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🌱🌱🌱Ask Yourself What You Have Learned From Every Event🌱🌱🌱
It is difficult pulling yourself out of a negative funk. You may not feel like plastering your face with a fake smile or looking on the bright side. If that is the case, it is time to get intellectual about the situation and ask yourself what you can learn from recent events. What you learn may not help you in the future, but it certainly will not hurt you. Force yourself to learn from what has just happened, even if all that you learn is that life tries to trip you from time-to-time.

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You have the power to change almost everything in your life, but you also have the power not to change anything.


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If you are working on something that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.

— Steve Jobs


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is teaching you patience and calmness.

​Anyone that abandons you​ is teaching you how to stand up on your own feet.

​Anything that offends you​ is teaching you forgiveness and compassion.

​Anything that has power over you​ is teaching you to get greater power.

​Anything that you hate​ is teaching you unconditional love.

​Anything that you fear​ is teaching you courage to overcome your fears.

​Anything you can't control​ is teaching you to let go.

​Any NO you get from humans​ is teaching you to be independent.

​Any problem you have​ is teaching you how to get solution to problems.

​Any attack you get​ is teaching you the best form of defence.

​Anyone who looks down on you​ is teaching you to look up to Light.

Always look out for the lesson in every situation you face in every phase of life.

Stay lifted.


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“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” – Thich Naht Hanh

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As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information. -Benjamin Disraeli

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🎯👆Don't play it safe!!! Reject comfort zones and always go beyond your limits!

The best solution over fear is ACTION. Stop overthinking it and just DO!

Don't be afraid to do, to make mistakes, to get different results from what you expected.

There is no true failure when you're taking action-- every experience is a path for GROWTH!

Fear only serves to hinder you. Let go of it!! *FaithOVERFear*

Good morning &
Have a fantastic day ahead ⛹🏻🤾🏼‍♂🤼‍♀🏋🏼‍♀💃🏃‍♀🤺💪🏻😊


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🌱🌱🌱Don’t Make A Point Of Being Positive, But Make A Point Of Pulling Yourself Out Of Being Negative🌱🌱🌱
They say the best way to spot a liar is to look for signs a person is telling the truth rather than trying to look for signs that the person is lying. Take a similar back-to-front approach when it comes to being positive. Pull yourself out of a negative funk rather than trying to be positive all the time.

Both Sean Stephenson and Tony Robbins say that they overcame their darkest days by allowing themselves to feel sad and negative, but not allowing themselves to stay in that position.

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Gratitude Is Your Most Neglected Tool
Want to be positive all the time? Learn how to be grateful. People who are grateful are positive almost semi-continuously because they appreciate what they have. They appreciate the fact they can draw breath without pain, that they can eat, that people love them, and that they have the capacity to think and grow.

Ingratitude is actually the source of most misery in the world. People would not steal if they were grateful what what they had earned, and people would not cheat on their spouses if they were grateful for their love. It is very difficult to remain positive if you are miserable, and misery is caused by ingratitude.

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“All the answers you seek have already been presented to you in one form or another. The problem is that you can’t hear the answers because there are too many goals which have created a lack of focus for your very busy mind”

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There are different ways to avoid multitasking; here are a few:

Set your phone to Airplane mode so that calls and text messages don’t interrupt your work.
Set expectations with others (roommates, friends, family members) by asking them to leave you alone so that you can focus on finishing your important work, and telling them you’ll talk to them when you’re finished.
Schedule in the time to check messages: check your email, social media feed and voicemail 2–3 times a day (around lunchtime, later in the afternoon, and evening), so that you don’t interrupt your work.
Avoid browsing the Internet or reading the news early in the day; leave these activities for later after you've completed what you need to do.
Habit #5. To develop a strategic mindset for doing work, practice building a mental model.

What are the benefits?

A mental model is a technique where we tell ourselves a story of what we expect to happen in the near future. More specifically, we imagine in detail how we expect things will go in a specific, real life situation; it can be related to school, work, relationships, social interactions, or even major life events. Some benefits of this technique include better absorption of new information, better preparedness to anticipate challenges, and becoming less likely to be interrupted by distractions.

How to start practicing it?

Start your morning by visualizing a successful work day. Set aside about 5–10 minutes for this activity. You can do it either before you get up in the morning, while you’re having breakfast, or right after breakfast as you’re sitting with your eyes closed.
Be detailed in thinking about all the steps you will take. This can include covering all the tasks you need to complete to work on a project at work or school: doing research, writing, coding, creating a spreadsheet, attending a meeting, responding to emails, etc.
Anticipate and identify which parts you will find challenging. This helps you prepare for problems so you don’t end up getting surprised because something unexpected happens. Brainstorm ways to resolve a challenge (for example, by scheduling a little extra time if there’s a delay, asking someone with more expertise for help on a difficult problem, or by consulting a different resource such as a book or website for additional solutions).
Imagine a positive outcome and how it will feel at the end of the day when you’ve completed what you set out to do. Success isn’t finishing one big chunk of work at once; it’s making progress and completing a set of many smaller tasks that all amount to something much bigger: getting closer to achieving a goal. Keeping your eyes on that goal will ensure that you stay motivated and focused on what you need to do, so that you can see your future as something you create for yourself - and something to look forward to.

