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◢◤Donya Parsa, ⛔️No PV Pls!⛔️:

It's our honor to have you with us! Pls join the channel and both groups.

❤ Encyclopedia Britannica Channel :

❤ Britannica Chat Group :

❤ Queries Group (Questions and answers only)

❤ English Slang Group

❤️ Our Admins' Gif Channel: If you'd like to partake in admins' fight, these are all the gifs you'll ever need:



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*"It is not what what we say or what we feel. It is what we do that defines us.

Have you helped someone today without asking for anything in return?

The universe will reward your kindness patience and love."*


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🎯👆🏻You may be going through some turbulence in your life right now.

But I just want to remind you that, it's only temporary. No problem lasts forever. It shall soon pass. So hold on, don't throw in the towel so quickly!

The night maybe dark and cold but sunrise is just at the corner. Yes, when the night is at its darkest, remember dawn is near.

If you can come this far, then you can finish it. That is why I say don't give up. And don't stop believing in yourself that you can do it.

Yes, you can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU!

Great day ahead! 🏇🤺🏊‍♀⛷🤼‍♀⛹‍♀🤾🏻‍♂💪💐


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◢◤Donya Parsa, ⛔️No PV Pls!⛔️:

It's our honor to have you with us! Pls join the channel and both groups.

❤ Encyclopedia Britannica Channel :

❤ Britannica Chat Group :

❤ Queries Group (Questions and answers only)

❤ English Slang Group

❤️ Our Admins' Gif Channel: If you'd like to partake in admins' fight, these are all the gifs you'll ever need:



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Wooing a lady especially one you fancy the most is akin to walking through a minefield. One wrong move and it ends catastrophically. Check out for signs she is also attracted to you before putting in motion a plan to win her affection in order to minimize the chances of being rejected. You cannot just walk up to a lady who barely knows you, confess your undying love and expect her to welcome you with both hands wide open. There is a need to adopt a winning tactic before proposing any kind of relationship. There is a need to adopt a winning tactic before:

1)    Declare your intentions

The most common mistake guys make is by becoming best friends with a lady they really like then later try to turn the relationship into a romantic one. Trying to transform a platonic relationship into a romantic affair is utterly quixotic; it only happens in the movies. Let her know from the start that you think of her as a potential

Let her know from the start that you think of her as a potential partner, not a sister. This means when she begins blabbing and seeking your advice on some other ‘cute dude’ who is eyeing her you immediately interject “Sorry I’m not going discuss other guys with you. Let’s keep this conversation between you and me!”

Even when you are sure she is the one you would wish to spend the rest of your life with never reveal this on the first few days. Proclaiming that you want to marry and have 5 kids with her on the first date will only scare her off especially if she isn’t interested in settling down just yet. Drop subtle hints that you are interested in a possibly long term relationship without much detail.

2)    Share little intimate details about self

The most effective way of encouraging a lady to open up with you about her life is by sharing little intimate details about your own life with her. This will make her feel trusted and special. Share with her about your ambitions albeit careful not to seem too proud, innermost fears, childhood memories and your weaknesses like how you sometimes cry when watching a movie with a touching storyline. Remember to also tell her about your most embarrassing moments while infusing humor. Being able to laugh at your own embarrassing moments exudes confidence.

Avoid bragging about what your family members have achieved or the flashy cars and palatial homes you own. This may impress a few opportunistic girls but a lady who makes her own money will not fall for such. She is interested in knowing who you really are as a person, not your net worth.

3)    Charm her

Since ladies are auditory creatures, words will always have a profound effect on them. Notice every little detail about her like when she sports a new hairstyle or when she does her nails. Compliment her regularly. Remind her of how irresistible she is. How lovely her eyes are, how enchanting her smile is and how beautiful she is. Let her know the effect she has on you like how your mind goes blank when she gives you a certain look. Never forget to highlight her inner beauty too.

Hold her hand in public, hug her from behind, kiss her neck and watch the sunset with her. Take her to a secure park at midnight, lie on a mat and watch the stars. The greatest secret to being a charmer is showing a lady how you treasure, find her attractive and care about her without saying the 3 magical words until the time is right.

4)    Become her main source of inspiration

It gets to a point in life when we get comfortable with the little we have and stop working towards bettering ourselves. Challenge her status quo, inspire her to move out of her comfort zone and pursue her wildest dreams. Find out what she is so passionate about and help her achieve it. For instance, if she likes helping the less fortunate in the society, help her organize a fund drive and accompany her to the social works missions.

