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1. ASTONISHING (ADJECTIVE): (आश्चर्यजनक): surprising
Synonyms: impressive, amazing
Antonyms: unimpressive
Example Sentence: All his achievements are nothing short of astonishing.
2. STARTLE (VERB): (डराना): surprise
Synonyms: frighten, scare
Antonyms: put at ease
Example Sentence: A sudden sound in the doorway startled her.
3. CONCERNED (ADJECTIVE): (चिंतित): worried
Synonyms: anxious, disturbed
Antonyms: aloof
Example Sentence: The school's decision is being questioned by a group of concerned parents.
4. APPARENTLY (ADVERB): (जाहिरा तौर पर): seemingly
Synonyms: evidently, ostensibly
Antonyms: improbably
Example Sentence: The child nodded, apparently content with the promise.
5. DISMISS (VERB): (निर्वासित करना): banish
Synonyms: set aside, abandon
Antonyms: entertain
Example Sentence: It would be easy to dismiss him as all brawn and no brain.
6. SANCTION (NOUN): (दंड): penalty
Synonyms: punishment, deterrent
Antonyms: reward
Example Sentence: A range of sanctions were aimed at deterring insider abuse.
7. DISQUIET (NOUN): (बेचैनी): unease
Synonyms: uneasiness, worry
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence: There is disquiet about animal testing among general public.
8. CONSIDERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (पर्याप्त): sizeable
Synonyms: substantial appreciable
Antonyms: paltry
Example Sentence: He is in a position of considerable influence.
9. BAR (VERB): (रोकना): prohibit
Synonyms: debar, preclude
Antonyms: admit
Example Sentence: Journalists had been barred from covering the elections.
10. CONTROVERSIAL (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद): contentious
Synonyms: disputed, contended
Antonyms: uncontroversial
Example Sentence: The dispute continued to be controversial for years.
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1. PERTURBED (ADJECTIVE): (व्याकुल): anxious
Synonyms: worried, concerned
Antonyms: unworried
Example Sentence:He nodded, obviously perturbed about something.
2. ENORMOUSLY (ADVERB): (अत्यंत): very
Synonyms: extremely, exceedingly
Antonyms: moderately
Example Sentence:Quality of life varies enormously from one place to another.
3. ACCOUNTABILITY (NOUN): (जवाबदेही): responsibility
Synonyms: liability, answerability
Antonyms: unaccountability
Example Sentence:Lack of accountability damaged public respect for business and political leaders.
4. IMMORAL (ADJECTIVE): (अनैतिक): unethical
Synonyms: bad, wrongful
Antonyms: moral
Example Sentence:Her behaviour was seemingly immoral.
5. ACCREDIT (VERB): (मान्यता देना): recognize
Synonyms: license, authorize
Antonyms: ban
Example Sentence:Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training.
6. FACTION (NOUN): (विरोध): infighting
Synonyms: dissension, dissent
Antonyms: harmony
Example Sentence:Gradually, the army faction had increased.
7. LAMENT (VERB): (विलाप करना): mourn
Synonyms: sorrow, wail
Antonyms: celebrate
Example Sentence:He was lamenting the death of his infant daughter.
8. PLUNGE (NOUN): (गिरावट): fall
Synonyms: drop, tumble
Antonyms: rise
Example Sentence:The central bank declared a 76% plunge in its profits.
9. DIVINE (ADJECTIVE): (मनोरम): lovely
Synonyms: handsome, beautiful
Antonyms: mundane
Example Sentence:Her face had the most divine smile.
10. OPTIMISM (NOUN): (आशावाद): hope
Synonyms: confidence, buoyancy
Antonyms: pessimism
Example Sentence:The talks had been amicable and there were grounds for optimism.
1. SUBVERSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (विनाशक): disruptive
Synonyms: inflammatory, insurgent
Antonyms: loyal
Example Sentence:He is a a subversive creature.
2. ANXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उत्सुक): eager
Synonyms: keen, desirous
Antonyms: uninterested
Example Sentence:The company was anxious to avoid any trouble.
