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Jumu'ah Khutbah Explanation:
Jung e Mu'tah aur Musalmanon ki Deeni Zimmedariyan by
Dr. Murtaza bin Baksh حفظه الله
📢 Introduction | مقدمہ
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/introduction-%d9%85%d9%82%d8%af%d9%85%db%81/
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📢 When prostrating(performing Sajdah), what should touch the ground first, hands or knees?
سجدہ میں جاتے وقت پہلے ہاتھ رکھنے ہیں یا گھٹنے؟
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/prostratingperforming-sajdah-touch-ground-first-hands-knees/
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📢 A clarification regarding an ibn Majah’s hadith
ابن ماجہ کی حدیث کے بارے میں وضاحت
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/clarification-regarding-ibn-majahs-hadith/
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📢 27: Sharh-Shamail-An-Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasalam)
27: شرح شمائل النبی(ﷺ)
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/27-sharh-shamail-nabi-sallallahu-alayhi-wasalam/
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ash-Shama'il al-Muhammadiyyah (ﷺ) by Imaam at Tirmidhi [rahimahullah] in Urdu by Dr. Murtaza Baksh حفظه الله
📢 Question about praying behind a Hanafi Imaam
حنفی امام کے پیچھے نماز پڑھنے کے متعلق سوال
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/question-praying-behind-hanafi-imaam/
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📢 409: Battle of Hunain and trials of believers
409: جنگ حنین اور مومنوں کی آزمائش
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/409-battle-hunain-trials-believers/
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📢 Sharh us Sunnah Point No: 59 – Part 1
شرح السنة پوائنٹ نمبر 58 - حصہ اول
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/sharh-us-sunnah-point-no-59-part-1/
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Kya Rasoolullah salallahualayhiwasallam ki qabr ke paas jaakar Aap salallahualayhiwasallam se dua e maghfirat talab karna jayez hai ?
Читать полностью…🎙 📣 ANNOUNCEMENT📣 🎙
Thursday, 3rd of Rabi-uth-Thani 1439 (21st December 2017).
📚 "Sharhus - Sunnah" by Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Alee bin Khalaf al-Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah Ta'ala) by Dr. Murtaza bin Bakhsh (hafidhullah Ta'ala)
🕙 Time: 10:00pm
🏫 Location: Old Airport Dawah Center, Masjid bin Yemani, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Co-ordinates: 21.512914, 39.205179
Dropped pin: http://goo.gl/maps/sbwZ4.
📣 Language: Urdu
With Arrangement for Ladies
📻 Listen Live: www.ashabulhadith.com/live
🌐 The Official Website of Dr Murtaza bin Bakhsh: www.ashabulhadith.com
📢 Kya Mard Aurat Ki Hajamat Kar Sakta Hai?
کیا مرد عورت کی حجامت کر سکتا ہے؟
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/kya-mard-aurat-ki-hajamat-kar-sakta-hai/
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📢 Quran Majeed Ki Taleem Mein Sakhti, Shiddat Aur Bachon Ko Maarna
قرآن مجید کی تعلیم میں سختی، شدت اور بچوں کو مارنا
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/quran-majeed-ki-taleem-mein-sakhti-shiddat-aur-bachon-ko-maarna/
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📢 Surah Al-Layl Ki Mukhtasar Tafsir
سورۃ اللیل كى مختصر تفسير
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/surah-al-layl-ki-mukhtasar-tafsir/
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Quds Ke Mutaliq Trump Ke Bayan Par Hamein Kya Karna Chahiye?
Читать полностью…⚠ *IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT*⚠
Assalam o Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu
Tonight's lecture, *Thurday, 10th Rabi'-us-thani 1439* (28th December 2017) of *Sharhus-Sunnah* by Dr. Murtaza bin Bakhsh (hafidhahullah) is *CANCELLED* ❌ due to electrical issues at the Dawah Center.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Barak Allahu feekum.
📢 During Tawaaf, until when should the shoulder remain exposed?