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Let first see what is habit? why it is so important?

we all have 24 hr, for you, for me and for all other men who live on this earth, but

some are more successful than others,
some are earning more than others,
some are more happier than others,
some are more famous than others,
and the big question is “why” .

Life will give you whatever you want but my friend life works on a simple law that is There is no such thing like “something for nothing”. you have to pay for all those things you want in your life. Not for one day or for a week but everyday you have to do something which will take you closer to your goals,to all those things which you want in your life.

And this everyday work will become habit.

now the question is which type of habits successful people have in common


These are the 6 morning habits[1] of successful people.

Analyze this poem and know why habits are most important assets.

I am your constant companion.

I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am completely at your command.

Half of the things you do you might as well turn
over to me and I will do them – quickly and correctly.

Who am I?

I am Habit.

thanks for reading.

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Successful people know that the only way they are going to surge ahead and do something wonderful is by Investing their time,resources,stamina,will power,and skills in themselves.
They Network, educate them self,Learn new skills, invest in relationships, and take care of their physical and mental health.
This means saying no to many things which does not add up to the productivity.
They work for themselves by themselves on themselves .

~~Cultivate these habits and see yourself in the next list of highly successful people ~~!!!

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The highly successful people know that exercise is the key to mentally and physically pushing themselves further. Numerous studies have found exercise to be one of the most important habits you can develop to transform your life.
Working out can make you healthier, happier, and better able to sleep.
It can boost your memory,concentration and mental sharpness.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg works out three times a week.
President Barack Obama sweats it out 45 minutes a day, six days a week.
Apple CEO Tim Cook is in the gym at 5 a.m. every morning.

One thing we must understand that these are incredibly busy people,
“If they make time to exercise, it must be important.”

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In the journey of life, we pass pleasures and pain ,,✅

There will be sunshine and rain, there will be loss and gain ,,🤙

However we must learn to smile again and again...😌✨💪



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When you allow things to bother you, you are giving them power over you. Keep your positive attitude, and keep moving forward- that's where the real power is!


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Aravind J K:
Nature is a sanctuary of its very own, overflowing with love energy.  When you get out into the great outdoors, you connect with the ever-loving positive energy that radiates from the earth.  Stop and take a moment to simply lay down and feel the warmth of the ground. Listen to the sound of the wind whispering through your surroundings.

As you get in touch with nature, the buzzing of your mind stops and allows you to tap back into a positive thinking mindset without resistance

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Let us clean our Country - A good news indeed - "The National Green Tribunal or NGT has announced a fine of Rs 10,000 on those found littering waste at public places".

Hope a mechanism for strict compliance is also put in place imed. - Video-recording enable on-site booking and fine collection to eliminate chances of (1) denial and (2) chances of harassment. 20.12.2016

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"When your mind gets stuck between what is wrong and right immediately replace them it APPROPRIATE and ESSENTIAL.......YOU WILL GET YOUR ANSWER!"

*Easiest way to solve a confusion*
*Self Experience*


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"Critics are like speed breakers that slow down your movement once but they give you the courage to restart again with improved speed and techniques IF TAKEN POSITIVELY!"

Sweet Dreams😇💕💐✨🤠🙏


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We have all heard the saying try your best but we all still need that reminder. We all want to be the best, that's just in human nature but if your not willing to put in the work then nothing will change! 🙌✨


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"Your imagination is more real than the world you see, because the world you see comes from what you imagine and believe! What you believe and feel to be true is what will be your life."


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Simple is always better.
Whether it’s your goals, fitness routine, business, etc, simpler is always better. Simpler equals focus. Focus equals power. Power equals energy and motivation towards your one big goal that will make you unstoppable.

Stop trying to do so much because you’re not fooling anyone, least of all yourself. Chunk things down, go for simple and be incredible at fewer goals.

You can be a standout person when you go for one big goal rather than a huge lists of goals that never get actioned.

What do you really want more than anything? That’s your big goal.

Now go execute on your goal.

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Keeps fear from destroying your action.
Fear is a constant battle – even for me. Having too many goals means that you’ll get a small slice of fear with each one. Once you add up all of that fear, you can easily become crippled by it. By focusing on one big goal, you only have one slice of fear to deal with.

For me, changing career and nailing public speaking at the same time is just too much fear. It’s way easier to tackle one at a time. You can’t just block fear out and pretend it doesn’t exist. You have to work through the fear that comes with your goals and this requires smaller doses.

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Some might be unusual, and others might need a bit of preparation and thought. Either way, all 5 of these habits have one thing in common: they can help you train your brain to focus on what’s most important to YOU.

