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".. admonish them & speak to them a far-reaching word." (AlQuran) Read & reflect. Repair, then share.

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Ali Hammuda

Haste | Palestine Reimagined Ep. 10 | A Ramadan 2024 series on Palestine

The efforts you exert today towards any cause of justice, whether that of Palestine or elsewhere, a Muslim cause or otherwise, may only come to fruition many years after your passing. Beware of arrogantly assuming that you must see the fruits of your labour today.


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Ali Hammuda

Signs of Angelic Presence | Palestine Reimagined Ep. 8 | A Ramadan 2024 series on Palestine

What is the role of the angels when they descend during battle? ‘Fighting alongside the believers’ is the answer that most will give. Whilst that’s true, there is another purpose that they serve, a purpose that is – according to the Qur’an - arguably even more central.


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Ali Hammuda

They Predict Tomorrow | Palestine Reimagined Ep. 6 | A Ramadan 2024 series on Palestine

The Israeli Fenima research centre published its findings in the Hayom newspaper that 33% of Israeli youth are seriously considering immigration from the occupied territories, while 44% see no future within them.


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Ali Hammuda

Why is it called Al-Quds | Palestine Reimagined Ep. 4 | A Ramadan 2024 series on Palestine

Al-Quds is one of the names of Jerusalem, a name that uncovers one of the greatest roles that Allah has appointed for Palestine.


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Ali Hammuda

Why Palestine is Blessed | Palestine Reimagined Ep. 3 | A Ramadan 2024 series on Palestine

They will tell you that Palestine is a land of Baraka (blessing), but what's frequently left unexplained is why it is the case, as well as the true essence of what this actually means.


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Ali Hammuda

Arriving in Palestine | Palestine Reimagined Ep. 2 | A Ramadan 2024 series on Palestine

As you stroll through Jerusalem, especially within the blessed grounds of al-Masjid al-Aqsa, and as you’re taken aback by feelings that you may have never experienced before, what should be on your mind during those moments?


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Ali Hammuda

We Stand Tallest | Friday Sermon | Ali Hammuda

The term "dehumanization" has been used with troubling frequency since October 2023 which is undoubtedly impacting our children. With time, we risk becoming numb to our own pain and blind to our virtue, as the constant exposure might lead us to internalize this narrative. However, we have every reason to rise above this.


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Ali Hammuda

If, as argued by Brian Tracy, the true test of leadership is how well you function in a crisis, then it's clear why the leadership of the Ummah is destined to emerge from the region of Palestine.

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Ali Hammuda

The ICJ Ruling: Victory or Setback? | Ali Hammuda

When the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued its landmark ruling that found it plausible that Israel’s acts could amount to genocide, the reaction among Muslims was mixed, with some feeling tremendous disappointment. However, one story shared by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offers a complete shift in perspective.


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Ali Hammuda

Episode 7: 'Umar Accepts Islam | 'Umar r.a | The Chosen Ten series with Ali Hammuda

Everything about the state of the Muslims changed on the very day that 'Umar chose Islam.


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Ali Hammuda

Gaza's relief when in pain: The Qur'an

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Ali Hammuda

Imam al-Suyooti said:

"Five qualities in children, if adults possessed them in their relationship with their Lord, they would be saints:

1 They do not worry about their livelihoods,

2 They do not complain about their Creator when they fall ill,

3 They eat their food together,

4 When they are afraid, their eyes fill with tears,

5 When they quarrel, they are quick to make peace."

[Husn al-muhaadara]

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Ali Hammuda

Relatives of a young family member of ours who was killed in Gaza several weeks ago told us that she was recently seen in a dream. She conveyed that she is happy where she is and has no longing to be back in this world.

She also told them how she is seeing the effects of her frequent recitation of Surah al-Mulk (Surah 67) during her life, and how it is making things easier for her in the grave.

