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"See you not that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and Ad-Dawab (moving living creatures, beasts, etc.), and many of mankind?"

(Qur'an Surah Al-Haj 22:18) - Muhsin Khan Translation

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The most important part of the call of the Messengers – Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah (Singling out Allaah with all Worship) – Shaykh Rabee ibn Haadee

Translated by Dawood Burbank rahimahullaah


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Refraining from Abusing the Companions

Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 22 : Point 25 (Part C)
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

(Imaam al-Barbahaaree continued)

Then the best of the people after them are those who accompanied Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam for a day, a month or a year or for less than that or more than that. We supplicate for mercy upon them and we mention their virtues and we withhold from speaking about any slips they made. We do not mention a single one of them except favourably because of the saying of Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam,

“When my Companions are mentioned then withhold.”

Sufyaan ibn `Uyaynah said, “Whoever speaks against the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam with a single word then he is a person following desires.”


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The Best of this Ummah and all Umam after the Prophets is Aboo Bakr then `Umar then `Uthmaan

Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 22 : Point 25 (Part A)
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

And the most excellent one of this nation and of all nations after the Prophets salawaatullaahi `alayhim ajma`een is Aboo Bakr then `Umar then `Uthmaan.

This is what is reported to us from Ibn `Umar that he said,

“We used to say whilst Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam was amongst us that the best of the people after Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam is Aboo Bakr and `Umar and `Uthmaan and the Prophet sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam would hear that and he would not criticise it.”


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Eemaan in al-Maseehud-Dajjaal (the False Messiah)

Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 21 : Point 22
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

And to have eemaan in al-Maseehud-Dajjaal (the False Messiah).


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 20 : Point 21
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

And to have eemaan that Paradise, al-Jannah, is true and the Fire, an-Naar, is true and that they are already created. The Paradise is in the seventh heaven and its ceiling is the Throne, al-`Arsh, and the Fire is beneath the seventh earth, the lowest one; and they are both already created. Allaah, the Most High, knew the number of the people of Paradise and who will enter it and the number of the people of the Fire and who will enter it. They will never pass away. They will both last along with Allaah always, for ever and ever. And Aadam `alayhis-salaam was in the everlasting created Paradise, and he was removed from it after he disobeyed Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic.


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Know your Enemy – Shaykh Muhammad Ramzaan [Audio|Ar-En]

—> Excellent Must Listen Lecture.


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 19 : Point 19
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

The author Imam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said,

And to have eemaan in the siraat (the Bridge) over the Hellfire. The Bridge will seize whomever Allaah wishes. And whoever Allaah wishes will cross over. And whoever Allaah wishes will fall into the Hellfire. And they will have lights in accordance with the level of their eemaan.


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 18 : Point 18
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

The author Imam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said,

And to have eemaan in the Intercession (the Shafaa`ah) of Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam on the Day of Resurrection for those guilty of sins; and upon the Bridge (as-Siraat), and to cause them to come out from within the Hell Fire. There is no Prophet except that he will have Intercession. And likewise will be the case with the eminently truthful and sincere followers of the Prophets, and the martyrs and the righteous people. And after that Allaah will bestow favour abundantly upon whomever He wishes; and people will come out of the Fire after they have been burnt and reduced to charcoal.


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 17 : Point 15
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

The author Imam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said,

And to have eemaan in the Balance on the Day of Resurrection. Upon it good and evil will be weighed. It has two scales/balance plates, and a pointer.


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 16 : Point 14
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

The author Imam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said,

And to have Eemaan in seeing Allaah on the Day of Resurrection. They will see Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, with the eyes of their heads. And He will bring them to account without any mediator or any interpreter.


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 14 : Point 12
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Short Clip|English]

The author Imam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said,

And no one says regarding the Attributes of the Lord, the Most High, “How?” and “Why?” except for one who doubts about Allaah, the Exalted and Most High.


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 14 : Point 11 (Part B)
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Our Lord is the First without any beginning, and the Last without any end. He knows whatever is secret and whatever is most hidden. He has ascended over His Throne, and His Knowledge is in every place. And no place is free of His Knowledge.


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 13 : Point 10
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

The author Imam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said,

Al-kalaam (theological rhetoric), arguing, debating and disputing are newly introduced affairs. They cast doubt into the heart, even if the person happens to attain the Truth and the Sunnah.


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 24 : Point 26
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

And hearing and obeying the rulers in that which Allaah loves and is pleased with. So whoever becomes the khaleefah through the consensus of the people for him and their being pleased with him, then he is the ameerul-mu’mineen (Chief of the Believers). It is not permissible for anyone to spend a night thinking that he has no ruler over him whether he (the ruler) be righteous or sinful.