3. RESTORE (VERB): (पुनर्स्थापित करना): reinstate
Synonyms: put back, replace
Antonyms: abolish
Example Sentence:The government restored confidence in the housing market.
4. AID (NOUN): (सहायता): assistance
Synonyms: support, help
Antonyms: hindrance
Example Sentence:He saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid.
5. COMPACT (ADJECTIVE): (संक्षिप्त): concise
Synonyms: succinct, condensed
Antonyms: rambling
Example Sentence:He gave a compact summary of the play.
6. SEIZE (VERB): (ज़ब्त करना): grab
Synonyms: grasp, snatch
Antonyms: let go of
Example Sentence:She jumped up and seized his arm.
7. MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): spiteful
Synonyms: malevolent, hostile
Antonyms: benevolent
Example Sentence:He took a sort of malicious pleasure in irritating the monks.
8. ABYSMAL (ADJECTIVE): (अति-गहन): dreadful
Synonyms: awful, terrible
Antonyms: superb
Example Sentence:The quality of the work she does is abysmal.
9. VIOLATE (VERB): (उल्लंघन करना): contravene
Synonyms: breach, infringe
Antonyms: comply with
Example Sentence:They had violated all the terms of a ceasefire.
10. REPRIEVE (VERB): (दण्डविराम): pardon
Synonyms: spare, acquit
Antonyms: charge
Example Sentence:Under the new regime, prisoners under sentence of death were reprieved.
1. DISQUIET (NOUN): (बेचैनी): unease
Synonyms: uneasiness, worry
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:There is too much disquiet about animal testing.
2. PERSPICACITY (NOUN): (चतुराई): shrewdness
Synonyms: discernment, perception
Antonyms: stupidity
Example Sentence:The perspicacity of her remarks was quite evident.
3. AGGRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (आक्रामक): hostile
Synonyms: belligerent, bellicose
Antonyms: meek
Example Sentence:He's very uncooperative and aggressive.
4. MILD (ADJECTIVE): (हल्का): lenient
Synonyms: clement, light
Antonyms: cruel
Example Sentence:Mild criticism is of no avail.
5. DEVOTION (NOUN): (निष्ठा): loyalty
Synonyms: faithfulness, fidelity
Antonyms: disloyalty
Example Sentence:His devotion to duty never wavered.
6. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अंतरिम): provisional
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:An interim arrangement had been made.
7. DETERMINATION (NOUN): (दृढ़ निश्चय): resolution
Synonyms: resolve, will power
Antonyms: pusillanimity
Example Sentence:Those who succeed because of sheer grit and determination.
8. EMBRACE (NOUN): (अपना लेना): welcome
Synonyms: accept, take up
Antonyms: reject
Example Sentence:Besides traditional methods, artists are embracing new technology.
9. PROMPT (VERB): (उत्तेजित करना): give rise to
Synonyms: cause, occasion
Antonyms: deter
Example Sentence:The violence prompted a wave of refugees to flee the country.
10. PROFOUND (ADJECTIVE): (गहन): heartfelt
Synonyms: intense, keen
Antonyms: superficial
Example Sentence:Profound feelings of sadness sorrounded us all.
1. VIGILANCE (ADJECTIVE): (जागरूकता): surveillance
Synonyms: attentiveness, attention
Antonyms: inattentiveness
Example Sentence: Security duties that demand long hours of vigilance.
2. EXORBITANT (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक): extortionate
Synonyms: excessive, sky-high
Antonyms: reasonable
Example Sentence: Some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls.
3. CONCRETE (ADJECTIVE): (ठोस): definite
Synonyms: specific, firm
Antonyms: vague
Example Sentence: I haven't got any concrete proof of the killing.
4. DISBURSE (VERB): (व्यय करना): pay out
Synonyms: lay out, spend
Antonyms: claim
Example Sentence: $67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed.
5. INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (हस्तक्षेप करने वाले): intruding
Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive
Antonyms: low-key
Example Sentence: The reporter asked an intrusive question.
6. REPARATION (NOUN): (मरम्मत): amends
Synonyms: restitution, redress
Antonyms: impairment
Example Sentence: The courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victim.
7. PREVALENCE (NOUN): (प्रसार): currency
Synonyms: generality, pervasiveness
Antonyms: uncommonness
Example Sentence: The prevalence of sunlight led to a restriction of the windows.
8. DISCREET (ADJECTIVE): (विचारशील): careful
Synonyms: circumspect, cautious
Antonyms: indiscreet
Example Sentence: We made some discreet inquiries.
9. DEFUSE (VERB): (शांत करना): reduce
Synonyms: lessen, diminish
Antonyms: heighten
Example Sentence: The scheme taught officers how to defuse potentially explosive situations.
10. DIFFUSE (ADJECTIVE): (बिखरा हुआ): diffused
Synonyms: scattered, dispersed
Antonyms: concentrated
Example Sentence: The diffuse community which centred on the church.
1. EQUITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायसंगत): fair
Synonyms: just, impartial
Antonyms: unequitable
Example Sentence: Inida has an equitable distribution of resources.
2. CAUTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सतर्क): careful
Synonyms: wary, aware
Antonyms: incautious
Example Sentence: A driver has to be cautious always.
3. ENDORSE (VERB): (समर्थन करना): support
Synonyms: back, favour
Antonyms: oppose
Example Sentence: He earns more money endorsing sports clothes than playing football.
4. EFFECTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (वास्तविक): virtual
Synonyms: practical, essential
Antonyms: theoretical
Example Sentence: She has been under effective house arrest since September.
5. COERCE (VERB): (मजबूर करना): pressure
Synonyms: pressurize, persuade
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence: He was coerced into giving evidence.
6. EXAGGERATE (VERB): (अतिरंजना करना): overstate
Synonyms: overemphasize, overstress
Antonyms: play down
Example Sentence: He was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains.
7. CONTRARY (ADJECTIVE): (विपरीत): opposite
Synonyms: opposing, opposed
Antonyms: compatible
Example Sentence: He ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal.
8. ESCALATE (VERB): (तीव्र करना): grow
Synonyms: develop, mushroom
Antonyms: shrink
Example Sentence: The disturbance escalated into a full-scale riot.
9. CAMARADERIE (NOUN): (सौहार्द): friendship
Synonyms: comradeship, fellowship
Antonyms: enmity
Example Sentence: There is an enforced camaraderie in office life.
10. VEIL (VERB): (ढंकना): envelop
Synonyms: surround, swathe
Antonyms: unveil
Example Sentence: She's got long fair hair but she's got veils them.
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1. ALIENATE (NOUN): (पृथक करना): estrange
Synonyms: turn away, set apart
Antonyms: unite
Example Sentence: We live in an urban environment which alienates its own inhabitants.
2. DASTARDLY (ADJECTIVE): (नीचतापूर्ण): wicked
Synonyms: evil, iniquitous
Antonyms: noble
Example Sentence: While the town is sleeping, the mafia is out doing dastardly deeds.
3. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (भीषण): shocking
Synonyms: appalling, horrific
Antonyms: marvellous
Example Sentence: Copyright faces egregious abuses.
4. CALLOUS (ADJECTIVE): (निर्मम): heartless
Synonyms: unfeeling uncaring
Antonyms: kind
Example Sentence: His callous comments about the murder made me shiver.
5. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): (अस्पष्टता): ambivalence
Synonyms: equivocation, obscurity
Antonyms: transparency
Example Sentence: We can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act.
6. CONSOLIDATE (VERB): (मजबूत करना): strengthen
Synonyms: secure, stabilize
Antonyms: weaken
Example Sentence: The company consolidated its position in the international market.
7. DESPISE (VERB): (घृणा करना): detest
Synonyms: hate, loathe
Antonyms: like
Example Sentence: He despised himself for being selfish.