Ibn Mas’ood said:

من قرأ: تبارك الذي بيده الملك ـ كل ليلة منعه الله بها من عذاب القبر وكنا في عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم نسميها المانعة وإنها في كتاب الله سورة من قرأ بها في كل ليلة فقد أكثر وأطاب

“Whoever recites Surah al-Mulk every night, Allah will protect him from the punishment of the grave through it. During the time of the Messenger of Allah PBUH, we used to call this Surah 'The Protector'. Indeed, it is a chapter which, whoever recites it every night has indeed done much good and has made things pleasant."

May Allah honour the people of Gaza who continue to liberate us even after they've passed on.

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Ali Hammuda

The 'Most Moral Army in the World'?


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Ali Hammuda

Episode 2: Can I Become a Siddeeq? | Abu Bakr r.a | The Chosen Ten series with Ali Hammuda


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Ali Hammuda

Arrogance | Palestine Reimagined Ep. 9 | A Ramadan 2024 series on Palestine

When you sift through the Quran for verses that speak of the Pharaoh of Egypt, one thing jumps out: towering arrogance.


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Ali Hammuda

What is the 'Temple of Solomon'? | Palestine Reimagined Ep. 7 | A Ramadan 2024 series on Palestine

What do we know of the Jewish claim that beneath al-Masjid al-Aqsa lays the ruins of the Temple of Solomon?


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Ali Hammuda

The Charge of Antisemitism | Palestine Reimagined Ep. 5 | A Ramadan 2024 series on Palestine

Time and time again the media will pounce on any opportunity to trigger alarm bells and generate a new wave of propaganda accusing Muslims of being anti-Semitic. How true is this claim?


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Ali Hammuda

To be released soon via Kube Publishing InshaAllah.

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Ali Hammuda

A word of support from Shaykh Omar Suleiman for Waqforever

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A project of Waqforever:


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Ali Hammuda

The Heart is Al-Aqsa | Palestine Reimagined Ep. 1 | A Ramadan 2024 series on Palestine | Ali Hammuda

Man may behave complacently towards an illness so long as it steers clear of his heart. Palestine and Al-Aqsa are the heart of this Ummah and a barometer of its health.


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Ali Hammuda

Episode 9: Praise poured on 'Umar | 'Umar r.a | The Chosen Ten series with Ali Hammuda

At every chance that arose, Prophet Muhammad PBUH consistently took the moment to commend 'Umar.


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Ali Hammuda

Episode 8: "I Saw 'Umar in a Dream" | 'Umar r.a | The Chosen Ten series with Ali Hammuda

Seeing the Prophet Muhammad PBUH in a dream is one thing. But to be seen by him is another!


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Ali Hammuda

"There will be scholars and historians who will write of this genocide, falsely believing that we can learn from the past, that we are different, that history can prevent us from being, once again, barbarians. They will hold academic conferences. They will say “Never again!” They will praise themselves for being more humane and civilized.

But when it comes time to speak out with each new genocide, fearful of losing their status or academic positions, they will scurry like rats into their holes. Human history is one long atrocity for the world’s poor and vulnerable. Gaza is another chapter."

Chris Hedges

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Ali Hammuda

Episode 6: Abu Bakr is Nominated | Abu Bakr r.a | The Chosen Ten series with Ali Hammuda

It was a new circumstance. The Muslims were, for the first time, without a leader. However it was an immediate consensus; none must lead but Abu Bakr.


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Ali Hammuda

Episode 5: Madina's Darkest Day Ever | Abu Bakr r.a | The Chosen Ten series with Ali Hammuda

The loss of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought the Muslim community to the brink of collapse. It fell upon Abu Bakr to guide them through their darkest hour.


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Ali Hammuda

Amazing progress! | Together for Palestine | Join our project!


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Ali Hammuda

Episode 4: An Entire Family Dedicated | Abu Bakr r.a | The Chosen Ten series with Ali Hammuda

This is how Abu Bakr succeeded in unifying his entire family to work towards the cause of Islam


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Ali Hammuda

Episode 3: May I Join Your Journey? | Abu Bakr r.a | The Chosen Ten series with Ali Hammuda


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Ali Hammuda

A Rabbi's perspective on Palestine


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