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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ona tili 82 bet 4 mashq yangi kitobdan

Uyga vazifa
Nutq, sheva, adabiy, bahs, ijtimoiy, lahja, faxr, notiq, suhbat, til, poliglot, õzbek, maqom, vatan, madhiya, muomala va ona.

Aziza madhiyani faxr bilan aytdi.
Umid adabiy va ijtimoiy sõzlarini ma'nosini ustozidan sõradi.
Vatan onaday muqaddas.
Zuhra til bayramiga Xorazm shevasida nutq sõzladi.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ona tili 29 bet uyga vazifa yangi kitobdan

      Jasur va kabutar.
  Bir kuni Jasur dalaga sayrga chiqdi. Atrof-muhit judayam chiroyli edi. U yõlda ketayotib, yaralangan kabutarni kõrib qoldi va uni uyiga olib keldi. Jasur kabutarni qafasga solib unga don berib, qafasda parvarishlay boshladi. Shu tariqa oradan kunlar õtdi. Bir kuni Jasur hovlisiga chuğur-chuğur qilayotgan kabutarlarni ovozini eshitdi va derazani yoniga borib qarasa, daraxt shoxi ustiga õtirgan ikkita kabutarni va derazasiga qõnib turgan bitta kabutarni kõrdi. Keyin Jasur kabutarlarni kõrib qavasga boqayotgan kabutarini ortidan dõstlari qidirib kelganini tushunib yetdi va qavsdagi kabutarni ozod qilib, uni uchurib yubordi. Kabutarlar xursand bõlib, uylariga birgalikda uchib ketishdi.

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ona tili 69 bet 147 mashq eski kitobdan.

Amir Temur Movarounnahrni birlashtirganidan sõng, qudratli harbiy yurish va ğalabalarni boshladi. U Eronni, Usmonli turklarini, Misrni yengdi. 1402-yilda Chiboltoqda Usmonli sultoni Bayozidni tor-mor keltirdi. Keyin Xitoyga yurish qildi va ğalaba qozondi. Amir Temur kuchli sarkarda, qõmondon va buyuk hukmdor sifatida tarixda munosib joy oldi. Uning shon-shuhrati va harbiy mahorati bilan boğliq rivoyatlar asrlar osha avlodlardan-avlodlarga õtib kelmoqda.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf rus tili 47 bet 4 zadanie

1. эти вещи моего друга (род падеж)
2. на улице стоит машина нашего соседа (род падеж)
3. я хочу показать вам рисуноки моей сестры (род падеж)
4. Где находится остановка этого автобуса (род падеж)
5. я забыл название этого фильма (род падеж)
6. В школе мы изучаем историю нашей страны (род падеж)

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf matem 96 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobidan

3 masala

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

Loyiha ishini yoritishga yordam qilizla

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 94-95 betlar

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 90 bet daftardan
1. clean the bathroom,
2. cook dinner,
3. dry the dishes,
4. set the table,
5. make my bed,
6. take the trash out,
7. sweep the floor, 
8. clean my bedroom,
9. wash my clothes,
10. water the plants.

5 sinf ingliz tili 91 bet daftardan
1 angry,
2 bored,
3 excited,
4 hungry,
5 interested,
6 scared,
7 surprised,
8 thirsty,
9 tired,
10 worried.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 86 bet daftardan
1. cry,
2. litter,
3. help others,
4. hop,
5. laugh,
6. shout,
7. skip,
8. text a friend,
9. throw a ball,
10. use a cell phone

5 sinf ingliz tili 87 bet daftardan
1. crab,
2. dolphin,
3. jellyfish,
4. octopus,
5. seal,
6. shark,
7. starfish, 
8. stingray,
9. turtle,
10. whale.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 82 bet daftardan
Lesson 1
2 sad, go-carting
3 snorkeling, interested
4 happy, windsurfing
5 tired, hiking.

Lesson 2
2 d.   3 a.   4 e.
5 f.   6 b.   7 c.

5 sinf ingliz tili 83 bet daftardan
Lesson 3
2 Yes, she did.
3 He went hiking.
4 She went rock climbing.
5 Henry was scared because he didn’t like canoeing.
6 Nancy was excited because she loves/loved bodyboarding.

