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An association for retirees and an organization for Latino voters are seeking a temporary restraining order against a group they allege is coordinating a campaign of voter intimidation in Arizona.

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Take an early look at the front page of The Wall Street Journal

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Pennsylvania State University canceled a planned comedy event that was to be co-hosted by the founder of the Proud Boys after a demonstration against the speakers turned violent.

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Meta’s WhatsApp messaging service stopped working for many users Tuesday, with people from Hong Kong, India and the U.K. reporting they were unable to connect or send chats

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Democrat Charlie Crist went toe-to-toe on abortion, Hurricane Ian response, the state’s ongoing culture wars and the rising Republican’s future political ambitions in an hour-long debate.

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Brittney Griner, the U.S. basketball star who is jailed in Russia for attempting to carry a small amount of hashish oil into the country, will appeal her sentence on Tuesday. She does not expect “any miracles to happen,” her lawyers said.

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Ahead of the midterm elections, Democratic candidates are struggling to find a message on the U.S. economy that acknowledges the deep uncertainty troubling voters while making the case that they, not the Republicans, hold the solutions.

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Apple has raised the price of its music and video streaming services, in the latest example of streaming products getting more expensive in recent months

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Take a look at the front page of today's Wall Street Journal

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A federal jury in Southern California sided with Cardi B Friday in a copyright infringement case involving a man who claimed the Grammy-winning rapper misused his back tattoos for her sexually suggestive 2016 mixtape cover art.

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◢◤Donya Parsa, ⛔️No PV Pls!⛔️:

It's our honor to have you with us! Pls join the channel and both groups.
❤ Encyclopedia Britannica Channel :

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“Any woman who cannot respect her husband, who would wash his dirty linen in public, is not worthy to be called a wife."

“That is enough, madam! If there’s nothing else, I’d like you to get back to work.”

“It is not enough!” Mrs Bulama retorted as she came really close to Kukah. “You need a woman who will appreciate you, a woman who will treat you right.” She had placed her hands on his shoulders as she spoke.

Kukah pushed her away.

“Shame on you, madam! I’ve been hearing of your escapades around here if you don’t know. A married woman poaching other women’s husbands! Who even knows if you are really married? No one has ever seen this Bulama guy.”

“My husband is abroad and what stories are you talking about?”

“For a grownup woman, you must be very naive. You think you can hit on guys and share your ‘favors’ without the stories making the rounds?”

“Men can be so heartless!”

“And you are a saint! The Head of Geography is spending most of his paycheck on you while his family suffer. The new Physics teacher is already under your thumb. So you came here to butter me up with your feigned outrage at my wife’s behaviour, but God knows I will never be your prey.”

“There’s no need to shout!” Mrs Bulama spat at Kukah. “You deserve your wife. I’ll just get a transfer and leave this God-forsaken school,” she added and began to leave his office.

She, however, paused at the door, spun round and told him, “It’s ‘his family suffers,’ su-ffer-s.”

While Kukah was wondering if the lady was demented, she remarked, “I guess your wife is right to target you. You really are incorrigible.”

Episodes like this happen everyday in our lives around the globe with peole who don't know their limits and impose themselves on us relentlessly. It is time to ask them to back off because enough is enough.


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A good thing can quickly turn into a bad thing when done to excess or done at the wrong time and place.


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There is, in fact, a light at the end of the depression tunnel. But the only way to get to that light is to walk through it. There is no way of getting around the process, and the earlier you begin the journey of mourning and healing, the sooner you will reach peace.

The journey is long, but there is no race and no competition. It’s a journey with yourself. There will be days when you will feel stronger than ever and some days will bring you back to your knees.

Just remember: The rollercoaster is the journey. So even when you are down, feeling as if you’ve made no progress, remember that progress is being made every day you choose to be alive.

Progress is being made every day you choose to not call the one who left you.

Progress is being made every day you choose to take another breath.

You are alive. You are strong. You will survive


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Five people have been trapped about 200 feet underground at the Grand Canyon Caverns since Sunday in Peach Springs, Arizona, officials said.

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YouTube is rolling out what it calls a “small makeover” with a handful of new features and design changes intended to make watching videos on the platform a better experience

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Rishi Sunak’s victory in the race to become Britain's new prime minister is a significant milestone for the country’s Indian diaspora. But for many, his immense personal wealth has made him less relatable.

