English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Lists of idioms used in everyday conversational English, with their meaning. Invite Link: https://telegram.me/joinchat/AAAAAD_o0iRTdgVGUYQAJw Buy Ads: 👇👇👇 https://t.me/+MMFYrxlF-LdlOGQ0
English idiom - “just what the doctor ordered” 👩🏼⚕️
This idiom is used to express something that is exactly wanted or needed.
English idiom - “get the hang of (something)”
This idiom means to learn how to do something correctly after some practice.
English idiom - “I take it” ❔
This idiom is used to say “I assume” and is often used as a question to confirm or clarify something.
English phrasal verb - “act up”
Act up has 2 meanings.
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English idiom - “go for broke” 🎰
This idiom means to risk everything on one big effort to possibly achieve success.
English idiom - “old flame” 🔥
An old flame refers to a romantic partner from the past.
English idiom - “spin/turn/roll in (one’s) grave” 🔄🪦
This idiom is used to say that someone who is dead would be angry or upset about something happening now.
English idiom - “old flame” 🔥
An old flame refers to a romantic partner from the past.