When other people tell her it’s impossible, hold her hand, reassure her of your unwavering support and trust in her abilities. When she is discouraged and depressed ignite the verve in her. To become her main source of inspiration

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◢◤Donya Parsa, ⛔️No PV Pls!⛔️:

It's our honor to have you with us! Pls join the channel and both groups.

❤ Encyclopedia Britannica Channel :

❤ Britannica Chat Group :

❤ Queries Group (Questions and answers only)

❤ English Slang Group

❤️ Our Admins' Gif Channel: If you'd like to partake in admins' fight, these are all the gifs you'll ever need:



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Poverty does not start from the pocket. It begins from the mind...At every age, everyone has the capacity to draw wealth. Your age does not limit your future.

The mind can go as far as you can stretch it. How much mind exercise do you do everyday?

The human mind is poor by doubt but rich by faith. When you stretch your mind, it gets you to things and places no one else has ever imagined.

Where you are today is a product of your mind and where you will be tomorrow is still the product of your mind. If you see yourself in the sky tomorrow, that is where you will be. If you still see yourself around many excuses, that is where you will always be stuck at.

You have to think and think big. Always remember, there are no known laws that restricts one from thinking big. *Always think big.*

Opportunity enriches those who accept it without doubt when they find one. Opportunity doesn't wait for any one.





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*"Be passionate about your goal. Passion transform people from average to excellence. Find purpose, find passion. Do it well, someday you shall be rewarded for what you are passionate about. Find something you like to do so much that you would gladly do even for nothing. Do it consistently then watch yourself!
Avoid firefighters in your journey to fulfill your life purpose, they will throw cold water on the fire of your passion burning within you.
However, there are fire lighters who love to go out of their ways to keep your fire hot. Identify them and pitch your tent with them. They are goal getters. With the fire lighters, be sure that you're in to achieve greatly."*




1. Be silent - in the heat of
2. Be silent - when you don't
have all the facts.
3. Be silent - when you
haven't verified the story.
4. Be silent - if your words
will offend a weaker Person.
5. Be silent - when it is time
to listen.
6. Be silent - when you are
tempted to make light of
holy things.
7. Be silent - when you are
tempted to joke about sin.
8. Be silent - if you would be
ashamed of your word later.
9. Be silent - if your words
would convey the wrong
10. Be silent - if the issue is
none of your business.
11. Be silent - when you are
tempted to tell an outright lie.
12. Be silent - if your words
will damage someone else's reputation.
13. Be silent - if your words
will damage a friendship.
14. Be silent - when you are
feeling critical.
15. Be silent - if you can't
say it without screaming.
16. Be silent - if your words
will be a poor reflection
of your friends and family.
17. Be silent - if you may
have to eat your words
18. Be silent - if you have
already said it more
than one time.
19. Be silent - when you are
tempted to flatter a
wicked person.
20. Be silent - when you are
supposed to be working



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Be a force of nature, take on the chaos. Also, there will be bad times, and those bad times will come to pass as all things in life do. You've got to be rejected by the world firstly. But to own yourself above all other things is the greatest trophy you can ever attain.

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*"Walking on the edges does not always means that you will fall, may be it is the RUNWAY that is cemented for you to FLY!"*



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*"If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you."*


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1. If walking by yourself, get off your cell phone. A lot of people think that being on the phone is safe because the person on the other line can call 911, but that rarely works out. Chatting can distract you; it's better to be aware of your surroundings. That said…

2. If walking by yourself, hold your cell phone and be ready to make an emergency call. Many phones now have a button on the screen to dial 911 immediately. Go one step further and preset one of the buttons on your phone to call the emergency number.

3. Look underneath your car before approaching it in a parking garage or lot at night.

4. If you return to your car and see that a van is parked right next to the driver's side, enter through the passenger side. Predators often use vans and will disguise it as a family car, even using "Baby on Board" decals.

5. You return to your car and it has a flat tire. Back away. Return to wherever you came from (restaurant, store, etc) and call for help. Once assistance arrives, approach your car. If someone comes up to you (even if they are a woman) and wants to offer help, politely say, "No thank you." If a man, he could be a predator. If a woman, she could be the lurer.

6. When leaving the mall late at night, ask a security guard to walk you to your car. Do not go up to just any security guard. Go directly to the kiosk and ask for them to assign an officer to escort you. Predators sometimes dress up like men of the law.

7. When the pharmacist asks you to confirm your home address, whisper it to them. Broadcasting your home address among strangers on the line could compromise your safety.

