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Your Beliefs Greatly Affect your Behaviors


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Continued ...

5. Please remember that you are worth all the love, happiness and peace in the world. I cannot stress the “please” enough here. Actually I cannot stress this entire sentence enough. Being depressed doesn’t mean you are not worthy of having anything that you want.

6. Everybody has voices in the head that tells lies. You have to be very careful with the voices you hear in your mind. Especially the negative ones because they are not true. Have you ever heard or read somewhere that we create our own reality? Which basically means; what you think about you will manifest in your life. I won’t go in depth about this concept here but what I can tell you is this. To make your negative thoughts “go away” or stop then you will have to replace them with the truth.

7. Write your truth. Write down your new truth about who you are, who you really are, who you want to be, what you want to have in your life and how you want to feel on a daily basis. For change to happen you must be willing to do something to change it and this right here is an incredible way of making the change take place. Ask yourself the big questions. Like whom do you want to be? What do you wish to achieve in your life? What makes you truly happy? What can you do to get what you want? Depression is not your identity, depression is just a state of mind you are feeling right now. But what you want to ask yourself is who are you when you are happy, free and peaceful? If you can’t answer that then try visualizing yourself looking happy, healthy, free and peaceful, how do you feel?

8. Conditioning your mind to work for you not against you. Once I understood this concept I really started to see my entire life differently. When we are depressed we tend to focus on everything that’s bad in our life. We think of the mistakes we have made, things we wished we did differently and how sad we feel for all the bad stuff and news we hear about each day.

9. Your thoughts are completely in your control. You might think your thoughts are not in your control and everything you feel is just coming to you by some unknown force. That’s where you are wrong. And how I was wrong as well. We all have absolute control over our thoughts. I agree we cannot always control the outer circumstances of life but we can control how we chose to look at them. Techniques that will help you control or rather train your mind to have pure thoughts are daily meditation, affirmations like I’ve mentioned, being true to yourself, following your passion and doing what you truly want. Continued...


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I Overcome my Depression!


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What's your religion? Mine is love

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Catholic, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat...

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him? I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.

In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking. In light of recent events... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc.. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school... The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about.. And we said okay..

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing yet?

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.

Talk about this, if you think it has merit. If not, then just discard it... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.


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Over the last few months I have once again been reminded of two things: God has a sense of humor and God knows how to heal a hurting heart. It all started a few weeks after the death of our beloved dog. At the time I was in mourning and had no intention of adding yet another pet to a house still crowded with 1 dog, 1 cat, and a turtle with a bad attitude. Little was I to know, however, that God had other plans. That very day my cousin came home from her walk carrying a small, sad-eyed bag of bones in her arms. She had rescued the poor, limping puppy after it had almost gotten hit by a car.

I knew that I would have to take this little dog into my home at least while we looked for her owners. I was worried too that she might not be easily accepted by our other dog and cat and the turtle. Instead she quickly and happily took over the entire house. With a curious combination of cuteness and rambunctiousness she made us all laugh and love her at the same time. Her leg quickly healed. She put on weight and soaked up the love and attention we gave her like a sponge. Soon she was sharing my bed, bringing out the playful puppy in our older dog, chewing on my shoes, and touching my soul as well. She showed me something we all should know: the best way to heal is to open your heart and love again.

No one ever claimed this 4 legged angel so she joyfully made her home in our house and in our hearts. We named her "Moonpie" because she was as sweet as the dessert. She was also ornery, full of energy, and more than a handful at times. Still, I thank God for bringing her into our lives. He knew just what we needed and just when we needed it. Thanks to little "Moony" our hearts have been healed and our days are even more full of love. And I am sure too that when we laugh at her antics, God and the angels are laughing with us.


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The Greatest Adventure Of All

When I was a little girl I used to love those nights when my Mom would read me a story before bed. I would be warm under my blankets while my Mom's soothing voice would take me on an adventure to another world. As I got older I soon started taking those magical adventures myself. There seemed to be so many books and so little time to read them all. I journeyed along with Bilbo and Frodo in "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings." I walked excitedly into the closet with the kids in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." I traveled into outer space and went on quests with the Knights of the round table. I journeyed to the center of the Earth and swung through the trees with Tarzan. I fought in the battle of Troy and the traveled on the voyages of Ulysses. I went on thousands of great adventures all from the safety of my chair and comfort of my bed.

As I grew into adulthood, however, I came to realize something very important: the greatest adventure of all is the life you live here. Living your life with compassion, kindness, laughter and joy day by day and moment by moment is more exciting than the best book. Putting your heart on the line in the real world takes far more courage than putting your life on the line in some make believe fantasy. Offering hugs, sharing smiles, giving your love and help to others may seem like little things in a book's plot line, but in life they are the things that help to make the world a better, more Heavenly place.

