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* Comprehensive Du'a *

The Supplication Narrated by Zayd ibn Arqam – radiyallaahu anhu


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O Allah! I seek refuge in You against the declining of Your Favours ..


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Tremondous Du’a – Seeking refuge with Allaah from Evil People around you

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Learn Du'a: Allaahumma 'innee 'a'oothu bika min jahdil-balaa ..


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Learn Du'a:

Allaahummah-dinee wa saddidnee
(O Allaah! guide me and direct me)


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A Supplication Which Allaah Answers – Saheeh Abee Daawood

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Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-hammi walhazan ..

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How to perform the Umrah - AbuTalha Dawood Burbank rahimahullaah [Audio|En]

Based on the book of Sheikh Albaani rahimahullaah


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✍🏽 Ibn ul-Qayyim رحمه الله تعالى mentioned a statement attributed to the Salaf in origin:

❗️A Shaytaan met another Shaytaan and said to him: "Why am I seeing you so thin & skinny?"

💡So he replied: "I am with a man who upon eating always mentions the name of Allah so I am unable to eat with him. When he drinks he mentions the name of Allah so I am unable to drink with him. When he enters his home he mentions the name of Allah so I (am unable to enter and instead l) have to sleep outside the house".

❌So the first Shaytaan said: "I am with a man who upon eating never mentions the name of Allah so I eat with him. When he drinks he never mentions the name of Allah, so I drink with him. When he enters his home he never mentions the name of Allah so I enter with him. When he has intercourse with his wife he never mentions the name of Allah so I have intercourse with her too alongside him".
عدة الصابرين ص٤٧

📍[Never mentions the name of Allah upon intercourse - i.e. does not say the prescribed du'a mentioned in Saheeh al-Bukhary & Saheeh Muslim: (In the name of Allah, O' Allah, keep the devil away from us and keep the devil away from what you have blessed us with).


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Salaamu 'alaykum,

Albaseerah have launched its official national campaign to raise money to help those suffering in Somalia.

You can give with ease and full confidence via the central campaign link below.

Please support the needy who have no water or food.

Masjid As-Sunnah
01274 501736


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Aqeedah of the Salaf:

The Believers Will See Their Lord In The Hereafter - Abu Muhmmad al-Maghribee [Audio|En]

The Explanation of the Creed of the Salaf, by Imaam Abee Uthmaan Ismaa’eel bin Abdir-Rahmaan As-Saaboonee,rahimahullaah, as explained by our noble sheikh al-Allaamah Rabee’ bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee, hafidhahullaah.


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Aqeedah of the Salaf: The Hawd & The Kawthar (The Pool & The River) - Abu Muhammad al-Maghribee [Audio|En]


The Explanation of the Creed of the Salaf, by Imaam Abee Uthmaan Ismaa’eel bin Abdir-Rahmaan As-Saaboonee,rahimahullaah, as explained by our noble sheikh al-Allaamah Rabee’ bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee, hafidhahullaah.

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Aqeedah of the Salaf: The Creation of the Slaves Actions - Abu Muhammad al Maghribee [Audio|En]


The Explanation of the Creed of the Salaf, by Imaam Abee Uthmaan Ismaa’eel bin Abdir-Rahmaan As-Saaboonee,rahimahullaah, as explained by our noble sheikh al-Allaamah Rabee’ bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee, hafidhahullaah.

Audio Lecture by: Abu Muhammad al Maghribee (hafidhahullaah)

[The below is the Text from the Book]

Chapter 16: The Creation Of The Slaves Actions

[106] And from the sayings Ahl-us-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah about the deeds of the slaves, is that they are created by Allah, The Most High. They do not have any doubt in that. They do not regard anyone who rejects and negated this statements ( belief) as being from the people of guidance and religion of truth. [118]


[118] See Imam al-Bukhaaree’s treatise Khalq Aaf’aal al-‘Ibaad and the Sharh al-‘Aqeedah at-Tahaawiyyah (p.430-439). Allaah says:

وَاللَّهُ خَلَقَكُمْ وَمَا تَعْمَلُونَ
Allaah Created you and your actions.

Sooratas-Saffaat: 37:96

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The Supplication Narrated by Zayd ibn Arqam - radiyallaahu anhu

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O Allah! I seek refuge in You against the declining of Your Favours

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Must Read Brief Benefit:

Righteous Deeds ascend to Allah - Tafseer Ibn Kathir

When the Muslim servants says, `Glory and praise be to Allah, there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, Allah is Most Great and blessed be Allah,’ an angel takes these words and puts them under his wing, then he ascends with them to the heaven. He does not take them past any group of angels but they seek forgiveness for the one who said them, until he brings them before Allah, may He be glorified.”