8. UNRAVEL (VERB): (सुलझाना): solve
Synonyms: resolve, work out
Antonyms: complicate
Example Sentence: They were attempting to unravel the cause of death.
9. PATCHY (ADJECTIVE): (असम): uneven
Synonyms: bitty, varying
Antonyms: uniform
Example Sentence: There was patchy fog in the sky.
10. DISMANTLE (VERB): (विघटित करना): take apart
Synonyms: pull apart, deconstruct
Antonyms: assemble
Example Sentence: The engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a
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Synonyms: deprived, disadvantaged
Antonyms: privileged
Example Sentence:Needy and underprivileged members of the community.
2. RELAXATION (NOUN): (रियायत):moderation
Synonyms: modification, easing
Antonyms: tightening up
Example Sentence: Relaxation was given to censorship rules.
3. FORGO (VERB): (त्यागना): do without
Synonyms: go without, give up
Antonyms: keep
Example Sentence: She wanted to forgo the tea and leave while they could.
4. TRAVAIL (NOUN): (कष्टपूर्ण परिश्रम): ordeal
Synonyms: trial, tribulation
Antonyms: comfort
Example Sentence: Advice for those who wish to save great sorrow and travail.
5. DESECRATE (VERB): (अपवित्र करना): violate
Synonyms: profane, pollute
Antonyms: venerate
Example Sentence:Not more than 300 graves were desecrated.
6. PROVOCATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तेजक): annoying
Synonyms: irritating, exasperating
Antonyms: soothing
Example Sentence: The newspaper had allowed to publish a provocative article.
7. UPHOLD (VERB): (समर्थन करना): confirm
Synonyms: endorse, sustain
Antonyms: overturn
Example Sentence: The court upheld his claim for damages.
8. SCINTILLATING (ADJECTIVE): (बहुत चमकीला): brilliant
Synonyms: dazzling, exciting
Antonyms: boring
Example Sentence: His scintillating wit was loved by the audience.
9. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): stern
Synonyms: forbidding, uninviting
Antonyms: amiable
Example Sentence:Hikers made a grim discovery when they came across a dead body in the woods.
10. CRIPPLE (VERB): (विकलांग बनाना): disable
Synonyms: paralyse, immobilize
Antonyms: able-bodied
Example Sentence:A young student was crippled for life.
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1. IMMEDIATE (ADJECTIVE): (वर्तमान-संबंधी): current
Synonyms: present, existing
Antonyms: past
Example Sentence: The immediate concern was how to avoid taxes.
2. INCURSION (NOUN): (आक्रमण): attack on
Synonyms: assault on, raid on
Antonyms: retreat
Example Sentence: In case there is an incursion into our territories, we have to repel such attacks.
3. PRECEDE (VERB): (पूर्व में होना): lead up to
Synonyms: pave the way for, set the scene for
Antonyms: follow
Example Sentence:A gun battle had preceded the explosions.
4. VANITY (NOUN): (गुमान): conceit
Synonyms: self-conceit, narcissism
Antonyms: modesty
Example Sentence: It flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him.
5. SPECIFIC (ADJECTIVE): (विशिष्ट): particular
Synonyms: specified, certain
Antonyms: general
Example Sentence: Huge savings were made to meet specific development needs.
6. NURTURE (NOUN): (लालन-पालन): upbringing
Synonyms: care, fostering
Antonyms: nature
Example Sentence: We are all what nature and nurture have made us.
7. SEIZURE (NOUN): (अभिग्रहण):confiscation
Synonyms: impounding, commandeering
Antonyms: restitution
Example Sentence:Cowed by the bold seizure of the leaders, the states of Holland submitted.
8. CONFIDE (VERB): (गुप्त रूप से बताना): reveal
Synonyms: disclose, divulge
Antonyms: keep from
Example Sentence: He confided his fears to his mother.
9. INTENSIFY (VERB): (बढ़ाना): escalate
Synonyms: boost, increase
Antonyms: lessen
Example Sentence: Eventually, the dispute began to intensify.