8. Ditto if you're checking in to a hotel room. If the person at the front desk says your room number out loud, ask them to give you a new room and write the number on a piece of paper. Or when you check-in, ask upfront that they not say your room number out loud. Your room number should be your business only.

9. Before entering your hotel room, make sure no one is lingering in the hallway.

10. Always immediately lock your hotel room door after you enter.

11. When traveling, do not walk with your map in your hand. It is a dead giveaway that you are a tourist. Therefore, you are an easy target.

12. If you call for room service, and you get a knock on your door, do not immediately open. Ask: "Who is it?" Make the person on the other side of the door tell you who they are before you open it.

13. When asking for directions and someone offers to show you the way by having you follow them, do not go. Just ask for them to point you in the right direction. Often, predators just want to get you to a place less crowded where your screams can't be heard.

14. If someone tries to grab you, twist your arm up and down and yell, "Stop!" Do anything you can to draw attention to yourself.

15. Always pour your own drink at a party and bring it with you everywhere...even to the bathroom. This will make it a lot harder for someone to drug you via you drink.

16. Don't put your name on your apartment buzzer. If you're expecting guests, just let them know which number to push. This way, only people who know you know exactly where you live.

17. If someone is chasing after you, run away in a zig zag pattern. This will exhaust your attacker.

18. Don't check-in on Foursquare or Facebook when you arrive somewhere. Instead, check in as you leave. This way no one will be able to digitally stalk you and know your every move or when you're not home. Along the same lines, avoid tweeting or Facebooking from vacation, especially if your account is public, as it's a way of letting the world know that your home is unoccupied.

18. When you move into a new place, check your smoke detector for a hidden camera. Your landlord could be spying on you.


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you must also be optimistic and motivated to achieve your dreams. Seek her advice before making major life decisions, listen to her and take her opinion serious. This will make her feel valued and that she has a role to play in your life.

5)    Get her a pet name and ‘your song’

This is the name only you call her. Avoid clichés like honey or sweetheart and go for something creative. The pet name should resonate with her personality. If she is delicate, caring and emotional you can have the name of a flower as her pet name showcasing her fragility. However, if she is an aggressive, tough and determined woman name her after a rare gemstone or rock. Calling her by her pet name has a magical effect on fostering a stronger bond.

Together with her, choose a classic love song that you both like especially one that involves a man and woman singing about how they feel to one another. Make this tune ‘your song’ and learn the lyrics. Whenever together play this song on a stereo then dance and sing along.

6)    Surprise her

Surprise her with little yet well-thought gifts. To pull this off you need to pay extra attention to her conversations. What does she yearn for most? Flowers and chocolates may be nice but they are perishable. Electronic gadgets too are easily lost and go obsolete rather fast. Go for gifts that will leave a lasting impression and have sentimental value.

Like you could enlist the help of an artist to paint a portrait of how she looked the first time you met. The portrait should capture everything from her dress, shoes, earrings, and hairstyle and of course her charming smile. At the back of that painting stick a note describing how you felt on that day.

7)    Keep her guessing

Once a lady figures out everything about you to the point she can predict your next move then you cease being interesting. Avoid sticking to predictable schedules like texting her “good morning” “how was your day?” and “good night” messages every day at a specific time. When you have nothing new or interesting to say shun from communicating.

Keep her guessing; let her anticipate your next move by being phenomenal. For example when you are both chilling at your place stiff bored ask her to dress up so you can go to some place without revealing the destination. When she is ready, take her paintballing or go-karting especially if she has never been there before.

When you are an enigma she will wonder why you are so different from the other guys in her life. In an effort to figure you out she will spend more time and energy on you. When she thinks she has fully comprehended you pull a rabbit out of the hat and leave her even more baffled.

Wish you a love-filled week!


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Some of us stroll gently through life with our chosen paths clearly mapped out, including breath-taking views, serene rest stops and cheerfully infrequent roadblocks. The scenery is full of hand-painted signs that say, "Welcome" and "Have a Lovely Day." Classical music plays softly in the background.

But for the rest of us, the path we stumble along is often the "road less traveled" unmarked and unpaved. Our scenery is full of garish yellow metal signs that read; "caution - bump ahead" and "danger - watch for falling rocks

Static plays in the background of our minds. Often without warning, we are hurled off the path, getting tangled in the underbrush and ending up with agonizing bruises.

It is easy to begrudge those around us that don't seem to struggle, but we need to remind ourselves that wisdom comes from discord. This is our opportunity to reacquaint ourselves with our own courage, to learn profound lessons and to heal.

