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💥👆"Where there is a will there is always a way.

Be willing to pursue your dreams against all odds, even when it seems all hope is lost.

If you are willing to move forward in pursuit of your dreams, I assure you that there will definitely be a way.

Refuse to be STAGNANT. Keep finding avenues for growth-- because your potential has NO LIMITS!

Good Morning &
Great day! 🐾😊💪🏻💐


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"Where there is pride, a simple misunderstanding will break a close friendship but where there is humility a simple agreement will turn an enmity into a strong friendship ..."


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तुलसी साथी विपत्ति के, विद्या विनय विवेक|​
​साहस सुकृति सुसत्यव्रत, राम भरोसे एक ||​

​अर्थ:​ "तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं, किसी विपत्ति के समय आपको ये सात गुण बचायेंगे:
आपका ज्ञान या शिक्षा, आपकी विनम्रता, आपकी बुद्धि, आपके भीतर का साहस, आपके अच्छे कर्म, सच बोलने की आदत और ईश्वर में विश्वास !!"

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"Wherever you are is the entry point."

― Kabir


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🎯👆You're not destined for average.

There is ALWAYS something you can be great at. Find that and make it your purpose!

It's always what you do in the PRESENT that sets the path your future takes.

So take action NOW, not later!

When faced with a challenge, don't go running back to your comfort zone.

Stand up strong and respond to it with all you've got-- because that's the only path to your progress!

Good Morning &
Great day! 💐👍🏽🐾


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Thought For Life....

Great Thing About Life Is
That It Always Gives You So Many Chances, &
The Best Part Of Life Is,
It Never Asks You Why You Failed Last Time.

An Enemy Occupies More Space In The Brain Than A Well-Wisher In The Heart.

So Don't Damage Your Brain, Improve The Heart.

Life Is Perishable
The Quicker You Consume It,
The Better It Feels.
Stop Thinking &
Start Living Life.

Have A Gr8 Day.


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💥👆🏻 To become the TOP in anything or to become the STRONGEST version of yourself, it will require absolute self belief...

Throughout your journey, there will be obstacles, problems and MAJOR setbacks... but it is not the setbacks themselves that gives them power, it is what YOU DO about it that gives them power.

You need to believe deep down that you will succeed, you can have NO DOUBTS. Why? Because it is so damn hard... which is why you should surround yourself with winners and not losers that complain and bitch at every chance.

You are going after your vision and you will make it a reality through YOU... so get serious and get to work.

*become the lion*🦁

Good morning &
Have a fabulous day! ⛷🤺🤼‍♀⛹‍♀🤾🏻‍♂🏇🏊‍♀💪💐


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*Awaken Your Inside*.....

A beggar had been sitting by the side of a road for over thirty years.

One day a stranger walked by. “Spare some change?” mumbled the beggar, mechanically holding out his old bowl. “I have nothing to give you,” said the stranger.

Then he asked: “What’s that you are sitting on?” “Nothing,” replied the beggar. “Just an old box. I have been sitting on it for as long as I can remember.”

“Ever looked inside?” asked the stranger. “No,” said the beggar. “What’s the point? There’s nothing in there.” “Have a look inside,” insisted the stranger.

The beggar managed to pry open the lid. With astonishment, disbelief, and elation, he saw that the box was filled with gold.

I am that stranger who has nothing to give you and who is telling you
to look inside.

Not inside any box, as in the parable, *but somewhere even closer: inside Yourself*.

“But I am not a beggar,” I can hear you say.

Those who have not found their true wealth, which is the *Radiant Joy of Being and the _Deep_ , Unshakable Peace* that comes with it, are beggars, even if they have great material wealth.

They are looking outside for scraps of pleasure or fulfillment, for validation, security, or love, while they have a treasure within that not only includes all those
things, but is *Infinitely Greater* than anything the world can offer.

Courtesy :
*Divine's Light*
Live in unlimited possibilities...

Have a fantastic September 2017. Keep Smiling & Be Blessed.


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*"We never know which footstep will bring a good twist in life. So keep on walking! Happiness comes when it is most unexpected!"*


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Thought For The Day....

Alphabet 'O' Stands For OPPORTUNITY.
Which is absent in YESTERDAY.
Available once in TODAY. &
Never Lose HOPE.
Friendship Is Always A Sweet Responsibility.
Never An Opportunity.


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''your nature is
your future'' !!


