We are a great force together. Contact: 91 228 00 22 @beoneadmin Address: Termez Turon Makhalla
Qabulxona xodimi (Receptionist) izlayapmiz.
Ba'zilar uchun oddiy lavozim, biz uchun jamoadagi eng muhim shaxslardan biri, chunki shu lavozimga ishlash uchun zarur jihatlarga ega bo'lgan inson juda kam:
Muassasaning yuzi
Receptionist - bu tashkilotning birinchi vakili. Uning muomalasi, mehmondo'stligi va professionalizmi mijozlar (o'quvchilar, ota-onalar) uchun muassasa haqidagi birinchi taassurotni shakllantiradi.
Punktuallik va vaqtni to'g'ri boshqarish
Receptionist ishga vaqtida kelishi, qabul vaqtlarini tartibga solishi va yangi kelganlarni kutib olishi kerak. Kechikishlar muassasaning obro'siga putur yetkazishi mumkin.
Ingliz tilini bilish
Ayniqsa, til markazlarida ingliz tilini yaxshi bilish talab qilinadi. Bu o'quvchilarni bilim darajasini baholash va ular bilan muloqot qilishda yordam beradi.
Texnik savodxonlik
Receptionist o'quvchilarning ma'lumotlarini bazaga kiritishi va yangilashi kerak. Shuningdek, u ofis dasturlari (Microsoft Office, Google Docs va boshqalar) bilan ishlay olishi talab qilinadi.
Muloqot qobiliyati
Receptionist o'quvchilar, ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar bilan samarali aloqa o'rnatishi kerak. Uning savollarga to'liq va aniq javob berishi, shuningdek, muammolarni hal qilishda yordamchi bo'lishi talab qilinadi.
Tashkilotchilik va ko'p vazifalilik
Receptionist bir vaqtning o'zida bir nechta vazifalarni bajarishi kerak: telefon qabul qilish, mijozlarga yordam berish, ma'lumotlarni kiritish va tartibga solish. Shuning uchun u tashkilotchan va stressga chidamli bo'lishi kerak.
Diqqat va aniqlik
Hujjatlarni to'g'ri tuzish, ma'lumotlarni aniq kiritish va imlo xatolarini minimallashtirish kabi vazifalarni bajarish uchun diqqat va aniqlik talab qilinadi.
Sizda yoki siz taniydigan kimdadir shu hislatlar bor deb hisoblasangiz, menga (@BakhriddinBurkhanov) bog'laning.
Shijoatingiz yetarli bo'lsa, tajribangizni oshirishga yordam beramiz.
Ish vaqti: 14:00 - 20:00
Maosh: Yuzma-yuz suhbatda kelishiladi.
Yangi yildan ingliz tilini o'rganishga qaror qildingiz ammo ulgurmadingizmi❓
Bizda bunga yechim bor ✅
Be One LC Beginner darajadagi o'quvchilar uchun yangi guruh tashkil qiladi 👏
Bu guruhga qo'shilish orqali quyidagi imkoniyatlarga ega bo'lasiz:
● Tajribali ustozlar 👩🏫
● Intensiv darslar 💡
● Do'stona muhit 🔋
● Ota-onalar bilan kunlik muloqot ✉️
Va boshqa qulayliklar... ✊️
Darslar jadvali:
Haftada standart 3⃣ kun
🕙 14:00 - 16:30 (juft kunlari)
16:30 - 19:00(juft kunlari)
Har bir dars davomiyligi kamida 2.5 soat ⌛️
Birinchi darsga qatnashish mutlaqo bepul 🤩
Hoziroq biz bilan bog'laning va maqsadlaringiz uchun ilk harakatni boshlang 🎯
💻 @beoneadmin
📞 +998-91-228-00-22
✊️ BE ONE - birgalikda katta kuchmiz.
🚀 Multilevel BOOSTER!
❗️Talaba va magistrant bo'lish istagida bo'lganlar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat.
🤗 Sertifikat siz uchun juda muhim.
😰 Markaz almashtirishdan charchadingiz.
🐌 Darslar juda sekin.
🤦♂️ Mustaqil shug'ullanaolmayapsiz.
✊️ BE ONE LC sizga yechim taklif qiladi:
✔️ Tez va sifatli ta'lim
✔️ Tajribali ustozlar
✔️ Natijaga qaratilgan o'quv tizimi
✔️ Haftalik test sinovlari
✔️ Darsdan tashqari shug'ullanish uchun
alohida muhit
🏀Aynan shu mavsumda natijaga erishmoqchimisiz, unda imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermang.
⚡️ Topshirish oyi: Aprel, May
⚡️ Dars vaqti: har kun
⚡️ Davomiyligi: 2-3 oy
🆓 Sizni bepul sinov darslarimizga taklif etamiz!
Batafsil ma'lumot uchun:
💻 @beoneadmin
☎️ +998-91-228-00-22
BE ONE - birgalikda katta kuchmiz.