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China’s yuan tumbled to an all-time low on international markets, as investors fled Chinese assets amid fears about Xi Jinping’s shocking move to tighten his grip on power at a major leadership reshuffle.

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At least four Palestinians were killed during an Israeli military raid in the old city of Nablus in the West Bank, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

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Cosmetics company L’Oréal, along with multiple other parties, is being sued over claims that its chemical hair straightening products put women at an increased risk of uterine cancer

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Former President Barack Obama threw a zinger at Eli Manning and his propensity to sack himself instead of being thrown to the ground by an opposing defender.

"You dropped quick, when that rush was coming," Obama said.

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An upstart e-commerce service is winning more new shoppers in India than Amazon and Walmart, posing a challenge to the U.S. retailing titans, which have plowed billions of dollars into the world’s biggest untapped digital market.

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Sen. Lindsey Graham has asked the Supreme Court to intervene after a lower court ordered him to testify before a grand jury in Georgia investigating whether then-President Donald Trump and others illegally tried to influence the 2020 election in the state.

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TikTok failed to catch 90% of ads featuring false and misleading messages about U.S. elections, while YouTube and Facebook identified and blocked most of them, an experiment run by misinformation researchers found.

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◢◤Donya Parsa, ⛔️No PV Pls!⛔️:

It's our honor to have you with us! Pls join the channel and both groups.

❤ Encyclopedia Britannica Channel :

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❤️English Slang Channel

❤ English Slang Group

❤️ Our Admins' Gif Channel: If you'd like to partake in admins' fight, these are all the gifs you'll ever need:



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Kukah’s wife, Sue, has done it again! She just keeps pushing till he loses his patience and blows a fuse. She’s always going on about his English – how a graduate should not speak the way he does, how a teacher should be a model to the students, and so on. Kukah feels the attacks are unjustified. He admits his English is less than perfect, but he often reminds her, “I am a Chemistry teacher for crying out loud and I know a bunch of guys with higher degrees who speak more atrocious English than I do.” He learned the term, “atrocious English”, from her on one of the occasions she was berating him.

It’s not like Kukah dozed through his English classes as a student. It’s just that the teachers weren’t much better than the pupils and it was felt on both sides that what matters most is to be understood. But he admired those who spoke well, which is why he went after his wife. He did ask her to teach him at some point but after she tried explaining about mood in grammar – indicative, subjunctive, etc. – he gave up. He found the whole thing too confusing.

“English is more technical and more illogical than any subject I know: the rules just keep changing, what applies in one case doesn’t necessarily apply in all similar cases. Thank God, I scraped through the subject at O’Levels,” he had declared then.

But his wife was not prepared to write him off as a lost cause. She was not bothered about the garble others spoke, but she was determined to refine her husband’s usage of the English language. Which would have been fine and good, except she didn’t know the time and place for it.

So this morning when her husband, the vice principal, was chatting with colleagues in the staffroom, she tut tutted his observation that Class 5 “beat” Class 6 every year in inter-house football. Ignoring the glare he gave her, she explained that class is a singular noun and thus should go with the singular verb, “beats” and followed that up with a lecture on how important concord is in English. However, Kukah cut her off midway, basically telling her that she and the English should take their unreasonable language with its erratic rules and shove it up you know where.

Kukah knew it was a bad idea to teach in the same school with his wife but jobs are hard to find, so he used his influence to secure a place for her. But he was wondering with their constant run-ins on English if that move was really worth the cost. When he got to his office, he began to rearrange the stuff on his table. That was his calm-down mechanism. If he was still boiling by the time he finished with the table, he would work on the entire room.

As he was packing books and papers, Mrs. Bulama, a fellow teacher, poked her head through the door. She held his gaze with a sympathetic and indulgent smile and initiated a rather strange conversation. First, she offered to help him reorganize his desk but he told her the desk was fine, that he was just ….

“I know how you feel. I am so sorry for that episode out there.”

“You are? I mean, you shouldn’t be. It’s not your fault.”

“Imagine the embarrassment! In front of aaallll the teachers! What was Sue thinking?”

Kukah winced and responded, “I don’t think all the teachers were there.”