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एक फ़कीर नदी के किनारे बैठा था किसी ने पूछा ....
बाबा क्या कर रहे हो?
फ़कीर ने कहा इंतज़ार कर रहा हूँ कि पूरी नदी बह जाएं तो फिर पार करूँ।

उस व्यक्ति ने कहा कैसी बात करते हो बाबा पूरा जल बहने के इंतज़ार मे तो तुम कभी नदी पार ही नही कर पाओगे।
फ़कीर ने कहा यही तो मैं तुम लोगों को समझाना चाहता हूँ की तुम लोग जो सदा यह कहते रहते हो की ...
...एक बार जीवन की ज़िम्मेदारियाँ पूरी हो जाये .... तो मौज करूँ, घूमूँ फिरू, सबसे मिलूँ, सेवा करूँ.
...जैसे नदी का जल खत्म नही होगा हमको इस जल से ही पार जाने का रास्ता बनाना है इस प्रकार जीवन खत्म हो जायेगा पर जीवन के काम खत्म नहीं होंगे. 💐
*आज ही जियें जिंदगी*


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*"You cannot be happy if you are chasing happiness. Stop merely pursuing happiness and you can start actually living it.

Go ahead and allow yourself to be happy now, where you are, as you are. Allow happiness and be the independent of circumstance.

Don’t insist on exercising control over your happiness, turning it on here, turning it off there. Surrender yourself to happiness, in all places, for all time.

Allow happiness, and allow it to be bigger than you. Be encompassed by happiness. Have its never-ending positive perspective.

Life will always have its difficult and unfortunate times and occurrences. Even in such times, you can allow happiness to empower you.

Happiness is not a result, but a choice of how to move forward. Choose happiness, and let your life be the expression of your highest vision."*


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Anybody interesting for writing in . You can ping me @rvimal . We will share your work.

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We all want a better life, better relationships, more money, to be happier and more options. Nothing wrong with that. But life wants something from you. A different result. How do we get different results? To change whatever we are doing that is not working. You don't have to quit. No! But be flexible to adjust and bend with the challenging winds. Surrender to the powerful you. Doubt is not you. Anger is not you. Pain is not you. Creativity is you. Change is you. Winning is you. Get up! Attempt something from a different perspective. There is nothing holding you back except you. Make a move. Believe the Champion in You. -Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a great day 😊😊

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*"Unexpected results & problems are part of life.
Never lose hope in any
condition, because darkness of night always ends with light of the day..."*

Sweet Dreams✨💕🙏🤠😇


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जो अच्छा लगता है उसे गौर से मत देखो​
​ऐसा न हो कोई बुराई निकल आए​

​जो बुरा लगता है उसे गौर से देखो..​
​मुमकिन है कोई अच्छाई नजर आ जाये​

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Allow, appreciate, accept all that is, as it is, and make a beautiful moment. Let beauty touch you, let joy flow generously from you, and be in this beautiful moment.

Expect the highest and best you can imagine, and work to make it so. But don’t let judgment fade the value that is already yours to live.

Know that every moment is a beautiful moment. Open yourself, humble yourself, and allow yourself to embrace the beauty in whatever form it takes.

What has come before is now a memory, and what will come next is not yet real. This is the time to live, to act, to be thankful, and to enjoy.

Let the wonder that’s found in every corner of life amaze you. Let the love, the possibilities, and the unique substance in your own life inspire you.

Every action is a beautiful moment in your life. Then move forward with peace, purpose, joy and strength to make a whole lot more.


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You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you need to breathe, calm down, look around, and improvise.
Because, as you know, you can't control the future...
Good morning 😊

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Grant yourself permission to do more and give more of your powerful self to the world. It's a reason why you were born. Believe the Champion in You!
Good morning
Have a great day 😊

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"We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort."


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Lone Survivor

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You relax in an ​aeroplane​ though you do not know the ​pilot​,

You relax in a ​ship​ though you do not know the ​captain​,

You relax in the ​train​ without knowing the ​motorman​,

You relax in the ​bus​ not knowing the ​driver​,

why don't you relax in your life while you know that ​God is its Controller​?

So, Enjoy each moment of life... Trust Him ....


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*"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."*


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*"Half of our sorrows we earn
By expecting good things from wrong people;

The other half we earn
By detecting wrong things in good people."*


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*"We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”*

“हम बाहरी दुनिया में तब तक शांति नहीं पा सकते हैं जब तक कि हम अन्दर से शांत न हों।”

✏Dalai Lama


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Enjoy every moment in your life. Today's beautiful moments ☀are tomorrow's fond and beautiful memories. Enjoy the day!:simple_smile:👍


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*"If your HEART gets involved in everything then your BRAIN will soon get paralyzed!"*



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Be happy...Enjoy the day....✌️💐

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*"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved."*


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