طواف کے دوران کندھا کتنے چکر تک کھلا رہنا چاہے؟
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/tawaaf-shoulder-remain-exposed/
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📢 20: Kitaab ut Tauheed Bin Baaz (Chapter 20)
20: کتاب توحید بن باز (باب 20)
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/20-kitaab-ut-tauheed-bin-baaz-chapter-20/
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Kitaab at-Tawheed of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahaab explained by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullah)
Read by: Dr. Murtaza bin Bakhsh حفظه الله
Saturday, 5th of Rabi al-thani 1439 (23rd December 2017)
📖 Tafseer Juzz Amma of Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen رحمه الله
Followed by:
📖 Kitab at-Tawheed of Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahaab رحمه الله explained by Shaykh Ibn Baaz رحمه الله.
📖 ash-Shama'il al-Muhammadiyyah (ﷺ) of Imam at-Tirmidhee رحمه الله
💡 Taught by: Dr. Murtaza bin Bakhsh حفظه الله
⏰ Time: 6:40 AM
Listen Live: www.ashabulhadith.com/live
🏫 Location: Old Airport Dawah Center, Masjid bin Yemani, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
21.512914, 39.205179
Dropped pin:
📣 Language: URDU
🌐 The Official Website of Dr Murtaza bin Baksh: www.ashabulhadith.com
BarakAllahu feekum
📢 What is the ruling of saying : Oh my God!?
او مائے گاڈ! کہنے کا کیا حکم ہے؟
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/ruling-say-oh-god/
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Explanation of the Jumu'ah Khutbah: Jung e Hunayn Aur Mo'minon ki Aazmayesh by Dr. Murtaza bin Baksh حفظه الله
Urdu Live Now!
@ ashabulhadith.com/live
📖 Sharhus Sunnah of Imam al-Barbahaaree with the Explanation of Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan [hafidhahullaah Ta'ala] translated & explained in Urdu by Dr. Murtaza bin Baksh [hafidhahullaah Ta'ala]
📢 Kya Rasoolullah salallahualayhiwasallam ki qabr ke paas jaakar Aap salallahualayhiwasallam se dua e maghfirat talab karna jayez hai ?
? رسول اللہ ﷺ کی قبر کے پاس جاکر آپ ﷺ سے دعاء مغفرت طلب کرنا جائز ہے
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/kya-rasoolullah-salallahualayhiwasallam-ki-qabr-ke-paas-jaakar-aap-salallahualayhiwasallam-se-dua-e-maghfirat-talab-karna-jayez-hai/
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📢 If a man reaches the prayer and his trousers hanging below his ankles, what should he do?
? پتلون اگر لمبی ہے تو موڑنا چاہیے یا نہیں
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/man-reaches-prayer-trousers-hanging-ankles/
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📢 Hijama Ki Ahmiyat Aur Fazliat Kya Hai Aur Kya Yeh Sunnat Hai?
حجامہ کی اہمیت اور فضلیت کیا ہے اور کیا یہ سنت ہے؟
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/hijama-ki-ahmiyat-aur-fazliat-kya-hai-aur-kya-yeh-sunnat-hai/
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📢 26: Sharh-Shamail-An-Nabi (ﷺ)
26: شرح شمائل النبی(ﷺ)
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/26-sharh-shamail-nabi-%ef%b7%ba/
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Special Advice (tele-link) for tomorrow has been CANCELLED, ❌ due to ongoing electrical issues at the Dawah Center
Saturday, 28th Rabi al-Awwal 1439 (16th December 2017)
📖 Tafseer Juzz Amma of Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen رحمه الله
Followed by
📖 ash-Shama'il al-Muhammadiyyah ( ﷺ ) of Imam at-Tirmidhee [rahimahullaah]
💡 Taught by: Dr. Murtaza bin Bakhsh حفظه الله
⏰ Time: 7:10 AM
Listen Live: www.ashabulhadith.com/live
🕌 Location: All classes will take place at Masjid Al-Falasteen, in Hayy al-Rehab, Jeddah
📣 Language: Urdu
🌐 The Official Website of Dr Murtaza bin Baksh: www.ashabulhadith.com
BarakAllahu feekum
📢 Quds Ke Mutaliq Trump Ke Bayan Par Hamein Kya Karna Chahiye?
قدس کے متعلق ٹرمپ کے بیان پر ہمیں کیا کرنا چاہیے؟
🌐 http://ashabulhadith.com/main/quds-ke-mutaliq-trump-ke-bayan-par-hamein-kya-karna-chahiye/
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