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📢 Proper way of saying Salaam upon the prophet(sallallahu alayhi wasalam)
رسول اللہ(ﷺ) پر سلام کہنے کا مسنون طریقہ
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/proper-way-saying-salaam-upon-prophetsallallahu-alayhi-wasalam/
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📢 22: Kitaab ut Tauheed Bin Baaz (Chapter 22)
22: کتاب توحید بن باز (باب 22)
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/22-kitaab-ut-tauheed-bin-baaz-chapter-22/
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Urdu Lecture Live Now!
Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed -Shaykh Ibn Baz [rahimahullah] in Urdu by Dr. Murtaza Bin Baksh (حفظه الله)
📢 413: Punishment, causes and treatment of fornication in the society
413: معاشرہ میں زناکاری کی سزا، اسباب اور علاج
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/413-punishment-causes-treatment-fornication-society/
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📢 Can a dead person hear?
کیا مردے سنتے ہیں؟
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/can-dead-person-hear/
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📢 Sharh us Sunnah Point No: 64
شرح السنة پوائنٹ نمبر 64
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/sharh-us-sunnah-point-no-64/
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📢 They Gift her Beheshti Zewar upon her Marriage
بیٹیوں کی شادی میں بہشتی زیور تحفہ میں دینے کا کیا حکم ہے
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📢 Using the Name “Sanam”
کیا صنم نام رکھنا جائز ہے ؟
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📢 Ye Manhaj Salaf Mein Se Nahi Hai (Point No: 50)
یہ منہج سلف میں سے نہیں ہے (پوائنٹ نمبر 50)
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/ye-manhaj-salaf-mein-se-nahi-hai-point-no-50/
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📢 03: Surah Ad-Duhaa (Ayaat 09-11)
03: سورۃ الضحی (آیات: 09-11)
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/03-surah-ad-duhaa-ayaat-09-11/
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Urdu Lecture Live Now!
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Sharh ash-Shama'il an-Nabi ( ﷺ ) of Imaam At-Tirmidhi [rahimahullah] by Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq bin Muhaddith Abdul Mohsin al-Badr (hafidhahullah) explained in Urdu by Dr. Murtaza bin Baksh حفظه الله
📢 412: A dignified Society
412: غیرت مند معاشرہ
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/412-dignified-society/
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📢 Sharh us Sunnah Point No: 62
شرح السنة پوائنٹ نمبر 62
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/sharh-us-sunnah-point-no-62/
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📢 Wallahu Khairur Raziqeen – Fir Hum Pareshan Kyun?
وَاللّٰهُ خَيْرُ الرّٰزِقِيْنَ - پھر ہم پریشان کیوں؟
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/wallahu-khairur-raziqeen-fir-hum-pareshan-kyun/
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Urdu Live Now:
📚 "Sharhus-Sunnah" by Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Alee bin Khalif al-Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah Ta'ala) by Dr. Murtaza bin Bakhsh (hafidhullah Ta'ala)
📻 Listen Live: www.ashabulhadith.com/live
🌐 The Official Website of Dr. Murtaza bin Bakhsh: www.ashabulhadith.com
📢 Saying Salaam upon the prophet(sallallahu alayhi wasalam) behalf of someone else
کسی کی طرف سے رسول اللہ(ﷺ) پر سلام کہنا
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/saying-salaam-upon-prophetsallallahu-alayhi-wasalam-behalf-someone-else/
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📢 Surah Ad-Duhaa Ki Mukhtasar Tafsir
سورۃ الضحی كى مختصر تفسير
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/surah-ad-duhaa-ki-mukhtasar-tafsir/
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Tafseer Juzz Amma of Shaykh Muhammad bin Saaleh Al Uthaymeen ( rahimahullah )
Dr. Murtaza bin Bakhsh حفظه الله
📢 04: Jaraim, Qisaas, Aur Hudood-u-Tazeerat kay Masail (Al-Intijaar)
04: جرائم، قصاص اور حدود و تعزیرات کے مسائل (الانتجار)
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/04-jaraim-qisaas-aur-hudood-u-tazeerat-kay-masail-al-intijaar/
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📢 Sharh us Sunnah Point No: 65
شرح السنة پوائنٹ نمبر 65
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/sharh-us-sunnah-point-no-65/
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📢 Sharh us Sunnah Point No: 63
شرح السنة پوائنٹ نمبر 63
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/sharh-us-sunnah-point-no-63/
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Jumu'ah Khutbah Explanation:
Muashira mein Zinakaari ki Sazaa, Asbaab aur Ilaaj
Dr. Murtaza bin Baksh حفظه الله
📢 The importance of time and an advice to student of knowledge
وقت کی اہمیت اور طالب علم کو نصیحت
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/importance-time-advice-student-knowledge/
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📢 30: Sharh-Shamail-An-Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasalam)
30: شرح شمائل النبی(ﷺ)
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/30-sharh-shamail-nabi-sallallahu-alayhi-wasalam/
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Urdu Lecture Live Now!
@ ashabulhadith.com/live
This isn't from the Manhaj of the Salaf of Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Umar Bazmool حفظه الله explained in Urdu by Dr. Murtaza bin Baksh حفظه الله
📢 03: Jaraim, Qisaas, Aur Hudood-u-Tazeerat kay Masail (Al-Jinayaat)
03: جرائم، قصاص اور حدود و تعزیرات کے مسائل (الجنایات)
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/03-jaraim-qisaas-aur-hudood-u-tazeerat-kay-masail-al-jinayaat/
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Jumu'ah Khutbah Explanation:
Ghairatmand Muashira by
Dr. Murtaza bin Baksh حفظه الله
📢 Sharh us Sunnah Point No: 61
شرح السنة پوائنٹ نمبر 61
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/sharh-us-sunnah-point-no-61/
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Lecture on the subject of the Jumu'ah Khutbah by Dr. Murtaza bin Baksh (hafidhahullah Ta'ala)
@ www.ashabulhadith.com/live
At 1:10pm (KSA Time) in shaa Allah.
Thursday, 24th Rabi al-Thani 1439 (11th January 2018)
📚 "Sharhus - Sunnah" by Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Alee bin Khalaf Al-Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah Ta'ala)
Followed by
📃 This isn't from the Manhaj of the Salaf by Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool حفظه الله
💡 Taught by: Dr. Murtaza bin Bakhsh حفظه الله
⏰ Time: 8:20 PM
Listen Live: www.ashabulhadith.com/live
🕌 Location: Masjid Al-Falasteen, Hayy al-Rehab, Jeddah
📣 Language: Urdu
Note: Spacious parking is available behind the Masjid
🌐 The Official Website of Dr Murtaza bin Baksh: www.ashabulhadith.com
BarakAllahu feekum