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O Allaah's Messenger (ﷺ), "Has there been a day more severe upon you than the Day of Uhud?"

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💎📌Making the most of winter by deligently striving in performing acts of obedience

🔵📝It is authentically narrated from Umar ibn al Khattab رضي الله عنه that he said:

"Winter is the prize of the devout worshippers"

Narrated by Ahmad in 'az Zuhd', ibn Abi Saibah in 'al Musannaf', ibn Abi ad Dunya in 'at Tahajjud', Abu Nu'aim in 'al Hilya' and by others.

The following statements explain and clarify the meaning of the above statement:

1⃣ The statement of Hasan al Basri رحمه الله: 'The best of times for the believer is winter as its nights are long, so he stands in prayer therein and its days are short, so he fasts therein.

This statement was narrated by al Haafidh ibn Rajab in his book 'Lataa'if al Ma'arif'.

2⃣ What has been narrated from 'Ubaid ibn 'Umair رحمه الله that when winter approached, he would say, "Oh people of the Quran, the night has been lengthened for your prayer and day has been shortened for your fasting, so make the most of it."

This was narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah in his 'al Musannaf'.

✏✏Compiled by Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Junaid حفظه الله

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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 22 : Point 25 (Part B)
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

(Imaam al-Barbahaaree continued)

Then the most excellent of the people after them (Khulafaa) were: `Aliyy and Talhah and AzZubayr and Sa`d ibn Abee Waqqaas and Sa`eed ibn Zayd and `Abdur-Rahmaan ibn `Owf and Aboo `Ubaydah `Aamir ibnul-Jarraah. And all of them were suitable to be the khaleefah.

Then the most excellent of the people after them were the rest of the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam, the first generation amongst whom he was sent, the first Muhaajiroon and the Ansaar; and they are those who prayed towards the two qiblahs (directions of Prayer).


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 21 : Point 23
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

And to have eemaan in the descent of `Eesaa ibn Maryam `alayhis-salaam. He will descend and he will kill the Dajjaal. He will marry and he will pray behind the one who will be in authority from the family of Muhammad sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam. And he will die and the Muslims will bury him.


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Shaykh Saalih Fawzan discusses some of the finer points regarding belief in Angels and Prophets - Sharhu Sunnah | Dawud Burbank


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 18 : Point 17
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

The author Imam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said,

And to have eemaan in the howd (Reservoir/great body of water/lake) of Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam. And every Prophet will have a Reservoir except for Saalih `alayhis-salaam, for his Reservoir will be the udder of his she-camel.


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The questioner says that she has a sister who complains about obsessive insinuations, especially while performing ablution. She requests His Eminence Shaikh to guide her to the best way which, by Allah's Permission, will relieve her from this anxiety.

Cure for obsessive Shaytaanic Waswasa (insinuations) in Wudhu and other Ibaadah – Fatwas of Nur `Ala Al-Darb


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Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 15 : Point 13
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

The author Imam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said,

And the Qur’aan is the Speech of Allaah, His Revelation and His Light. It is not created, because the Qur’aan is from Allaah and that which is from Allaah is not created. This is what was stated by Maalik ibn Anas and by Ahmad ibn Hanbal rahimahumAllaah and by the jurists who came before them and after them. And disputation concerning it is disbelief.


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Celebrating National Day (Youm-ul-Watani) is Prohibited as it is Imitating Disbelievers (Kuffaar)

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Speculative speech (kalaam) about Allaah, the Most High, is an innovation and misguidance

Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 13 : Point 11
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

The author Imam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said,

And know, may Allaah have mercy upon you, that speculative speech, kalaam, about the Lord, the Most High, is a newly introduced matter and it is an innovation and misguidance. Nothing is to be said about the Lord except what He, the Mighty and Majestic, described Himself with in the Qur·aan and what the Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam explained to his Companions. So He, the Majestic in Renown, is One.

There is nothing like Him; and He is The All Hearing The All Seeing. (Sooratush-Shooraa (42), aayah 11)

Our Lord is the First without any beginning, and the Last without any end. He knows whatever is secret and whatever is most hidden. He has ascended over His Throne, and His Knowledge is in every place. And no place is free of His Knowledge.


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There is no Qiyaas (Analogy) in the matters of Aqeedah (Creed and Belief)

Sharhu Sunnah : Lesson 12 : Point 09
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

The author Imam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said,

And know, may Allaah have mercy upon you, that there is no making analogies with regard to the Sunnah, nor reasoning with examples and desires are not to be followed regarding it. Rather it is just a case of affirming the narrations from Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam without asking how, or explaining it away and without saying, “Why is that?” or “How can that be?”


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