I will always love books and the adventures they bring to the heart and mind, but I will also forever embrace the greatest adventure of all. God put us here in this world to live, to learn, and to love. What greater quest than to do so every single day of our lives? What greater adventure than to become the people God meant for us to be?


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A Blessing in Disguise!

The rain poured down on the car stopped by the side of the road. I had made my aunt pull over a few minutes earlier when her tears had made it impossible for her to drive. My own heart ached with pain and my eyes were wet with tears too. It was the worst moment of our lives. I held her in my arms for a long time while the Heavens seemed to cry with us.

We had just come from a specialist office in a big hospital. We had taken my firstborn cousin there to be tested. He was nearing 3 years old and hadn't started to talk yet. He also had displayed behaviors that weren't normal. After a long wait and longer tests the Doctor told us that there was definitely something wrong although he couldn't say what it was. He recommended more tests. We drove away in silence. I could see the hurt in my aunt's eyes as she tried to hold back the coming tears. All she had wanted was a "normal" little boy. Finally as the rain began to fall outside the car our tears began to fall inside it.

We sat there for the longest time crying and feeling powerless and unsure of what to do next. After a while the clouds parted and the sun began to shine again. I looked back at my little cousin in his carseat and he smiled happily back at me. My family knew then that we had to go on no matter what the road ahead of us may hold.

My cousin was later diagnosed with Autism and mental retardation. He was five years old before he finally began to speak in sentences. Although he learned to talk and read we still knew that he would have to be looked after for the rest of his life. As the years went on, though, I realized that my cousin was not only "special" mentally, but also "special" spiritually. Even with all the limitations and frustrations his handicap gave him, he still managed to give his kindness, love, and enthusiasm to everyone around him. He remembered people he met and called them by name. He gave out hugs as easily as the rest of us gave out "hi's".
He went through his days with a ready smile and a simple joy that were contagious. He gave up the role of "eldest child" to his younger "normal" sister, but still helped to look after his younger brother who had been born with an even more severe form of Autism. He became more than just my cousin. He became my friend. He became my helper. He became my teacher in how to live and in how to give. He became my inspiration on how to love and be happy in that love. He and his brother both became beautiful blessings in disguise.

As I look back on the years my cousins and I have spent together and look forward to the times that lie ahead of us, I once again thank God for giving them to me. My first cousin and his younger brother have both done what everyone of us longs to do: they have made this world a better and more beautiful place just by being in it. They have touched countless hearts with their love, laughter, and joy and they will undoubtedly touch countless more.

Many people look upon the mentally handicapped as something less than human. I now see them as something more. They have inside of them a deeper love, joy, and connection to God than the rest of us. And while we take care of them we should also take the time to learn from them as well. They truly are all blessings in disguise and while they sometimes bring us tears of sadness, they more often bring us tears of joy.


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Life Mantra - How To Live Your Life!

How to live your life?

A simple question isn't it? But it needs deeper understanding.

I call it GOAL mantra.

Get going

(just start with what ever you wish to do in life..don't wait for the right time or right moment..the right time is now)


(Set you priorities in life..thumb can never make everyone happy..don't hurt anyone..but ensure you make your life worth living)


( with everything you do)


(learn to be more happy..bold..quick..or is a must never stop learning)

Everyone has there own way of living it..but GOAL is a general rule that one and all should follow irrespective of your age, gender,social status.

We are all here with assigned work..some love doing it and some love cursing it..your life is what you think of it.

Every minutes is precious make the most of it..make millions of beautiful memories.

Don't die at 25 and get buried at your life to the you are the KING of your life and only you can choose the way you want to live it!

So go on..dare to rule your life!


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Water and books are both in crises: water from too much usage, and books from lack of usage thereof.


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10. How to start the process of conditioning your mind. Let’s take the phrase “I’m not good enough” as an example. Ask yourself, not good enough for what exactly? Who said you’re not good enough? Do you really think that’s a fact or could it be a false belief you need to change? You feel sad or angry or hurt about something that went wrong but did you ever ask what valuable lesson you got out of that situation?
There is nothing you can do about what you did or not in the past now. But how you want your present and future to look like is very much in your control. So you can ask yourself what am I supposed to do now with all that past pain, how can I turn it into something powerful that can help me and maybe even others in time?

11.Stop comparing yourself to other people. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone; you are not supposed to look like someone else, be like someone else or live like someone else. Nobody’s life is better than yours, or worse than yours, this is all an illusions we create in our head. We “think” someone is better or worse than someone else. The only thing that is, is what you choose, what you create in your mind. Your mind is your most powerful possession, it can create a world you love or hate. It can give you everything that you want if you only learn how to use it right.

Last but not least I want to tell you that there is nothing wrong with being depressed. I know it might sound contradictory since all I have been talking about above is how to get out of depression. I know despite of knowing what to do and sometimes doing the right things you can still feel depressed. I know how it feels, I’ve been there and that’s completely fine.