Age: 17
Prep time with us: 5 months
Congratulations Shakhnoza 🥳
Shakhnoza truly deserves the title of "Miss. Perfection" 😎. Her ability to provide insightful solutions was always impressive. Although she didn't achieve the result she aimed for, I am still incredibly proud of her. ⚡️
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Congratulations once again, Aziza. 🥳
This girl had some doubts during her first attempt, but this time she aced the test with an impressive score of 57 in speaking 😎. BE ONE Team wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. ⚡️
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Age: 17
Prep time with us: 5 months
Congratulations O’g’ilshod 🥳
Miss. O'g'ilshod with her unwavering commitment 😤 to excellence always left me in awe. The road was far from smooth, and there were times of discouragement and frustration. However, the extra hours she dedicated paid off in the end, resulting in this incredible outcome. ⚡️
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Kun ishorasi 📨:
Ingliz tilini o'rganish vaqti keldi 😎!
Age: 18
Prep time with us: 4 months
Congratulations to - introvert, quiet but one of the brilliant students in her group. Her perseverance, dedication, sacrifices finally paid off. Despite of her self-doubt, Mo’tabar was able to pull out this amazing score ✔️. Wish you the best luck in your future endeavours
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Age: 22
Prep time with us: 3 months
Congratulations Nafisa! ✔️
I wish I could fully capture just how incredible Nafisa is. She has this remarkable perspective on the world, and her experiences are so inspiring. Despite managing her family responsibilities, she has done an excellant job.
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Prep time with us: 2 months
Congratulations Jasmina ! ✔️
Miss Jasmina absolutely crushed it! I was truly impressed by her responsible attitude towards her studies. Despite the short time she spent with us, the results speak for themselves. Scoring a 64 in Listening is a clear evidence to her hard work and determination.
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Age: 19
Prep time with us: 4 months
Congratulations Ozodbek ! ✔️
I have to acknowledge that there were moments during our listening classes when it was Mr. Ozodbek who would make me see things in a different perspective. His critical thinking and high level of comprehension are truly impressive. While exam nerves may have affected him, I believe he still managed to pull himself together and perform admirably.
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Prep time with us: 4 months
Congratulations, Temurmalik! ⚡️
Achieving an overall band score of 6.5 is a commendable result. Your 7.0 in Listening and 6.5 in Writing are particularly impressive and highlight your strong skills. Considering you are only in the tenth grade, there’s plenty of time to achieve even more before leaving school. Best of luck with your SAT preparation!
Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov and Mokhichekhra Choriyeva
Prep time with us: about 11 months
Congratulations, Abdusalom!⚡️
Achieving an overall band score of 6.0 within a year is an impressive accomplishment. Honestly, I initially doubted whether you could achieve the result you needed and hesitated about your decision to take the test. However, you’ve proved me wrong, and I couldn’t be prouder of your success. I sincerely hope to see you as a student at a top university soon. Best of luck!
Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov and Mokhichekhra Choriyeva
Four of our students took the test on December 28th, and their results were released today. I’ll share them shortly ...
Читать полностью…QABUL BOSHLANDI !
BE ONE LC 2025-yil yangi guruhlar uchun qabulni ochiq deb e'lon qiladi !
– Qabul kimlar uchun? 🤔
– Barcha darajalar uchun. ✅
Vaqti: Ertalab va tushdan keyin
Shakli: Intensive (har kunlik)
Standard (3 kunlik)
Maqsadlaringizni ortga surishni bas qiling, ilk qadamni hoziroq tashlang.
Batafsil ma'lumot uchun:
👩🏻💻 @beoneadmin
📞 +998912280022
BE ONE LC - birgalikda katta kuchmiz!
BE ONE LC da bo'lib o'tgan mock imtixonidan lavhalar....
Читать полностью…Ehtimol, sizni izlayapmiz.
BE ONE LC jamoasiga social media manager olmoqchimiz.
Agar siz yaxshi video va rasmli kontent yaratishni bilsangiz, ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda ko‘rinish berishdan tortinmay, odamlar bilan suhbatlashishdan zavqlansangiz, demak, siz bizga aynan kerakli insonsiz.
Bizning auditoriyamiz juda katta emas, shuning uchun agar oramizda shu qobiliyat va xislatlarga ega inson bo‘lmasa, balki yaqinlaringiz va do‘stlaringiz orasida bordir.
Biz sizga yaxshi maosh, moslashuvchan ish soatlari, til o‘rganish muhiti, ahil jamoa, qo‘shimcha bonuslar va boshqa qulayliklarni taklif qilamiz.
Talablarimizga mos keladiganlar @BakhriddinBurkhanov ga yozing.
