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Amazing Life Hacks

For people looking to break into Product Management, here is an exciting course INSURJO'22 by Product Folks which is totally free. Get to be part of learning from seasoned product leaders and upskill while networking with amazing peers in the industry.

Register now and board the PM Rocketship:

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Amazing Life Hacks

Hi folks,
As a part of an important project in plan for implementation, need you inputs on "Productivity apps based on video". Pls fill the following survey, it will take merely 2 mins of your time.
Thanks a lot

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Amazing Life Hacks

Can truth and integrity overpower lie and deception?

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Amazing Life Hacks

More power to all the women out there. A Happy women's day to all of you.

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Amazing Life Hacks

People are not wrong. There's no absolute right or wrong. Their actions might seem wrong and driven by circumstances or quest for survival. Forgiveness is not easy. But an act of forgiveness might induce a change in their attitude.

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Amazing Life Hacks

A lie, when repeated by 1000 people, might seem to be the truth. It requires a very strong faith in what you believe to not get influenced by the opinion of the masses.
If you have someone with unconditional faith and trust in you, acknowledge them and do whatever it takes to preserve the faith from getting shaken.
Be grateful for every little effort by them.

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Amazing Life Hacks

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Amazing Life Hacks

Never blame anyone in your life. Good interactions bring you happiness, bad interactions bring you experience.

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Amazing Life Hacks

Fasting focuses the mind - it replaces all desires with a single desire. -@naval

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Amazing Life Hacks

IFTTT up and running. Connect over with my twitter Account @sujyomi_5225 for other updates.

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Amazing Life Hacks

Use to literally simulate anything in Physics. Quite a fun place for Physics lovers.

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Amazing Life Hacks

Only way to avoid any competition in the world is to do something which is very authentic to yourself. Building your own brand identity and leveraging with time is the surest way to pave your way to success.

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Amazing Life Hacks

Let there be kindness and thoughtfulness in our actions.
Wishing all the members a Very Happy and Blessed New Year ahead.
Keep hacking

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Amazing Life Hacks

Hi Students,
I wanted to share with you a new platform I’ve contributed to called Numerade. They have over 1,000,000 videos that can help walk you through difficult STEM and SAT/ACT problems.
Using my referral link you can get a really large discount! Check them out here. (

It’s like having a tutor on demand. Here’s an example ( They also have
*An AI quiz generator to help you study (
*A question and answer feature called Ask (
*STEM/SAT Bootcamps to help you get ahead or catch up (

Let me know if you have any questions.

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Amazing Life Hacks Hi there! I've been investing in stocks and mutual funds with Upstox and I’m really impressed! Sign up now and get a FREE Demat A/c + Zero brokerage* for 30 days + other benefits worth upto Rs. 2,000. Sign up now.

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Amazing Life Hacks

Hi folks,
As a part of an important project in plan for implementation, need you inputs on "Productivity apps based on video". Pls fill the following survey, it will take merely 2 mins of your time.
Thanks in advance

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Amazing Life Hacks

In a world where instances of people projecting their inferiority and insecurities onto others are so common, having a neutral and unbiased mindset is an expensive asset. If you have, cherish it.

“The best political, social, and spiritual work we can do is to withdraw the projection of our shadow onto others.”

― C.G. Jung (1875-1961)
#mindset #people #personaldevelopment #life #growth #peace

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Amazing Life Hacks

When somebody is making a bogus claim, don't tell them their claim is bogus. Just calmly ask question after question and watch their face change as they realize how little they really know.

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Amazing Life Hacks

A lie repeated a 1000 times by the same person also has a great possibility of being regarded as the truth.
Trust and confidence are assets in the bank of a relationship.
Every instance where you cannot defend yourself, you cash out trust a confidence. Till you reach a point of zero balance and all ethics and morality turn upside down.
Value your assets.

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Amazing Life Hacks

Just because someone is successful, doesn’t mean you should follow their advice. Success is a combination of talent, hard work, and luck. They may not know the true reason for their success.

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Amazing Life Hacks

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Amazing Life Hacks

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Amazing Life Hacks

When feeling stressed, do some cleaning. Straightening out the physical aspects of your life can also bring clarity to the mental one.

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Amazing Life Hacks

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Amazing Life Hacks

Make cool stuff in Maths with the help of
GeoGebra is dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that brings together geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics and calculus in one easy-to-use package.

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Amazing Life Hacks

Key to bridge any misunderstanding or incoherence in thoughts is communication. Seems so trivial yet it is the most difficult thing to do when needed. Communication can often resolve things like nothing else can.

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Amazing Life Hacks

Something very relevant in current day scenario. If you wish to find out who is ruling you, see who you are not allowed to criticize about. Although not so explicit.

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Amazing Life Hacks

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Amazing Life Hacks

Five Foods That Stay Good Almost Indefinitely

1. Sugar
2. Honey
3. Soy sauce (unopened)
4. Vinegar
5. White Rice (unopened)


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Amazing Life Hacks

You can buy fun but you can't buy happiness. Don't get the two confused.

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