10. HARBOUR (VERB): (आश्रय देना): shelter
Synonyms: conceal, hide
Antonyms: hand over
Example Sentence: He was suspected of harbouring an escaped prisoner.
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1. LEGITIMATE (ADJECTIVE): (वैध): valid
Synonyms: sound, admissible
Antonyms: invalid
Example Sentence: He should at least give a legitimate excuse for being late.
2. CONVICTION (NOUN): (निश्चय): certainty
Synonyms: certitude, assurance
Antonyms: uncertainty
Example Sentence: She had been speaking for some five minutes with force and conviction.
3. INDUCE (VERB): (उत्प्रेरित करना): persuade
Synonyms: convince, get
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence: The pickets induced many workers to stay away.
4. INDUCT (VERB): (प्रतिष्ठित करना): admit to
Synonyms: allow into, introduce to
Antonyms: bar from
Example Sentence: Arrangements have been made to induct new members to the organization.
5. ACCESSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (सुगम): approachable
Synonyms: available, easy-going
Antonyms: unapproachable
Example Sentence: He is more accessible than most tycoons.
6. OVERWHELMING (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिहार्य): immense
Synonyms: profuse, enormous
Antonyms: small
Example Sentence: His party won overwhelming support.
7. INEQUALITY (NOUN): (असमानता): imbalance
Synonyms: inequity, disproportion
Antonyms: equity
Example Sentence: Social inequality is now on its peak.
8. INTEGRITY (NOUN): (अखंडता): unity
Synonyms: unification, wholeness
Antonyms: division
Example Sentence: The PM uphols territorial integrity and national sovereignty.
9. BRUTAL (ADJECTIVE): (क्रूर): savage
Synonyms: cruel, bloodthirsty
Antonyms: gentle
Example Sentence: He was accused of a brutal murder.
10. ALLUDE (VERB): (संकेत करना): suggest
Synonyms: imply, mention
Antonyms: specify
Example Sentence: Mrs. Sharma alluded to some health problems, without being specific
1. MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): spiteful
Synonyms: malevolent, hostile
Antonyms: benevolent
Example Sentence: He had been found guilty of malicious damage.
2. INAUGURATE (VERB): (आरंभ करना): initiate
Synonyms: begin, start
Antonyms: wind up
Example Sentence: He inaugurated a new policy of trade and exploration.
3. ANXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (चिंतित): worried
Synonyms: concerned, apprehensive
Antonyms: carefree
Example Sentence: She was extremely anxious about her exams.
4. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनरारंभ): restart
Synonyms: restarting, reopening
Antonyms: suspension
Example Sentence: The rain has stopped, but we're still waiting for the resumption of the game.
5. NORMALITY (NOUN): (सामान्यता): routine
Synonyms: business as usual, order
Antonyms: insanity
Example Sentence: The office gradually returned to a semblance of normality.
6. SEMBLANCE (NOUN): (दिखावा): appearance
Synonyms: approximation, show
Antonyms: difference
Example Sentence: She tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order.
7. SNARL (VERB): (फंसाना): tangle
Synonyms: entangle, entwine
Antonyms: untangle
Example Sentence: The trailing lead got snarled up in a bramble bush.
8. SPECTRE (NOUN): (भूत): ghost
Synonyms: phantom, apparition
Antonyms: body, flesh
Example Sentence: A dread of spectres and witches affected every aspect of daily life.
9. VETERAN (NOUN): (अनुभवी): old hand
Synonyms: old-timer, old stager
Antonyms: novice
Example Sentence: Napoleon was at the head of a veteran army.
10. EXPATRIATE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रवासी): emigrant
Synonyms: non-native, émigré
Antonyms: native
Example Sentence: Expatriate workers are found everywhere.
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1. TROUNCED (VERB): (फजीहत करना) :defeat heavily in a contest.
Synonyms: overcome, beat
Antonyms: surrender, preserve
Example Sentence: Sima felt that it was not possible to trounce Ram in the game.