Jose Stevens writes in "Earth to Tao",
"...The truth is, that you learn the most about yourself and about life on earth from falling off balance, then finding your way back to balance again. Healing, then, is the balance or the neutral position of acceptance. We could therefore say that all of life is truly an attempt at healing..."

Let us journey together on the "road less traveled" towards wellness and balance and healing.


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One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.

He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.

Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water!
She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe you?"

You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness."

He said ... "Then I thank you from my heart."

As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit.

Many years later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.

Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.

Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.

Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognised her at once.

He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case.

After a long struggle, the battle was won.

Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, and then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words ...

"Paid in full with one glass of milk"

(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You, God, that your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands."

There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the waters comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that what life is all about?



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*AMOR FATI - Learn To Love Your Fate.......*

Amor fati is a Latin phrase that may be translated as "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens, including suffering and loss as, necessary. Whether one likes them or not, it is accepted with zen like serenity. 

Thomas Edison was at home eating dinner. A man burst into his home, interrupting him. He had bad news. His research facility was on fire. 

Now how would you imagine Edison to react? Do you imagine Edison panicking or do you hear him screaming out “Why me?” or is he deeply distraught or do you see him in deep agony?

None of these happened. Edison requested his son to go and get his mother. It seems, Edison excitedly told his son, “She’ll never see a fire like this again.”

Naturally, Edison’s son thought his father had lost his mind, and rightfully so. All of Edison’s experiments, things that could never be replicated, were inside his laboratory, burning to the ground.

“Don’t worry. It’s all right,” Edison said calmly, “All my mistakes and a lot of unnecessary rubbish have just got burnt.” 

In this, Edison revealed the true nature of Amor Fati – choosing to love your fate, no matter what. 

Not only was he “NOT broken-hearted”, he was revitalised. Despite losing over $1 million at the age of 67 in that fire, he persevered and made over $10 million thereafter. WOW! 

I am in love with the concept of Amor Fati. Why? Because, the power that we have in life by accepting our fate is so immense that you feel nothing is impossible for you. You believe that everything has a purpose, and that it is up to you to make this purpose something positive and active. 

Maybe you lost your job.

Maybe someone cheated you of your entire life’s earnings.

Maybe, your trust was broken with impunity.

Maybe, the person you love the most, is facing a life threatening disease.

Maybe, someone ill treated you.

The challenge of your life may be considerable and inescapable.

And yet you’re given the choice to greet it with a smile. And then, act..That’sAMOR FATI. 

 The goal of this article is not to make you feel “okay” or even “good” when terrible things happen. It’s to make you feel GREAT irrespective of what happens. If it happened, then it was meant to happen. You are meant to make the best of it.

It is unnatural, I know, to feel calmness when faced with calamities. But see it this way. It is fuel for you to push harder when you felt lost. It is fuel for you to work harder when you want to quit. It is fuel for you to think big when nothing was going right. It is fuel for you to smile when all you want to do is frown."*

*Amor Fati, my dearest friends*



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1. Be silent - in the heat of
2. Be silent - when you don't
have all the facts.
3. Be silent - when you
haven't verified the story.
4. Be silent - if your words
will offend a weaker Person.
5. Be silent - when it is time
to listen.
6. Be silent - when you are
tempted to make light of
holy things.
7. Be silent - when you are
tempted to joke about sin.
8. Be silent - if you would be
ashamed of your word later.
9. Be silent - if your words
would convey the wrong
10. Be silent - if the issue is
none of your business.
11. Be silent - when you are
tempted to tell an outright lie.
12. Be silent - if your words
will damage someone else's reputation.
13. Be silent - if your words
will damage a friendship.
14. Be silent - when you are
feeling critical.
15. Be silent - if you can't
say it without screaming.
16. Be silent - if your words
will be a poor reflection
of your friends and family.
17. Be silent - if you may
have to eat your words
18. Be silent - if you have
already said it more
than one time.
19. Be silent - when you are
tempted to flatter a
wicked person.
20. Be silent - when you are
supposed to be working



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◢◤Donya Parsa, ⛔️No PV Pls!⛔️:

It's our honor to have you with us! Pls join the channel and both groups.

❤ Encyclopedia Britannica Channel :

❤ Britannica Chat Group :

❤ Queries Group (Questions and answers only)

❤ English Slang Group

❤️ Our Admins' Gif Channel: If you'd like to partake in admins' fight, these are all the gifs you'll ever need:



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No Caption!


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