Lesson 4
1 I’m feeling happy because it’s Friday.
2 My friend’s happy because he likes English lessons.
3 Yes, I do.
4 I’d like to go bodyboarding 
and canoeing.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 78 bet daftardan
Lesson 11
2 bodyboarding
3 windsurfing
4 book
5 swimming
6 whale watching

Lesson 12
2 They're very sporty.
3 Because he doesn’t like the 
4 Because he saw whales.
5 Because he loves 
whale watching.

Lesson 13
I was so bored!
He was really excited.
I was really excited, too.
Whales are very big and very beautiful. 
They are so cool!

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 74 bet daftardan
Lesson 1
2 a.  3 b.  4 a.  5 b.
6 c.  7 a.  8 a.  9 b.

Lesson 2
I’d like to go scuba 
diving because I’d like to see a shark.

5 sinf ingliz tili 75 bet daftardan
Lesson 3
2 She didn’t go windsurfing on Saturday.
3 She didn’t go bodyboarding on Saturday.
4 Fred didn’t go trampolining last weekend.
5 He went go-carting last 
6 They went hiking.

Lesson 4
2 Did Fred go rock climbing?
No, he didn’t.
3 Did they go bodyboarding?
No, they didn’t.
4 Did Fred go windsurfing?
Yes, he did.
5 Did Haley go canoeing? 
Yes, she did.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 71 bet

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 68 bet daftardan
Lesson 5
2 surprised
3 scared
4 excited
5 worried
6 happy
7 interested.

Lesson 6
2 Why is Katy hungry?
She’s hungry because she 
didn’t eat lunch.
3 Why is Helen tired?
She’s tired because she played volleyball.
4 Why is he excited?
He’s excited because he’s going to the movies.
5 Why is she happy?
She’s happy because she can ride a bike.
6 Why is he scared?
He’s scared because he doesn’t like bats.

5 sinf ingliz tili 69 bet daftardan
Lesson 8
2 a. Jack needs help because of the snake.
3 b. Capu wants to help Jack and finds the annatto plant. 
4 e. The woman and girl use the plant to make a medicine.
5 d. The children say goodbye to Capu.

Lesson 9
2 b.  3 b.  4 c.  5 c.

Lesson 10
2 Don’t take
3 Put
4 Don’t make
5 Don’t litter

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 66 bet daftardan
Lesson 1
2 thirsty
3 bored
4 tired
5 interested
6 angry 
7 surprised
8 scared
9 worried
10 excited

Lesson 2
1 scared, sad
2 excited, surprised, happy
3 excited, happy
4 angry, worried, excited, scared 
5 interested, tired, bored.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ona tili 133 mashq eski kitobdan

"Vatan ostonadan boshlanadi"
Vatan - bu insonning kindik qoni tõkilgan joyi va tuğilib õsgan yeri, mahallasi va qishloği bilan taʼriflanadi. Ota-bobolarimiz ham shu joyda yashab õtganlar. Biz shu yerda dunyoga kelamiz, tahsil olamiz. Vatan har bir kishining õz qalbidan va vijdonidan boshlanadi. Vatan - biz nafas olayotgan havodir. Vatanning bir zarrasi ekanini anglamoq kishi uchun iftixor va sharafdir.

Matndagi "a" va "o" harflari qõllanilgan sõzlarni tagiga chizing!

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ona tili 26 bet 37 mashq yangi kitob

Bir tezuchar kabutar bor ekan. U juda uzoq-uzoqlarga uchar ekan. Kunlardan bir kuni bir podsho uni tutibdi va qalasga solibdi. ( Qafas juda chiroyli ekan. Kabutarga don va suv beribdi. Lekin kabutar donni yemabdi suvdan ichmabdi. Chunki u juda xafa ekan. Ko'zlarini yumib osmonda maza qilib uchgan kunlarini eslab yig'labdi. ) Falakning gardishi bilan bechora qush ko'p yillar qafasda yashabdi. Bir kuni (qafasning eshigi ochiq qolgan ekan) kabutar (paytdan foydalanib) qochibdi. U osmonga uchib xursand bo'lganidan gir-gir aylanibdi. Keyin o'z uyi tomon uchubdi. Kabutar bir necha kunlik yo'lni birpasda bosibdi. Uyiga kiribdi. Qarasa, uychasi buzilib, vayron balgan ekan. Kabutar qatiq yig'labdi. Ammo qaytib podshohnikiga bormabdi. "Podshohning qafasida nima qilaman? U yer menga begona. Bu yer esa buzilgan, vayrona bo'lsa ham, o'z uyimdir" deb uyini tuzatishga kirishibdi.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi


