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⬆️ How the Salaf were in Ramadhan - Shaykh Rabee

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Golden Advice for Ramadhaan - ash-Shaykh al-Allaamah Saalih al Fawzaan [Video|Ar-En Subtitles]

https://abdurrahman.org/2013/07/07/golden-advice-for-ramadhaan-ash-shaykh-al-allaamah-saalih-al-fawzaan-videoar-en-subtitles/ via @AbdurRahmanOrg

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تعذرت رؤية الهلال .. السبت أول ايام شهر رمضان المبارك

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Ramaḍān in KSA Friday or Saturday

The Supreme Court, Saudi Arabia, has called upon the Muslims here to look out for the crescent of Ramaḍān on Thursday evening.
This means the fast of Ramaḍān may start on Friday or Saturday here in KSA.

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Allah is not reached by people’s conjecture nor can He be grasped by their understanding - Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Short Clip|En]

https://abdurrahman.org/2017/05/18/allah-is-not-reached-by-peoples-conjecture-nor-can-he-be-grasped-by-their-understanding/ via @AbdurRahmanOrg

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There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing - Sh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [ShortClip|En]


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Every affair is easy for Him (Allaah)

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How a common person from the people of Tawheed defeated the scholar from grave worshippers - Dawud Burbank [mp3|en]


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“There will come after me thirty great liars, each one of them claiming that he is a prophet and I am the last of the Prophets; there is no Prophet after me.” [Hadeeth of Thawbaan radiyAllaahu `anh and the basis of the hadeeth is in Saheeh Muslim]

.. So whoever claims Prophethood, or has Prophethood claimed on his behalf, or whoever follows them, then all of them are unbelievers (kuffaar). And the Muslims have fought against them and have declared them to be unbelievers. And the last of those whose followers claimed that he was a Prophet in this present time was that Qaadiyaanee. And these people (the Qaadiyaanee) are called the Ahmadees as an ascription to his name because his name was Ahmad Al-Qaadiyaanee (أحمد القادياني) and the scholars declared him to be an unbeliever (kaafir) and they repelled him from the lands of Islaam and the declared his followers to be unbelievers since this is a denial of Allaah and of His Messenger. And their being unbelievers is by consensus of the Muslims; no one disagrees about this.

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He (Allaah) is the Creator without any need, Provider without any difficulty - Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]

https://abdurrahman.org/2017/05/09/he-is-the-creator-without-any-need-provider-without-any-difficulty/ via @AbdurRahmanOrg

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Ruling on Celebrating the Mid-Sha’ban Night - Detailed fatwa from Sheikh Ibn Baz https://abdurrahman.org/2012/07/03/ruling-on-celebrating-the-mid-shaban-night-detailed-fatwa-from-sheikh-ibn-baz/

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Do not anticipate Ramadan by fasting one or two days before it - Permanent Committee

https://abdurrahman.org/2009/08/16/do-not-anticipate-ramadan-by-fasting-one-or-two-days-before-it/ via @AbdurRahmanOrg

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No moon sighting was possible tonight, so tomorrow still Sha'ban. Another moon sighting expected tomorrow night.

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Official announcement from Saudi Press Agency:

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He (Allaah) does not resemble the creation - Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Clip|En]

https://abdurrahman.org/2017/05/19/he-allaah-does-not-resemble-the-creation/ via @AbdurRahmanOrg

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Preparing For A Noble Guest... Ramadhaan - Abu Muhammad al-Maghribee [Audio|En]


via @AbdurRahmanOrg

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Missed fasts must be made up for before the next Ramadan

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1. As'salaamu'alaykum wa rahmahtullahi wa baraka'tuhu,
This Ramadaan remember our orphanage & other important projects are always expanding.

2. we hope to be caring for more orphans & poor widows Insha'Allah, amongst aiding the poor in many other ways that are much needed.

3. Your regular donations in the form of standing orders are needed to keep our projects going. Pls see our website

4. Your Zakah & Sadaqah are needed this Ramadaan for the future sustainability of our projects. Go to our 'How To Help' page for details.

5. Help a poor orphan, widow or sick person this Ramadaan, to give them ease in times of hardship. May Allah reward you with good, Aameen.

6. Alhamdulillah we are well established charity with impressed & happy visitors appreciating our work & orphanage. Be part of this good.

7. Our standards are excellent compared to other orphanages in Pakistan, our care & education will give the orphans a future Insha'Allaah

8. Most importantly raised upon Tawheed & the correct understanding of Islam, Insha'Allah calling to this way for the generations to come.

9. May Allah make them pious & righteous and a benefit to society & the ummah, Aameen.

{DarAl Iman Orphanage

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Every affair is easy for Him (Allaah) - Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Short Clip|En] https://abdurrahman.org/2017/05/15/every-affair-is-easy-for-him-allaah/ via @AbdurRahmanOrg

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Allaah has always had His Attributes, before His act of creation – Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Aqeedah Tahaawiyyah : Lesson 07

ما زال بصفاته قديمًا قبل خلقه

[16] He has always had His Attributes, before His act of creation.

[17] لم يزدد بكونهم شيئًا، لم يكن قبلهم من صفته.

[17] He (Allaah) was not increased in any Attribute which He did not have before, by the creation of the creation.
[18] وكما كان بصفاته أزليًا، كذلك لا يزال عليها أبديًا.

[18] And just as He has always possessed His Attributes, then likewise, He will always possess them forever.

[19] ليس بعد خلق الخلق استفاد اسم ‏(‏الخالق‏)‏.

[19] He did not acquire the Name ‘The Creator’ after the creation of the creation.

[20] ولا بإحداث البرية استفاد اسم ‏(‏الباري‏)‏.

[20] Nor did He acquire the Name ‘Al-Baaree’ (The Maker) after giving existence to the beings.

[21] له معنى الربوبية ولا مربوب، ومعنى الخالق ولا مخلوق‏.

[21] He possessed the meaning of Lordship and Nurturing when there were no slaves, and He had the meaning of being the Creator without there being any creation.

[22] وكما أنه محيي الموتى بعدما أحيا، استحق هذا الاسم قبل إحيائهم، كذلك استحق اسم الخالق قبل إنشائهم‏.

[22] And just as He is the One who is ‘The Giver of life to the dead’ after He gives them life, then He deserves this Name even before He gave life to them; and likewise, He deserves the Name ‘The Creator’ before He created and produced them.
[23] ذلك بأنه على كل شيء قدير‏.

[23] That is because He has full Power and Ability over everything.

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Allaah has no need of the Arsh (Throne) and whatever is beneath it – Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Mp3|En]


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Shab-e-barat : Specifying the day of the 15th of Sha'baan by fasting or reciting the Qur'aan or performing naafilah prayers https://abdurrahman.org/2009/08/03/bidah-alert-for-15th-of-shaban/ via @AbdurRahmanOrg

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Is it permissible for a woman to have the right to divorce? – Fatwas of the Permanent Committee


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