2. REPOSE (VERB): (आराम करना): lie down
Synonyms: relax, stretch out
Antonyms: work, stress, activity
Example Sentence: When you start your banking preparation, you need to sit in repose and try to empty your mind of all thoughts.
3. LUCRATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (लाभदायक) :producing a great deal of profit.
Synonyms: profitable, bankable
Antonyms: worthless, unsuccessful
Example Sentence: Saima has a lucrative business selling designer clothes.
4. CONVOLUTED (ADJECTIVE): (लपेटा हुआ, जटिल): extremely complicated to follow.
Synonyms: complex, tangled
Antonyms: simple, straightforward.
Example Sentence: His explanations are very convoluted.
5. CLINCH (VERB): (बंधा हुआ): confirm or settle
Synonyms: secure, finalize
Antonyms: delay, disprove
Example Sentence: Lecturer clinched the documents for me.
6. PROVINCE (NOUN): (प्रांत): country, realm
Synonyms: shire, region, territory, domain
Antonyms: avocation, recreation
Example Sentence: Anu is too provincial to buy foreign products.
7. IRREFUTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अखंडनीय): impossible to deny or disprove
Synonyms: impregnable, apodictic
Antonyms: unreliable, reckless
Example Sentence: This book is irrefutable for me.
8. PALATABLE (ADJECTIVE): (स्वादिष्ट) :of food or drink pleasant to taste
Synonyms: appetizing, luscious
Antonyms: unpleasant, insipid
Example Sentence: The dish was not tasty but look more palatable.
9. INTANGIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (न छुने योग्य):unable to be touched
Synonyms: impalpable, phantom, abstract
Antonyms: real, physical, actual
Example Sentence: We felt an intangible presence in the auditorium.
10. BRUISE (VERB): (कुचलन, चोट): hurt (someone's feelings).
Synonyms: upset, offend, peeve
Antonyms: compliment, adorn
Example Sentence: The bruise on his leg was deep purple and was easily visible.
1. RHETORIC (NOUN): (भाषण कला): oratory
Synonyms: eloquence, power of speech
Antonyms: quiet, conciseness
Example Sentence: He is using a common figure of rhetoric, hyperbole.
2. ARROGATE (VERB): (हथियाना): seize
Synonyms: assume, take over
Antonyms: renounce
Example Sentence: She arrogated the leadership role to herself.
3. CAPRICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मनमौजी): inconstant
Synonyms: fickle, unstable
Antonyms: stable, consistent
Example Sentence: I am careful in speech words with people that have shown capricious behaviour.
4. INDISCREET (ADJECTIVE): (असावधानीपूर्ण): unwise
Synonyms: imprudent, irresponsible
Antonyms: careful, prudent
Example Sentence: We made no indiscreet inquiries.
5. PERTURB (VERB): (घबड़ा देना): worry
Synonyms: upset, unsettle
Antonyms: reassure, calm
Example Sentence: They were perturbed by her bold behaviour.
6. FOLLY (NOUN): (मूर्खता): foolishness
Synonyms: stupidity, idiocy
Antonyms: wisdom, intelligence
Example Sentence: Talking unnecessarily is an act of folly.
7. BOTTLENECK (NOUN): (बाधा): jam
Synonyms: barrier, hindrance
Antonyms: aid, assistance
Example Sentence: Animated films still face bottlenecks.
8. DEPLOY (VERB): (तैनात करना): post
Synonyms: move, move
Antonyms: concentrate
Example Sentence: The forces were deployed at strategic locations.
9. . DETRIMENTAL (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक): dangerous
Synonyms: harmful, hurtful
Antonyms: benign, beneficial
Example Sentence: Recent policies have been detrimental to the interests of many old people.
10. MALEVOLENT (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): malicious
Synonyms: spiteful, evil-minded
Antonyms: benevolent, charitable
Example Sentence: He smiled and looked at me with his malevolent eyes.
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