1 qism
Eski kitob

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ona tili 105 bet 39 mashq yangi kitobdan

Sõz: Til.
Oddiy ifoda: Til odamlar õrtasida aloqa vositasi.
Badiiy ifoda: Til - qalb tarjimoni, chunki har bir sõz eng avval qalb torlarida chertiladi.

Sõz: Kitob.
Oddiy ifoda: Kitob bilim manbai.
Badiiy ifoda: Kitob inson aqli va ruhining abadiy xazinasi.

Sõz: Vatan.
Oddiy ifoda: Vatan tug'ilib õsgan joy.
Badiiy ifoda: Vatan inson yuragidagi eng muqaddas dargoh.

Sõz: Ona.
Oddiy ifoda: Ona insonni dunyoga keltiruvchi shaxs.
Badiiy ifoda: Ona mehr va muhabbatning cheksiz ummoni.

Sõz: Ustoz.
Oddiy ifoda: Ustoz bilim beruvchi inson.
Badiiy ifoda: Ustoz nur sochuvchi mash'ala, hayot yõlidagi eng ishonchli yõlboshchi.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

Loyiha ishi.
1. Tejamkorlik haqida nimalarni tushunasiz?
2. Elektr energiyasi, suv, tabiiy gaz tugab qolish mumkinmi?
3. Siz ham tejamkorlikka amal qilasizmi?

1. Tejamkorlik - resurslarni oqilona ishlatish, isrofgarchilikdan qochish va kelajakka zaxira yaratishdir. Bu vaqt, pul, energiya va tabiat boyliklarini asrashni anglatadi.

2. Ha, cheklangan resurslar tugab qolishi mumkin. Elektr energiyasi ishlab chiqarish uchun xomashyo kerak bõladi, suv va tabiiy gaz esa tabiiy resurslar bõlib, ularning zaxirasi cheklangan. Tejamkorlik ulardan uzoqroq foydalanishga imkon beradi.

3. Ha, har kuni elektr va suvni tejab ishlatishga harakat qilaman. Keraksiz chiroqlarni õchirish, suvni behuda oqizmaslik kabi kichik odatlar ham katta õzgarishlarga olib keladi.

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf matem 37 bet yangi mashq daftari kitobdan

2 masala

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili  92-93 betlar

5 sinf ingliz tili 92 bet daftardan
1. bodyboarding,
2. canoeing,
3. go-carting,
4. hiking,
5. rock climbing,
6. rowing,
7. scuba diving,
8. snorkeling,
9. trampolining,
10. windsurfing.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 88 bet daftardan
1. digital camera,
2. e-reader,
3. games console, 
4. headphones,
5. laptop,
6. MP4 player,
7. smartphone,
8. tablet, 
9. television,
10. video camera.

5 sinf ingliz tili 89 bet daftardan
1. cave,
2. desert,
3. forest,
4. island,
5. jungle,
6. lake,
7. mountain, 
8. river,
9. volcano,
10. waterfall.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 84 bet daftardan
1. Brazil,
2. China,
3. Colombia,
4. France,
5. Italy,
6. Mexico,
7. Russia, 
8. Spain,
9. the United Kingdom,
10. the United States

5 sinf ingliz tili 85 bet daftardan
1. artistic,
2. smart,
3. friendly,
4. funny,
5. hardworking,
6. kind, 
7. naughty,
8. shy,
9. sporty,
10. talkative.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 80 bet daftardan
Lesson 1
2 b.  3 b

Lesson 2
2 false
3 false
4 false
5 true.

Lesson 3
2 Leg bones, muscles, and knee joints.
3 Arm bones, muscles, and elbow joints.
4 Leg bones, muscles, and 
knee joints.