Habit #1: Strengthen your focus and simplify your workload by asking one question early each morning: What is the one thing I am committed to learning today?

What are the benefits?

It keeps things simple, it helps your brain focus better, makes you prioritize your goals, and streamlines your work so you don't feel overwhelmed with having to accomplish too many things in a single day.

How to start practicing it?

Write this question in big bold letters on a sheet of paper and hang it on your bedroom or bathroom wall.
Read it out loud as you start each day, and come up with an answer on the spot.
Keep your answer top of mind as you go through your work for the day, so that you don’t get distracted by other things that you come across.
Habit #2: Remind yourself of everything you have going for you in life by saying thank you every day.

What are the benefits?

When you practice gratitude, this habit trains your brain to focus on positive things and makes you think of what you already have in your life as opposed to what you do not. Being grateful will also keep you grounded in your personal life so you are less focused on what other people (friends, classmates, relatives, coworkers, neighbors) are doing with theirs, which is a huge waste of time and won’t help you get any closer to your personal goals.

How to start practicing it?

Each morning, take 5 minutes to write down or say aloud 3 things you are grateful for having in your life right now. It can be something as simple as having a roof over your head, a warm bed to sleep in, food in your fridge, clean running water and electricity, or a great relationship with a family member, a partner or a friend. Be specific: if it’s a family member or friend, emphasize which of their qualities you are grateful for: they’re warm, gracious, kind, loving, funny, etc.

Habit #3: Increase your feelings of positivity by treating happiness like a habit that you can incorporate into your day.

What are the benefits?

It’s a matter of perspective and a shift in attitude: you start thinking about happiness differently. Instead of seeing it as something abstract and even unattainable (or just something others possess but you do not), you start treating happiness like a habit. The advantage to this way of thinking? It makes you more proactive about getting happier, and it helps you see that happiness is a state of being you can work on every single day, which makes it much more real.

How to start practicing it?

Apply some positive psychology to the way you lead your life, and you will feel a more positive impact on your attitude, your motivation, and your relationships with people. Read Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Happiness and Choose the Life You Want: The Way To Lasting Happiness Moment by Moment by Tal Ben-Shahar, a lecturer at Harvard University. In both books you will find practical suggestions on how to apply the concept of happiness to daily life, for example in school, the workplace, and in your personal relationships.

Habit #4: To minimize feelings of overwhelm and frustration about your work, stop multitasking.

What are the benefits?

You may think that multitasking just helps you manage time better, but it has one major side effect: it won’t help your brain function optimally. The Harvard Business Review has an excellent article about this, focusing on one of the most frequent activities we perform daily: checking email. The article states that every time we check email or get distracted (for example, when the phone rings or someone interrupts us while we’re in the middle of an important task), it can take us up to 20 minutes to get our focus back. And it doesn’t end there: a study from the University of London showed that this type of multitasking can result in a loss in IQ points.

How to start practicing it?

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The perception of successful people:

1. They know what they want and they work focus on that. They don’t lose time with people that add no value, they are always wiling to learn more about what they do, they read a lot, they react towards problems and they know how to prioritize. All too often, they invest in themselves as much as they can.
2. They see value where others don’t. Very recently, I bough a very old piece of Real Estate (80+ years). A lotta people told me I was crazy. I will get my investment back in about 5 years. All the other people failed at seeing any value there. I am happy I did.
3. They make sure everything is done. You think its stressful to manage all your tasks? Successful people keep track of everything and make sure that nothing is left behind. They do TODO lists and use Post-its a lot.
4. They are willing to grow, and so they face problems and challenge the unknown. They learn from their mistakes, but primarily from the mistakes of others.
5. They enjoy the ride and love life. They want to do what they do forever. They have the drive to keep going, despite the worst times. They survive
6. They never quit. They face problems, setbacks, miscalculations but they do not quit until they win. And they love it when they do, and they want more of it.

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You cannot argue the fact that majority (maybe all) of highly successful people wake up early and start their day with a morning ritual . Waking early gives them enough time to plan their day ahead and do some very important task first thing in the morning , so that they can start the day on a strong note.
In a poll of 20 executives 90% said they wake up before 6 a.m. on weekdays.

Twitter Founder and CEO, Jack Dorsey is up at 5:30 to jog 6 miles every morning.
PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, for example, wakes up at 4a.m. and is in the office no later than 7 a.m.
Disney CEO Bob Iger gets up at 4:30 to read.

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When Warren buffet(Net worth US$76.1 BILLION ) was once asked about the key to success, he pointed to a stack of nearby books and said, “Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it”

Bill Gates reads about 50 books per year !

Mark Cuban reads more than 3 hours everyday.

Elon Musk(Founder Space X,Tesla,PayPal) is an avid reader and when asked how he learned to build rockets, he said “I read books”.

Mark Zuckerberg resolved to read a book every 2 weeks.

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