

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 31 bet kitobdan
Lesson 17
1 b. 2 a

Lesson 18
1 true
2 don’t know
3 false
4 true
5 don’t know
6 true

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 28 bet kitobdan
Lesson 9
b a cell phone

Lesson 11
1 c. 2 a. 3 b. 4 d.

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 26 bet kitobdan
Lesson 2
1 d. 2 f. 3 e. 4 g. 5 i. 6 a.
7 c. 8 j. 9 h. 10 b.

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 21 bet kitobdan
Lesson 18
1 They’re from the United States.
2 Casey is (older).
3 Yes, they are.
4 No, they aren’t. They’re from the
United Kingdom.
5 No, she isn’t.
6 They sell their
paintings in stores and art galleries.

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5-sinf ingliz tili javoblari
Mavzu : Family and pets
12-16 gacha bo'lgan betlar

Reaksiya qoldirishni unutmang !❤️

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf matem 78 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

3 misol

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf matem 52 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

Muammoli topshiriq!


1. Belgilash:
500 sõmlik tangalar soni: X
200 sõmlik tangalar soni: 4 X
2. Umumiy summani tenglama orqali ifodalash.
3. Tenglamani yechib, X ni topish.
4. Topilgan qiymat asosida tangalar sonini aniqlash.


1. Umumiy summa:

2. Tenglamani soddalashtirish:


X = 39000/1300 = 30

3. 200 sõmlik tangalar soni:


Javob: Hilolada 30 ta 500 sõmlik va 120 ta 200 sõmlik tanga bor.

Reaksiya bosamiz

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf matem 29 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

3 misol

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf matem 26 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

3-4-5 misol

Reaksiya bosamiz

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 52 bet daftardan
Lesson 11
2 went
3 saw
4 ate
5 saw
6 saw
7 went
8 ate
9 drank
10 saw

Lesson 12
2 She saw a monkey and a jaguar.
3 Lizards and birds.
4 They were naughty.

Lesson 13
1 (Amy’s review) long, big, delicious
2 (Jim’s review) green, pretty, beautiful, naughty, dark.

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 53 bet

Читать полностью…

5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf tabiiy fan 7 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

Читать полностью…

5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf tabiiy fan 29 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

Читать полностью…

5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf matem 83 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan
5 sinf matem 84 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

1-2-3 misol

Reaksiya bosamiz

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