Age: 18
Prep time with us: 5 months
Congratulations Azizbek 🥳
Azizbek, a standout member of our legendary CEFR 1 group 😎, truly excelled in the test after taking a long break from English. His impressive language skills are matched by his exceptional soft skills. He always offers support to both his teammates and teachers. Greater achievements are definitely ahead for you, Azizbek! ⚡️
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Age: 19
Prep time time with us : 4 months
Congratulations once again, Ozodbek! 🥳
He was uncertain about his attempt on December 28th and decided to retake the test, but this time, he not only achieved his goal but even scored higher 🔥 in both speaking and writing. Wishing you the best of luck in all your future endeavours. ⚡️
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Age: 19
Prep time with us: 4 months
Congratulations Mukhammadali 🥳
Congratulations on your well-deserved victory! This is just the beginning, and you've already set the stage for a bright and successful future. ⚡️
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Endi uxlab qolmaysiz.
Tong uyqusini yoqtirmaydigan insonni topish qiyin. Lekin kunimiz samarali bo‘lishi uchun erta turish ham muhim.
Buning uchun men Alarmy degan ilovani ishlataman. U istalgan uslubda uyg‘otadi: erkalab, baqirib, qo‘rqitib.
Tovushlar turlicha. Dastlab, qush sayraganini eshitasiz. Yoqimli ovozda uxlashda davom etsangiz, it hurishni boshlaydi.
Ovozni o‘chirish uchun missiya bajarasiz. Masalan, xotira mashqlaridan keyin shiftga termulib yotishingiz mumkin, lekin uxlay olmaysiz.
Age: 18
Prep time with us: 4 months
Congratulations Mansurbek ✔️
"Unstoppable" is the perfect word to describe him 💪. He never gave up even when he scored low in the mock tests. 72 in Reading is a testament to his hard work and dedication. 🥳
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Age: 17
Prep time with us: 4 months
Congratulations E’tibor! ✔️
Ms.E’tibor was so smart and diligent. Honestly, I was sometimes intimidated by her quick wit and I strived to be worthy of teaching her. She is a dream student - someone who is always there to challenge you and make you constantly work on yourself. This score doesn't even come close to showing what she is capable of. Ms. E’tibor, know that we are so proud of you.
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Age: 17
Prep time with us: 12 months
Congratulations Aziza! ✔️
This outstanding achievement is a direct result of your unwavering dedication, strong work ethic, and the positive energy you bring to every challenge. Your consistent effort, commitment to growth, and determination to succeed have truly paid off. You’ve set an inspiring example for others with your perseverance and enthusiasm.
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Age: 17
Prep time with us: 3 months
Congratulations Shabnam! ✔️
While this is an impressive result, we know it doesn’t fully reflect her true potential. Shabnam is a bright, hardworking, and capable individual who truly deserves even higher scores. Her sharp mind, dedication, and perseverance were evident throughout her preparation, and her inquisitive nature made every lesson enjoyable and inspiring. It is just the beginning of your journey, good luck for your future endeavours.
✊️ Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov, Abraykulov Abbos and BE ONE TEAM
✨ @beone_lc ✨
Haftasiga 67 ming dollar pul topsangu, endi mazza qilib yashayman deganingda, murabbiying ingliz tilini o‘rgan deb tursa. Bundan yomoni yo'q. Shuning uchun ingliz tilini o‘rganishni ertaroq boshlayvering. 😁
Attempt: 1st
Prep time with us: 10 months
Congratulations, Iroda! ⚡️
Achieving an overall band score of 6.0 is a great accomplishment. Your consistent scores across all sections reflect your dedication and balanced skills. While we were expecting Band 7, now you know what to expect. By April, we’ll work to raise it to at least 7.
Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov and Mokhichekhra Choriyeva
Prep time with us: 12 months
Congratulations, Sangina! ⚡️
You’ve done incredibly well during the course. Achieving straight 6s in Speaking, Listening, and Reading within a year, starting from the beginner level, is an amazing accomplishment. It seems the exam took its toll, but never mind everyone here knows you truly deserve more than this. Now, you can start focusing on preparing for university entrance exams in other subjects. Best of luck!
Teachers: Bakhriddin Burkhanov and Mokhichekhra Choriyeva
Kutib oling, endi navbat KIDS larga 🥳
Tajribali ustozlar boshchiligida kichkintoylar uchun yangi guruhlar tashkil etiladi 🤫
BE ONE LC farzandlaringiz o'qish jarayonida quyidagilarni kafolatlaydi :
• Tajribali ustozlar
• Sifatli ta'lim
• Interaktiv darslar
• Qo'shimcha ustoz bilan shug'ullanish
• Ota-onalar bilan doimiy aloqa va boshqalar...
Dars vaqtlari:
● 8:00-10:30 (juft kunlari)
● 14:00- 16:30 (juft kunlari)
Farzandingiz kelajagi uchun ilk qadamni tashlashiga turtki bo'ling.
Hoziroq biz bilan bog'laning.
👩🏻💻 @beoneadmin
BE ONE - birgalikda katta kuchmiz.
HAPPY 2025 🥳
BE ONE' da yangi yil atmosferasini his qiling.
Barchangizga 2025-yil fayz va barakali kelsin🥳
BE ONE - birgalikda katta kuchmiz