5 sinf ingliz tili 81 bet daftardan
Lesson 1
2 When
3 February
4 didn’t
5 windsurfing
6 hiking

Lesson 2
2 Did Mike go to Hawaii in March? – a
3 What did Tina do in the ocean? – e
4 Did Tina go scuba diving in 
Hawaii? – d
5 What did Tina do on the volcano? – c.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 76 bet daftardan
Lesson 6
2 When did you go go-carting?
I went go-carting in May.
3 When did you go snowboarding?
I went snowboarding in January. 4 When did you go rowing?
I went rowing in April.
5 When did you go trampolining?
I went trampolining in February.

Lesson 7
When did you go windsurfing? / In March. / Oh, I 
went windsurfing in April. / Did you go canoeing? / Yes, 
I did. / So did I. When did you go canoeing? / I went 
canoeing in May. / I see. I went canoeing in April.

5 sinf ingliz tili 77 bet daftardan
Lesson 8
2 b. To get to the helicopter, they should go rock climbing.
3 a. They put on helmets to be safe.
4 d. They fly back to the library. 5 c. It's time for Sofia to go home.

Lesson 9
2 rock climbing
3 Colombia
4 the quiz
5 goodbye.

Lesson 10
2 Learn to swim.
3 Ride your bike slowly.
4 Don’t eat your food very quickly.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 72 bet daftardan
Lesson 1
2 e. happy
3 c. excited
4 a. angry
5 d. happy

Lesson 2
2 Wild cats purr because they’re happy.
3 Elephants flap their ears because they’re excited.
4 Snakes hiss because they’re angry.
5 Polar bears move their heads 
because they’re happy.

Lesson 3
See: flap ears, move fast, move head, touch hands; 
Hear: hiss, purr.

5 sinf ingliz tili 73 bet daftardan
Lesson 1
2 Why is Jim hungry?
d. Because he didn’t eat lunch.
3 Why is Anna tired?
a. Because she stayed up late.
4 Why is Laura interested?
c. Because she’s watching 
a good movie.

Lesson 2
2 Laura's interested 
because she enjoys reading.
3 Anna's tired because she 
went for a long walk.
4 Jim's hungry because he didn’t eat breakfast.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 70 bet daftardan
Lesson 11
2 I’m excited now because we’re staying close to a national park. 3 I’m surprised because hippos are the most dangerous animal. 4 I’m hungry now because I didn’t eat dinner.
5 I want to be a park guide because I am very interested in animals now.

Lesson 12
2 Yes, he did.
3 Because he was in a car.
4 No, they aren’t.
5 Because he saw lions and hippos.

Lesson 13
1 I’m excited now. I’m hungry now. I am very interested in animals now.
2 Today was a long day. I was 
bored. The plane ride was ten hours! Lions climbed on 
our car, but we were safe in the car. I was too excited to 
eat dinner.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 67 bet daftardan
Lesson 3
2 They’re laughing because the book is funny.
3 Ben’s scared because he saw a shark.
4 Liam’s shouting because he’s angry.
5 We’re interested because the 
story is exciting.
6 We’re excited because we’re going on vacation.

Lesson 4
2 The dog's happy because it’s eating the ice cream.
3 Peter's hungry because it’s breakfast time.
4 Tom isn’t hungry because he’s tired.
5 Karen's surprised because kayaking is easy.
6 Jane's worried because kayaking is difficult.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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5-sinf Fayllar Bazasi

5 sinf ingliz tili 64 bet daftardan
Lesson 1
2 river
3 jungle
4 desert
5 mountain
6 volcano 
7 forest
8 lake cave

Lesson 2
2 saw
3 was
4 swam
5 saw
6 saw
7 didn’t
8 caught
9 didn’t
10 ate
11 drank

5 sinf ingliz tili 65 bet daftardan
Lesson 3
Have to: dance every morning and afternoon, study 
at night, make my bed.
Don’t have to: wash my clothes, clean the kitchen, wash the dishes, take the trash out.

Lesson 4
2 She has to study at night.
3 She doesn’t have to clean the kitchen.
4 She doesn’t have to wash her clothe.

Lesson 5
1 We went to Russia.
2 I went to art galleries,
and I saw lots of paintings.
3 Yes, I did.
4 I have to help my parents.
5 I don’t have to cook dinner.

Toshkent shahar Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani
Aminova Maftuna Farhod qizi

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