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На именинах старого князя Болконского Марья делает нечаянное признание Пьеру. Какое?

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What is matrices

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Деятельность тайной канцелярии в Росиии

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Kya 10 class ki questions quiz mil jayega

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1. The DNA of a deletion mutant of  bacteriophage has a length of 14.62 m instead of 17 m. How many base pairs are missing from this mutant? (4 points)
Clearly show your calculation!

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Chose the best answer
1.Which of the following system is commonly practiod in Ethiopia?
A. convectional farming
B. Organic farming
C. Hydroponics
D. Aquaponics

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Столица Германии

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(૧) કવિ કાન્તની 'સાગર અને શશી' રચનાની સમીક્ષા કરો.

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Who is eye

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Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1343-1400) came from a noble family whose ancestor was a Norman nobleman. From his youth, Chaucer was at court and later became a respected lawyer and a good diplomat. Sent as ambassador to northern Italy in 1372, he is said to have met Petrarch and Froissart. John, Duke of Lancaster, was his patron and married Katherine Swynford, his wife's sister; Therefore, Chaucer, like his patron, was on the side of Wycliffe and, under King Richard II, was subjected to persecution together with the Duke of Lancaster. He fled from England, and when he returned, he was imprisoned in the Tower and received freedom only by confessing to the offenses of which he was accused. In general, he experienced a lot of troubles; at times he occupied a good position in society, was the head of the collection of customs duties on wool and wine; at times he lost everything and became entangled in debt. In the last years of the reign of Richard II, his situation improved. But it seems that Chaucer no longer took part in public affairs and spent the last years of his life in solitude, engaged in poetic works that made him famous. He lived to see the accession of Henry IV, the son of his patron; but died soon after this coup.

Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer, author of The Canterbury Tales. 17th century portrait

Chaucer was familiar with Latin, French, Italian literature, and with the mores of the elegant society of Italy and France. He lived in a noble society, had the ability to assimilate foreign concepts and process alien ones in the national spirit; thanks to this, he became a mediator between the British and the poets of Italy and France. He improved English versification by introducing Italian meters and in particular iambic pentameter. Chaucer knew how to tell stories easily and cheerfully, knew the human heart well, loved nature and described it perfectly; This is his main merit. He had no creative power; almost all of his works are imitations of foreign models. His “Romance of the Rose” is a reworking of the French “Romance of the Rose”; his “Canterbury Tales” is an imitation of Boccaccio’s “Decameron” in plan and partly in content; “Troilus and Cressida” is also an imitation of Boccaccio; other stories of Chaucer are borrowed from French Fabliaux, from Provençal tales, from ancient and oriental tales. He even transferred many words and expressions from his French samples into his English stories. But his story is good; his grouping of episodes is skillful; the characters are depicted excellently; his humor is cheerful and successful. These virtues made Geoffrey Chaucer a national poet and even gave his works some originality. He is a man who describes life based on his own observations, who has deeply studied the characters and customs of people of all classes, and who perfectly retells his observations. Moreover, he was the creator of the English poetic language, discarded the old clumsy versification based on alliteration, introduced tonic prosody and regular rhyme.

Chaucer did not write prose as well as poetry. His translation of Boethius's The Consolation of Philosophy is done in poor language; his imitation of this book, “Testament of Love,” which expounds moral philosophy under the form of an allegorical vision, is written in a style that is either dry or pompous. From this we see that the English language at that time had not yet been developed as necessary for good prose. But Chaucer's verse is light and elegant; in his allegorical stories “Temple of Glory”, “Flower Leaf”, written according to French models, the pictures of nature are very vivid, and all the details are depicted correctly. Chaucer remained a favorite of the English public for two centuries, a model for English poets.

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Age of chaucer

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Как приготовить мастава?

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Метод индукции и дедукции как методы изучения теории государства и права

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В чем преимущества зрелорождённых детёнышей по отношению к незрелорождённым

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How many gst are there in india

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What is redneck

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Find rank of word exam

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Как дела?

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1. The DNA of a deletion mutant of  bacteriophage has a length of 14.62 m instead of 17 m. How many base pairs are missing from this mutant? (4 points)
Clearly show your calculation!

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Делегирование полномочий. Этапы и эффективность процесса делегирования полномочий.

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Использование каких языковых средств предполагает научный стиль письма

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У Маши, Светы и Оли есть некоторое количество конфет. Девочки решили перераспределить их между собой следующим образом: Маша отдает часть своих конфет Свете и Оле, после чего количество конфет у них удваивается. После этого Света раздает Маше и Оле часть своих конфет, и количество конфет у них также удваивается. Наконец, Оля отдает часть своих конфет Маше и Свете, у которых опять же количество конфет удваивается. Оказалось, что у Оли и в начале, и в конце было 39 конфет. Сколько всего конфет у девочек?

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(૧) કવિ કાન્તની 'સાગર અને શશી' રચનાની સમીક્ષા કરો.

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As a CP&GBV protection officer how to understand the work and what are the stakeholders?

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Число пи

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I need to jump in the shower
I realize your 3 hours earlier than me
And I apologize for leaving our chat
Enjoy this evening
And have a wonderful nights sleep
What’s your feeling in men and women

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What is the deferent of mill $bentham

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Наблюдения показывают что новорождённые ягнят отличают родителей от других особей и подходит сосать молоко только к ним этот факт характеризует

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