... read more by clicking the link


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Learn this Qur'anic Du'a:

My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Paradise


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Allaahummah-dinee wa saddidnee
(O Allaah! guide me and direct me)

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A Comprehensive Du'a

A Supplication Which The Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) taught Aa'ishah ( رضي الله عنها )


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Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-hammi walhazan ..

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Going for Umrah?
Memorize these important dua's for the Janaza Prayer


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Making Dua’ When Seeing the Ka’abah

Shaykh Albaani said:

‘if one of you sees the Ka’abah he can raise his hands – due to this being established from Ibn ‘Abbas -Radi Allaahu anhu, but it is not established from the Prophet –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam–that he made a specific Dua’ here – and he can make Dua’ with whatever is easy for him, and if he makes Dua’ with what Umar -Radi Allaahu anhu- did then that is good due to it being established from Umar -Radi Allaahu anhu:

اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ السَّلَامُ وَمِنْك السَّلَامُ فَحَيِّنَا رَبَّنَا بِالسَّلَامِ

‘Allaahumma Anta as-Salaam, wa Minka as-Salaam fa hayyina Rabbana bis-Salaam’

‘O Allaah You are as-Salaam, and from You is peace and security, so grant us life O our Lord with peace and security.’

[Manasik al-Hajj wa Umrah p.20] [Trans by Abbas Abu Yahya]

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The Reality of Dhikr and Fear of Allah

It is reported that Saʿīd b. Jubayr – Allāh have mercy on him – said:

Verily, fear (al-khashyah) is that you fear Allāh such that your fear comes between you and your disobedience (of Allāh). That is khashyah. And dhikr (remembrance) is obedience to Allāh: whoever obeys Allāh has remembered Him; and whoever does not obey Him is not a rememberer of Him, even if he says a lot of tasbīḥ and recites a lot of Qurān.

Al-Dhahabī, Siyar ʾAʿlām Al-Nubalāʾ 4:326.


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Aqeedah of the Salaf:
Eemaan in Paradise and Hell &
That They Are Both Created - Abu Muhammad al-Maghribee [mp3]


[91] Ahl us-Sunnah testify and believe that Paradise and Hell are both created. They will remain eternally and the people of Paradise will never leave it. Also the inhabitants of Hell, who were created for it, will never come out of it. Death will be sacrificed on the wall between Paradise and Hell, then a call will be made that day:

“..O people of Paradise, there is eternity and no death. O people of Hell, there is eternity and no death.“

This is what is reported authentically from the Messenger of Allaah [صلى الله عليه وسلم) [107)


[107] Related by al Bukhaaree [4730,6544 – 6545,6548 ] and Muslim [2850]

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The Believers Will See Their Lord In The Hereafter

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Must watch video

‎⚠Examples of Real-Life Amulets (Polytheism)❗
‎📝Kitaab At-Towheed #19 ⁦ @1MMPGH
‎👤⁦ @1MMeducation ⁩ حفظه الله

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Aqeedah of the Salaf: The Outcome of the Slaves is Unknown - Abu Muhamamd al Maghribee [Audio|En]


The People of Hadeeth believe and testify that the end of the slave is unknown. No one knows what his end shall be. They (People of Hadeeth) do not pass judgement on a specific person that he will be from the people of Paradise or from the people of Hell, because that is something which is hidden from them. They do not know in which state a person will die, whether it is upon Islaam or unbelief, so due to this fact they say:

“Indeed we are Believers, if Allaah wills.”

That is, from those Believers who will have a good end, if Allaah wills [134]

[134] The Prophet(صلى الله عليه وسلم), said:

Do not be delighted by the actions of anyone until you see how he ends up”.

Related by Ahmad [ 3:120,223 ] and lbn Abee ‘Aasim [ 393-395 ]. The isnaad is Saheeh.

The Explanation of the Creed of the Salaf, by Imaam Abee Uthmaan Ismaa’eel bin Abdir-Rahmaan As-Saaboonee,rahimahullaah, as explained by our noble sheikh al-Allaamah Rabee’ bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee, hafidhahullaah.

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Listen and Reflect over the Speech of Allaah سُبْحَانَهُ وتَعَالَى

027. Surat An-Naml (The Ant)

[Video - Ar/En Muhsin Khan Translation]


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