Whatever you have been through will take some time to heal and that’s normal, it’s how it’s supposed to be. But these tools might help you heal much faster than you would if you didn’t do any of the things mentioned above. I still use all of the tools above, but it’s become more of a habit and part of my life now rather than tools. I know now that I will be able to get out of depression if I ever feel depressed again. And hopefully live my life in such a way where I don’t have to feel depressed ever again. By knowing that each and everything we need to truly be happy is already inside of us. It takes practice but it can be done by anyone.
All my love goes out to you.


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I Overcame Depression. Here's What I

I think it’s very important to mention first and foremost that I have been depressed in my life. This doesn’t make me a therapist of course or qualified in any professional way to give you advice on this subject.

But I can say with confidence that I know how it feels to be depressed and I also know how to build a life where you can be happy. I overcame my depression.

Let me first tell you that I was living alone in New York one Summer, and I didn’t have the blessing of having friends or family coming to visit me or checking up on me. And I didn’t exactly feel like reaching out to someone telling them “hey, I’m depressed, can you come over?” because I felt drained and tired of everything.

I wasn’t eating well, at one point I didn’t and I didn’t feel like exercising or going out at all. Everything seemed pointless, life seemed so meaningless and I couldn’t find joy in anything. I cried most of the time and felt as if I was all alone in this world and that no one was ever going to love me, see me or care for me again.

If I have earned your trust by telling you about a part of my past that was really difficult at the time, then I have some real words of wisdom for you. I talk about trust because I really need you to trust me when I say that I know how it feels, I’ve been there, I haven’t experienced exactly what you have/are but I bet the feelings you feel I’ve felt too. I really want you to listen to what I’m about to say because if you do it can change your life and you can start the healing process that will set you free from suffering and pain.

1. Never ever believe peoples nasty opinions about you. People like to talk; some of them like to talk when they shouldn’t. When someone says something nasty to you, you must understand that it has much more to do with them than with you. Many people will try to tell you who you are and what you should do and what you deserve and don’t. These people more than often tend to show up when we are vulnerable and hurt. Bottom-line is, don’t believe their opinions, especially when they are negative and about you!

2. Get far, far, far away from people who put you down and are negative to your spirit. It doesn’t matter if these people are your family, friends or only people you hang out with. You need to get away from them if you ever want to get out of feeling depressed. They are toxic to your spirit, to your heart and instead of lifting you up they will drag you down to the bottom of the ocean because that’s usually where people who put others down live.

3. Feel your pain and set yourself free. I was alone and felt my stomach turning out of fear of loneliness and other strange feelings which I didn’t understand at the time. I did what my wisdom told me; let the feelings come, allow yourself to be in the moment with your emotions. Doing this will make you heal, yes, you will be one step closer to letting go of your depression. You will set yourself free every time you allow yourself to feel whatever it is that you are actually feeling. Feel all the sensations in your body, maybe it’s your heart beating faster, maybe it’s tears rolling down your cheeks, maybe it’s a sense of pain in your chest or head.

4. Depression can’t be cured with love, but it can be cured with self love. I used to think that if someone would only care about me enough to invite me to their home or love me enough to just call and check up on me, then I wouldn’t be so depressed. Well let me tell you, no one will check up on you if you don’t. No one will call you, embrace you, and take care of you unless you do. And even if you do find someone who is willing to love all of you the way you are, you will still feel depressed because you are unsatisfied with yourself. You have unfinished business within yourself that no one can come and solve for you. No one can “love” you out of your depression; it would be an illusion to think that it can happen. Continued...


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A Heavenly Blessing in Disguise!


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My Identity

Have you ever been asked who you are? What was your answer? For those who are successful they will tell you I am a doctor, engineer, a business man/woman who owns that and that.. they identify themselves with their possessions or achievements but what happens when you don’t have all those things, when you feel like a failure. When you have battled with your identity all your life and it dawned on you that you haven’t accomplished anything.

Some people will describe themselves as No One important or I am ‘Nobody’.
When I read in Bible; Jeremiah 1 vs 5 it says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." God told Jeremiah that he was of importance. He knew Jeremiah from the beginning. He knew who he was and who he was going to become.
He was born and ordained to be a prophet and that shows that every each one of us was born and ordained to be someone.

In Bible Psalms 139 vs 13 – 18, David knew who he was. He knew his origin:
[{13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. 14: I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. 15: My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16: Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. 17: How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! 18: If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.}]

We sometimes compare ourselves with other people and we fail to understand that God ordained us differently. Some prophets like Jeremiah, David as King, some as artist, some as ministers and so on. God created us in His own image. He knows who we are as a person, He knows our purpose. Today let’s go back to the very roots where we came from and ask God to show us our identity, our Purpose in Him.

Above everything else, know that you are a child of God, a daughter or a son of the king. Knowing this with confidence will phase out all the problems we struggle with identity.


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