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Android ResId

#jetpack #minsdk

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Android ResId

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile in Beta now!

Guide video from JetBrains:


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Android ResId


ProGuard Playground Beta Graduation

ProGuard Playground allows you to check the effect of your ProGuard configuration in real time. With the release of Beta, new features were added:
👉 Naming your playground
👉 Support for Kotlin Metadata
👉 Integration with AppSweep (find and fix security issues in your Android app’s code and dependencies)

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Android ResId


Snapper is a library which brings snapping to the Compose scrolling layouts

Snapper can be summarized as SnapHelper for LazyRow & LazyColumn, adding item snapping, maximum fling distance, snap position, and more

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Android ResId


Always provide a Modifier parameter

Any composable you write which emits layout (even a simple Box), should have a modifier: Modifier parameter, which is then used in the layout. Why? More details in the article

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Android ResId

#kapt #ksp

Kotlin Symbol Processors (KSP)

KSP becomes stable. JetBrains said that KSP better understands the syntax of Kotlin and does not need to take extra steps compare to KAPT.

The main news is that KAPT switch into support mode. No features or improvements. New features will only be in KSP and other Kotlin compiler plugins. They didn't say anything about KSP support in IDE.

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Android ResId


Android 12 has been released, and the source is available in AOSP

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Android ResId

#ksp #kotlin

Kotlinpoet 1.10.0 released with support of KSP and JavaPoet interop

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Android ResId

#survey #scripts

Do you write Kotlin scripts or use REPL? Please share your experience with the Kotlin Team and tell them about your use cases! By doing so, you will help to improve Scripting APIs and bring them closer to stabilization. Survey is here

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Android ResId


Wear OS Jetpack libraries now in stable!

A library for developing applications for Wear OS has become part of Jetpack. Compared to Wearable Support, new features have appeared, some libraries 100% Kotlin, and support of WearOS 3.0 has been added.

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Android ResId


The Kotlin team is working on improving libraries authors experience, and they want to know more about real use cases. If you’ve worked on your own library or plan to create one, please share your feedback by taking this survey.

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Android ResId


Kotlinx.Serialization 1.3.0-RC
👉 The first experimental version of the serialization API for IO streams
👉 New way to fine-tune the serialization of default values:
👉 A new JSON configuration property explicitNulls defines whether null property values should be included in the serialized JSON string
👉 A way to set a custom discriminator name for each class hierarchy to enable more flexible serialization.
👉 Support for Java module system
👉 Native targets for Apple Silicon
🔨 Bugfixes and improvements

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Android ResId

#jetpack #workmanager

Android Jetpack Updates. September 1, 2021

👉 WorkManager 2.6.0 uses the standardized mechanism of androidx.startup for initializing WorkManager and includes a number of improvements for its multi-process support
👉 Compose 1.0.2 (no Kotlin 1.5.30 support)
👉 Activity 1.4.0-alpha01 implements MenuHost interface. This allows any component to add menu items to the ActionBar by adding a MenuProvider instance to the activity
👉 Navigation 2.4.0-alpha08 support creation of custom NavType programmatically
👉 Profiler Installer 1.0.2 improves support Android 9-11

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Android ResId

#material #design

Material Components Android 1.5.0-alpha03

The most important change is access preview of Material 3 and requirement for compileSdk 31 (Android 12). Most likely, this is dev name of Material You.

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Android ResId

Android 11 is here!

Learn more:

Additional features fro Pixels:



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Android ResId

Android migrates away from C/C++ to Java/Kotlin/Rust

In Android 12 we announced support for the Rust programming language in the Android platform as a memory-safe alternative to C/C++. Since then we’ve been scaling up our Rust experience and usage within the Android Open Source Project (AOSP).

In Android 13, about 21% of all new native code (C/C++/Rust) is in Rust.

#android12 #android13 #JNI

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Android ResId

#compose #kaspresso #testing

Kaspresso 1.4.0: Jetpack Compose support Latest
🔥 Jetpack Compose support [Early access]
🛠️ Bugs fixes

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Android ResId

#android12 #androiddevsummit

12L and new Android APIs and tools for large screens

Announced a preview of a special version of Android 12 for devices with large screens: tablets, foldable and Chrome OS - Android 12L (L - large as I understand it).In this version, the UI of the system for large devices has been updated, multitasking has been improved, new taskbar, etc.

Android 12L will be release early 2022. Google recommends adapting the applications, but it will not be mandatory to be published on Google Play.

In addition, the Material Design manual has been updated, and an API has been added for developing universal applications for various screen sizes. Now you can embed Activity (Activity embedding), Window size classes (will appear in Jetpack Window 1.1) and other possibilities for folding devices.

An interesting innovation is resizable emulator that can change screen size on the fly: phone, tablet (portrait and landscape), folding device

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Android ResId

#kotlin #native #multithreading

Kotlin Native. Multithreading with Coroutines

Kotlin Multiplatform provides common way to implement the multithreading. It uses Kotlin, so we can use Coroutines for all our targets. In the article you will find how to do that

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Android ResId

Meet the new Kotlin mascot and help choose a name for it

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Android ResId

#coroutines #kotlin

Exception handling in Kotlin Coroutines

Overview of how to handle an error that occurred while running Coroutine

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Android ResId


Kotlin 1.5.31 released

Lot of bug fixes in JVM IR and other bugs in Kotlin 1.5.30

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Android ResId


Automation of code analysis in Android projects

Review of tools that will help you automate check quality of code and tech debt in project. Of course, they will make your skills better because you will show a lot of best practices.

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Android ResId

#android12 #workmanager

Using WorkManager on Android 12

Everyone who is preparing to support Android 12 should use Work Manager 2.7 (now in alpha) because current stable doesn't support expedited jobs

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Android ResId

#dagger #hilt

Hilt Extensions in the MAD Skills series

The article / video explains Hilt extensions that can add modules and entry points to Hilt. For example, Jetpack WorkManager. You will learn how extensions work and how to create your own and ideas.

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Android ResId


Android 12 Beta 5 update, official release is next!

Beta 5 Android 12 has been released that contains various improvements and fixes. Beta Android 12 is also available for the Pixel 5a. They promise the next release within a few weeks, and it will be final!

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Android ResId

#kapt #ksp

Accelerated Kotlin build times with Kotlin Symbol Processing 1.0

Kotlin Symbol Processing - KAPT replacement, that is faster and supports not only JVM (Kotlin/JS & Kotlin/Native are ready). Moshi & Room support KSP and I am waiting for KSP in Dagger

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Android ResId

#compose #testing

How to test Jetpack Compose UI

An example of how you can test Jetpack Compose UI and review of new APIs for that

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Android ResId

Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) in Alpha now!

KSP offers similar functionality to KAPT, however it’s up to 2x faster, offers direct access to Kotlin compiler features, and is being developed with multiplatform compatibility in mind.

More details in repository:


#Kotlin #KSP #KAPT

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Android ResId

Today, we’re releasing the alpha of Jetpack Compose, our modern UI toolkit designed to help you quickly and easily build beautiful apps across all Android platforms, with native access to the platform APIs.

Manual how to setup it:

#Jetpack #Compose

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