“Still, why go around offering unsolicited lessons to people? C’mon, everybody makes mistakes. After all, English is just a borrowed tongue.”

Kukah stiffened and corrected the lady, “She doesn’t do that thing to others, she specifically reserves that type of attention for me.”

“What type of attention is that? Insulting a man before his subordinates?” Mrs Bulama was getting angry.

“I’m not sure she meant it as an insult.”

“It was more than an insult! It would seem that this her English major thing has really messed up her brain.”

Kukah was wondering what Mrs Bulama’s mission was. Why rub in the hurt? And he didn’t like the way she was talking about his wife. But she was not done yet.

Continued on next page...


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◢◤Donya Parsa, ⛔️No PV Pls!⛔️:

It's our honor to have you with us! Pls join the channel and both groups.

❤ Encyclopedia Britannica Channel :

❤ Britannica Chat Group :

❤ Queries Group (Questions and answers only)

❤️English Slang Channel

❤ English Slang Group

❤️ Our Admins' Gif Channel: If you'd like to partake in admins' fight, these are all the gifs you'll ever need:



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How Do You Coap With a Loss That Feels Like a Death of a Loved one...

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” ~Vicki Harrison

Most grief books are written to help you mourn the death of a loved one and learn how to deal with their absence in this world.

Death is probably the most challenging thing a human can face. It breaks us down. It brings us to our knees. Some people are so significant in our lives that the mere thought of living without them feels incredibly overwhelming and incapacitating.

Losing someone we love is hard. Accepting loss is extremely challenging. So how do we cope with yearning and adapt to the emptiness following a divorce or huge breakup without feeling like a loser or the psycho who cant let go?

Psychology agrees that when a major relationship or marriage ends, the person who was left may feel grief as painfully as someone who lost a loved one to death. Sometimes the pain can even be stronger.

Divorces and breakups can sometimes be worse than death, because the person who died to us is very much alive, haunting our every thought.

I remember how lost I felt right after Mr. Big broke things off with my cousin for the 87th time. I remember packing her car with all her belongings and driving from San Francisco back to Los Angeles crying the entire six hour drive.

She told me that she felt as if she had died. Her whole world collapsed. She was terrified that she wouldn’t be able to support herself emotionally.

So many questions rushed through my mind while I drove through the vast freeway back home.

She said she felt humiliated. She felt alone. She felt a variety of feelings and emotions. But the one that she always remembers is the feeling of loss. She had lost everything she ever thought she would eventually have. The family, the life and most importantly: the man. The man she had loved for two years had died.

His body was still there but his soul was gone. Everything she ever thought of him was gone. His words were gone. His spiritual presence was gone.

There is a lot more to life than a physical body. Millions of people have experienced the death of their loved ones without ever having to plan their funeral.

When we arrived home it was time to pick up the pieces and move on. At least that’s what everyone around us was telling her.

They expected her to shake everything off and move on with her life as if her man didn’t exist. As if her story didn’t happen. But accepting the death of someone in our lives is a process.

She kept going back and forth between missing him and hating him for leaving. At times the mixed emotions felt like she was literally sinking into insanity, she told me. One moment she would cry and the next she would yell.

Nobody told us that grief does that to people, and because she didn’t know what she was feeling was normal, she felt even more alone.

We had never heard of the five stages of grief until she went to see a therapist, because the pain was so unbearable. It’s then she learned that a person goes through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance after the death (or loss) of a loved one, she told me.

Unlike what I originally believed, there is no specific order to these feelings. You may feel as if you are on an emotional rollercoaster as you are jumping from stage to stage. Its important to know that this emotional ride is normal, and if you get the proper help you will get off of it alive and stronger.

I know what it feels like to not want to get out of bed. I know what it feels like to not want to take a shower, or brush your teeth or even eat.

I know what is like to lose twenty pounds in six weeks, to lose friends and to lose your dignity begging someone to take you back. I know the feeling that the world has ended and you were left behind alone and miserable, I saw it all happening to her.

I have been there, so believe me when I say there is hope...(next page...)


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◢◤Donya Parsa, ⛔️No PV Pls!⛔️:

It's our honor to have you with us! Pls join the channel and both groups.

❤ Encyclopedia Britannica Channel :

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❤ English Slang Group

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